OC #3- the queen of not getting over something

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Name: Alexa Sosa Costa

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual

Species: Human

Personality: Alex is a strong willed spirit who loves to help others. If she sees someone getting made fun of or bullied, she will either directly confront the person who's bullying another or go find an adult to deal with the situation. She's introverted except for when she is online since it's easier to talk to others when you can't see who it is you're speaking to. She is pretty submissive and has trouble standing up for herself even in times of danger. When threatened or stressed, she gets physically sick like getting stomach bugs or colds. She is always trying to look on a bright side if there is one. When given a problem, she stops but nothing to find a solution even if there isn't one. She is skittish and scared of loud noises to a point she cry's when it's too loud. She is worried about her looks since in her modern society, you can be judged for the smallest things. She is usually happy when with dogs or her family and friends. And she never, I repeat, NEVER accepts the fact she needs to let go of things



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Likes: Alex loves all kinds of dogs

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Likes: Alex loves all kinds of dogs. Especially Newfoundland's. She is a major fan of meat and coffee along with sugar and cooking. She prefers silver over gold unless a dog is a blonde dog. She loves jeans and almost any kind of sweatshirt. Her favorite plants is the venous Flu trap and her favorite crystal is either amethyst or Rose quarts

Dislikes: Everything about her father. Most Hispanic foods she has childhood trauma from which makes her stomach hurt when she looks at it. She isn't a fan of cats as much as she used to be, she is absolutely terrified of spiders that can bite her, she hates when everything she gets is handed to her on a silver platter

Fears: she's scared of her dad in every way. She's scared of being beat and people touching her without her permission. She is always worried about her dogs getting hurt and she's scared of being taken away from her mother

Family: Mary (mother), Tony (father), Gabriella/gabby (older sister)

Death(s) in their family?: none (sadly)

Where they live:

Backstory: Alex was born into a family of three

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Backstory: Alex was born into a family of three. Everything was alright until she started to need less attention and she gained more of her own personality. Her love for her father soon turned into confusion and worry for her own safety, but she didn't know anything's so she thought that everything was normal. A few years passed of abuse and manipulation before she starts to see what she couldn't when she was little. Her father would beat her sister if she didn't do something simple and Alex would get yelled at if her sister did something she wasn't supposed to. One of the worst things was when she was ten and she had been forced to eat food she had previously thrown up on. After this incident, she started to notice more things. Late by a minute to meet with her father? It's her fault she didn't set an alarm even if she did and it was just taking a while to leave. Kitchen absolutely smell like beer? I'm just being paranoid. Has a single thought he doesn't like? It's her mothers fault. But what made it click that her childhood wasn't Normal was when he actively started saying the state law doesn't apply while with him. This lead to serious issues and she ended up in therapy due to how hard it was to deal with everything on her own. She's been in therapy for two years now and was diagnosed with PTSD. She copes by helping others with their issues

Other: Alex recently started into Paganism and uses crystals and her dog familiar to deal with her issues if she doesn't want to talk to anyone. She plays Violin and flute as well since her school offered lessons and she wanted to do something productive with her life. She has half of her blood originating in Hispanic lands while her other half is English. If she were to have a theme song, this is what it would be-


Scenario 1: this is made for a romance role play! So, you and Alex have been friends for quite a while now. She hasn't seen much change except for that you two seem to be getting closer and closer. On Valentine's Day, your class does a gift exchange and she gives a prized possession of hers. It was an old cat toy. What do you do?

Scenario 2: make it up!

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