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Chapter 1

Mark came and slapped me on the back. I turned around to face him. He beamed.

"Haley! You're coming to the skateboarding meet today right?" I smiled back. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything." I replied. 

"Yeah bro. Show some cool stunts to those guys. I'm itching to show you off." He said, punching his fist  to mine before walkiing. "See you later Hale!" He called over his shoulder.

I sighed. This was my life. Go to school, hang out with the coolest jocks, but still no girl was jealous of me. Why? Because I was a tomboy. I didn't mind this life, but still somewhere. I was still a girl. I mean, come on, I still had the girly parts. 

I walked on towards my house, continuously checking my watch. I had to get home early and finish my homework before I went to the skateboarding meet. Oh yeah, I was the good student, one who always pleased the teachers and got a straight A. Suddenly I remembered that I had to get barbecue sauce from the store. Shit. How could I have forgotten? 

I hurried, trying to spot any store. After walking on for ten more minutes, I finally spotted a store. I trudged inside. Going to the sauce section, I quickly scanned the shelves for the barbeque sauce. I checked my watch. Uh oh. 4 pm. I had to meet the gang at 5. I grabbed the sauce and marched down the aisle. When suddenly....

BAM! I bumped into someone. I looked up, ready to apologise. But the words never came out. Because I was staring right into the face of my crush, Zack. He looked up too, and muttered a small sorry. Then he saw properly and recognised me. 


I went bright red.

"Oh h-hii Zack." I stuttered. 

He smiled, showing his white teeth. Sigh. So perfect. "What brings you here?"

I held up my sauce. "Having a barbeque tomorrow." I couldn't meet his eye, because I knew if I did, I would blush like a tomato. And tomboys don't blush. 

He towered above me, his brown hair sticking out of the cap he was wearing. "Well then, I have to go. Mom calling. I'll see you around."

"Sure." I replied, still looking down. As soon as I heard his footsteps becoming softer, I looked up. Okay, he's gone. I let out a sigh of relief, making a whoosh sound as I did so. 

I paid up for the sauce and headed again towards my house, My heart was still beating violently from the encounter with Zack. He was in my school, but we never talked much. In fact, I never ever did. He was always the one starting the conversations, if you could call them that. Anyway, back on the track. I always knew him as the cute skateboarder. He knew me as Hale the tomboy. We met sometimes at the skateboarding meet, but that was it. 

I was raised by my brother and dad. I had never seen my mom, but rumours were that she had run away. These rumours had erupted because one day she had just disappeared from the house, leaving a note saying, I'll be back soon. 

But she never came back.  

 I was like my dad's second son. I played sports and hung around with my brother's friends, quickly learning to call each 'bros'. Hence, I had become the tomboy. 

But sometimes. Just sometimes. I just wish I was a normal girl. 

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