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Chapter 1: Caught

Empty, cold December streets seemed almost barren. Everything had an odd sense of still to it. It didn't even sound like a noise could be heard except for the beating of a tell-all heart. Abigail wrapped her arm around her body as if she could protect herself against the elements, she chided herself. Who else could feel lonely in a big city? Her insides felt like they would burst into flames at any given second. She needed some kind of release. The darkness around her only added to her heightened awareness. She really shouldn't be walking down a seclusive road in the middle of the night, especially alone, but that was how she preferred it.

Her body seemed to self consciously know where it was going. Her long spindly legs carrying her through some of the rougher parts of town. She kept going despite the fear that was in her chest. It was better to keep moving, instead of standing around paying attention. She knew the risk when she was leaving. A girl couldn't walk anywhere in the dead of night without being stalked, especially here in this city. As if on cue, she could feel eyes preying upon her every step. Her finger slid into her pocket, fingers playing with the cool metallic of a pocket knife that she had gotten a few years back. She never had to use it before. 

She cursed herself. She knew that she should have just stayed at home, but she had to get out. She just had to. The increasing tumultuous pressure in her stomach only increased with the fear that was seeping out of her pores. Whoever was following her, was closing in. She didn't have to turn around to know that they had closed the distance. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and her back tingled. Mustering up her courage she swung around, holding her knife so tightly in her hand that the metal bit into her palm. " Listen here buddy-" she began, but there was no one there.

Sliding her hand back in her pocket, she didn't let go of her knife. Suddenly, with a sigh of relief she heard a steady thump in the air. That could only mean one thing. Turning a corner, she was met with a line of people waiting outside the door. Every time one would enter, a steady stream of loud house music would escape. A rave. Perfect. Abigail took a deep breath and melted into the crowd by the door, following them inside. This was just the place that she wanted to be. Surrounded by oblivious people and music that would drown out her very thoughts. It was a chaotic piece of heaven.

The D.J started playing a T.Mills song as she walked through the crowd. Bodies were pressing and rubbing against each other, a coupling of sweat and glitter. Hips to hip, crashing to the beat. There was almost a tangible heat of all the packed bodies. Girls wearing obscene and bright colored clothes, boys with tattoos and snap backs clutching at them, hands trailing where they probably shouldn't have been. Abigail didn't exactly fit the bill of all those girls. Instead of brightly colored or bleached, her hair was dark as night. Her blue eyes nearly as dark as her hair, but not quite. She had always been tall and spindly, "all legs" as her family had always said. 

Her stomach was doing rolls again. " Shit." She nearly hissed, though she couldn't hear herself over the steady thump of the music. A few girls that she recognized from her school walked past her and gave her a look that clearly said " What's that loser doing here?" They had pegged her for either an antisocial bitch or just socially awkward. Neither of which were true. If they knew the real reason they probably wouldn't even get anywhere remotely near her. It was also part of the reason that she loved coming to these raves.

Another reason walked in through the door. Her eyes immediately were captivated by a figure that parted the crowd like Moses parted the Red Sea. He was towering, standing at what seemed like six foot three. He was lean, but incredibly tone. Moss green eyes were scanning the room with a wicked edge of apathy. One hand thoughtlessly roused up a shag of dark blonde hair that slightly curled a bit at the ends. He emanated a kind of unnerving authority. " Ashland!" someone called from the crowd, but the guy didn't even brake his stride. 

She let out a low whistle as girls immediately followed after. That was how it always went. Abigail scoped the room, and immediately her eyes fell on a guy that was half leaning on the wall. His face was adorned with a sloppy grin, a red plastic cup in one hand. Whatever he was drinking was sloshing out the side with every slight nod that he was doing to the music. Abigail sauntered over to him, shooting him a winning smile. " Hey." She mouthed, knowing she would be drowned out by the music anyway. She gave him a brilliant smile.

" Hey!" He mouthed back. He reeked of achohol. She touched his arm lightly, then pointed to the stairs. A wide grin appeared on his face and he tossed his beer to the side and followed after her. He was on her heels the whole way. As they reached the landing, most of the music was nothing more than a slight thud and the hallways were empty.For that, this time, she was glad. " I'm Abigail, what's your name?" She asked looking up at him intently. He was cute. He had a boyish face and a nice smile. " Brandon." He said, a grin appearing. "'re cute Brandon." Abigail said as she rubbed up his forearms and pulled him closer.

" You are too, Abigail." He said, slurring slightly. It was kinda endearing really. She leaned up and brushed her lips agianst his. He immedietly responded, hands encompassing around her waist, pulling her up for a better kiss. She had to admit, for being drunk, he was still a damned good kisser. " Mmm..." she murmered, burying her face against the crook of his neck. She breathed lightly against his neck, pressing soft kisses. His hands fingered the hem of her shirt, pulling at it a little. His bare hand rested against the naked skin on her back. She was put off a little by how right the arrangement felt, but shoved that thought away before she could dwell on it.

He leaned over to press a kiss to the side of her head, his hands moving up a long her bare back. Her kisses trailed over the hollow of his throat, and without any warning, she sunk her teeth in. The metallic taste of his blood exploded like a sweet rush in her mouth and she nearly moaned. From under her grasp, she could feel his body jackknife straight. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense. Her hold on him didn't falter as her mouth was firmly attached to his neck, letting his blood pool up in her mouth and the back of her throat. God, it tasted so good. How long had it been since she had drank from someone? It was almost a month ago. No wonder she had been so on edge and paranoid lately.

She kept drinking and drinking only acutely aware that Brandon was starting to go limp in her arms, all the fight out of him. She was so distracted she didn't even realize the door swing open. " What the fuck!" Someone barked from the doorway. Her eyes widened and she shoved Brandon away from her, wiping at her blood stained mouth. Losing his balance, he collapsed in a heap on the floor, a small stream of blood coating his neck. Ashland Evers was standing in the doorway, looking at her with cold, apprehensive green eyes. Oh. Shit. 

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