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Remember when I said this book would be Swapfell my own interpretation?

There are alot of words

Well, here are the details I want to put in, these details may or may not be original, they were my thoughts, but perhaps not original ideas. So hopefully they are still good ideas.

The most challenging parts in the story were the following.

-1: Its a Swap universe, but that involves alot of details the fandom would confuse you about, like Snowdin.

In Undertale its Snowdin, but in Underswap, some people say its still Snowdin, while others say its Sunndout(?), which is a clever pun but still confusing.

Then other locations like Hotlands and Waterfall.

So in the end, I chose to swap the general climate of Snowdin, Waterfall and Hotlands.

Since Swapfell Alphys doesn't live near the core, she will reside in the hottest part of the underground. Litterally.

The home of Alphys and Hapstablook is now called Pyro Marsh....

...this was a bad idea now that I think about it.

So where is the core found? Instead of Hotlands, we now have Tundra, located near the Frozen Core.

So where does Sans and Papyrus live?

Well, Hotlands and Snowdin's climates are taken, so now we have Waterfall as Snowdin.

So now we have Raindin.

So Raindin, Pyro Marsh and Tundra.

I decided to keep the Ruins, Castle, Judgement Hall and barrier the same.

But locations were only part of the problem in swap universes.

-1.5: Every Character
Of course I couldn't swap every character. There are way too many!
But Here are all... ...some of the many Character swaps besides the main cast. Some characters won't swap roles with others but instead just... will be adjusted.

But seriously I might revert some of these changes if they become horrible

Here are some of the many characters that won't swap besides their adjustments

-The rabbits and Dogs
-Dummy to Dummy(Was tempted to write Smarty but that wouldn't maje sense)
-Mad to Glad Dummy
-The snails?(The ones near the ghost)
-Fuku Fire and her friend?(Might still just swap the two with each other)
-Jerry(Imma ignore him)

-Toby? Screw it, lets make him a cat for no reason.

And some of the many characters that will be swapped.

-Burgerpants with Nice Cream Guy
-Bratty and Catty with Royal Guards 01 and 02
-Temmies with Bloomies(I'll get to this in a second)
-Flowey with Plushie
-Heats with that rope flame guy
-That So sorry gal with the other secret monster?
-The father birdflake and Son birdflake

-2: How the fuck can I make this work.

Answer: It doesn't.

(Author's note: These are horrible descriptions and the stats are trash ideas)
And now onto the main Chara-cters!

And to stop this Chara-de, we will start with Chara!

Chara: I like puns but stop making them about me =(

Oh... I won't though

Chara: >=(

(In case ya couldn't tell, there is too much info to put. Not to mention the worst descriptions ever)

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