Chapter 7 - The Written Contract

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Inside the bathroom, Courtney is silently screaming her lungs out because of the turned out event. Her imagination turns into reality and she doesn't need to convince her parents about Ben. She's happy that she gets to marry the guy she's been dreaming even though it's for temporary. As soon as she was done with her business, she washed her hand and dried it. She was about to pull the door when she heard Ben calling her name. She acknowledged it and they walked to the direction of Ben's office.

"Hey bro! Oh – hi to you too!" Eric greeted them after seeing them opening the door.

"Hi." Courtney bashfully replied.

"Eric, meet Courtney, that's my brother I'm talking about." Ben introduced them

"Oh, I see. Nice to meet you Eric." Courtney smiled at him.

"Same here sister-in-law." Eric made sure to stretch the word that he knew perfectly she won't deny or reject.

"Let's take a sit, come on." Ben held Courtney's elbow that did not pass Eric's eyes.

"My best guess is you agreed with the plan right?" Eric is certain on that.

"Yes, it's a win-win situation for us, right Ben?" Courtney eyed Ben.

"It is, now do us a favor and get out of the office. We need to discuss the contract." Ben patted his brother's shoulder.

"I can stay, it's my idea anyway." Eric didn't badge.

"Nope, you can't be here. This is purely business so if you'll excuse us we need to talk professionally." Ben disapproved.

"Wait, you're going to fuck each other's brain, aren't you?! Damn you're too fast brother." Eric earns a smacked on the head from Ben.

"Keep that thought to yourself Enrico. You are making Courtney uncomfortable!" Ben shooed his brother who is currently sitting on the chair.

"Alright – alright, relax – no need to be abusive." Eric grabbed his coat on the chair.

Courtney can't help but admire how strong their bond is and she is in fact envious of that since she didn't have any siblings. Sometimes she wished she's not an only child at least her parents attention will be divided equally.

"Go check the staffs outside or do something resourceful." Ben bossed his brother.

"Don't forget to the protection!" Eric yelled on the way out.

"Asshole! Out!" Ben pushed him out the door.

"Okay okay, I'm going." Eric put his hands on the air as sign of surrender while smiling.

"I'm sorry about that my brother, he can be insane most of the times." Ben saw Courtney is still flustered.

"No worries. I actually enjoyed the banter that you too have." Courtney speaks after composing herself.

"Don't you have any sibling?" Ben probed.

"I'm an only child." Courtney answered truthfully.

"Lucky you." Ben took some blank paper and two pens on his drawer.

"You'll be surprise to hear that it's not easy being an only child. Take it from me." Courtney accepted the paper and pen.

"What can I say you're expert on that matter?" Ben heads to his own espresso machine.

"So how do we start the contract?" Courtney sat comfortably on the couch.

"We can both write our conditions and discuss it, what you think?" Ben suggested while making a coffee.

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