Machine One

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We decided to look for where Galaxy was living before, and when we finally it there was nothing there. Galaxy wasn't either. I guess Illusion moved him out of here. The dirt houses and campfire were long gone now, but the empty space would be perfect for us to use.

I looked at the Overseer. He has very dark blue Clothing. He wore a dark blue shirt and pants with something like a robe on him, except it had no good like most would. The robe went down to his knees. His skin was a dark blue, not as dark as his clothes, but still dark. His hair was nicely done and kind of poofy. He was taller than me, but not by a lot.

"Well, Galaxy isn't here anymore." I sigh. I did hope he was still here. So we could work with him too... it was a small hope though.

"That's okay. I'm willing to help you with whatever I can." His voice was deep and calm. Like a strong Leader's voice. At the same time gentle. He has always been a good leader to others. I can too, I just don't want to be most of the time. I always seem to mess things up. I tend to only be good and lead people into battle.

"Thanks. I'm just happy to see you again." Did I already say that? Probably. We did talk for a while as we took the few miles to walk here. I was surprised we got here so quickly. Scratch that- how we even find this place again, oh well.

"So what are we going to do for the machine?" He asks. Even though he is the leader of The Steves he doesn't know much about what's going on. I did my best to answer any questions he had, but it was still hard to understand all at once.

"I have a few ideas in mind, but first I think I should learn more about it." I am looking for a good area to start building the machine. One that was out in the open, but not too close to the trees or too close in the middle.

"What do you need to know? The symptoms?" He questions me.

"No, how it works. If we know how it works we might learn it's a weakness or where its origin is from." Those are the basics to curing something at least.

"Origin?" I think he thinks that I am talking about Origin Steve. Thankfully he is dead that's to the Hypno Steve who is dead too, I don't know his story. He was an odd character. He seemed to know a lot about me, but I'd never seen him before up to that point.

"Yeah. Like where it came from." Overseer nods a little. I start to build the machine. I place down the blocks first of where to do the pistons. Two different areas for two different people. Me and the Overseer. I also made sure the base was filled with iron blocks as a gold block center.

Once the pistons were done I started to do the redstone around each piston making sure they could each act on their own. Finally, I connected the machine. I made sure the flow of the redstone went to the left piston. The area where the Overseer will be locked in. So I can look at him, but he can't look at me.

I can't let them see who I really am a Code Jumper... A power freak... A dying species- no a dead one... I'm the last one and for some reason the leader... The leader of no one except myself... They can't ever know. If they did...who knows what they would do with me? Use me? Treat me as a power source. Just like he did... the first person I ever told-...

That life ended very quickly after I told him what I was. I can't trust anyone, not even my best friends from past lives or the one I am currently living in.

"Sabre!" I hear the Overseer say to me. Waving his hand over my face.

"Oh sorry, I guessed I spaced out there," I said trying to act as if my thoughts weren't getting the best of me.

"You were shaking and squeezing your wrist." I looked down at my right hand to see that I was squeezing my wrist with my left hand. A bad habit I do to myself. It helps me relax.

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