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Hi, my name is Joe. I live, or rather lived in Kansas, now I live in a spaceship. Sounds pretty cool but really it sucks, i spend my days teaching an alien to play chess. The Alien has two eyes no nose or ears he is purple. Also he is horrible at chess.

"Okay, now it's my turn," i said to him patiently. Bob, thats what ill call him, he made a move that flipped me around. Check mate, oh man i just lost to a newbie. "You were surprised." Bob stated, he spoke with no emotion. "Yes, I was" I sighed.

He took me to the window, at earth. It was burning, the whole planet looked like it was covered in napalm. I was crying, at that moment I jumped at him and pummled my fists into his face. Again and again, until there was barely anything left, just green blood and pulp. I stood up, and looked at my hands they were green, green like grass. I had my revenge, for Earth and for the anal probe, for everything. I started laughing, not a normal laugh, rather a laugh of insanity.

I was free. Oh what a relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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