mothra 2019:well this is nice
godzilla 2019:anyways gipsy can you about you
gipsy:well my dad is gipsy danger my mom is murder witch
mothra 2019:how about you saber
saber:idk my dad is crimson typhoon and i don,t know my mom
gipsy:anyways how about you mothra i heard your owner....
godzilla:you dare to talk my girlfriend like that
gipsy:not really
*godzilla do the scream*
mothra 2019:god can you chill
sorry gipsy he is always angry
saber:gipsy chill chill chill
godzilla: *groans*
gipsy:you are dead
both:gipsy god chill!
mothra:saber run
saber:get cover.
mothra:this is to much they are gonna destroy them self
mothra:can you stop fighting? huh huh huh
gipsy/saber:is godzilla always angry
mothra:yes so sorry guys byeto be continued