The Diamond Ocean

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I have heard of a sea, a sea of riches far beyond the ocean of sands as hot as a thousand suns. I saw a group leave to find it and they never did return, I want to be the next to leave in search of the sea of riches. I want to find something beyond the desert  to prove there's something else out there. I will make wings! Than the heat will never touch me! That is what I  am doing today, I'm presenting my flying machine to the elders and I hope they'll approve my request to go out into the desert soon, so I can show them!

They said no, can you believe them?! they said "the machine may work" which of course it will! and then they were like "we can't let you leave if you made this" and i'm like "I'll show you!" and they were like "we will not allow you to leave" and I'm like "WATCH ME" and than I left the room. Creepy part is this guy followed me out and followed me all the way to my home and into my room and when I went out to test my flight machine(with a backpack chock full of reserves and water) he followed. 'I 'm getting out of here', I thought,'and he's not going to follow me into the desert!'. Even if the guy does follow me into the desert, he won't survive long.

He did follow me and he really didn't survive long, man he really wasn't ready for the heat OR when I took off. I get why he didn't stay, better to die early than get tortured for losing me, poor guy, to have to look after me, to have to make sure I don't leave when I can fly while he can't.

OK, It's been a day and I see something shiny on the desert floor I'm not going to check it though, cause no way it a sea of riches, it looks like a forest made of metal . . . anyway beyond the weird forest, I think I see a glimmer of water on the horizon! 'Hurry, Hurry, HURRY!!!' I thought 'I MUST HURRY!'. 

                                                                           }THE NEXT DAY{

I have gotten there and it's BEAUTIFUL!!! take the CLEANEST, BLUEST lake you know and turn it into an ocean THAN make it EVEN MORE BLUE and make it EVEN CLEANER!!!!! good thing I brought my fishing rod . . . lets see what I'll catch here! OH! right, I need to collect a sample of the water AND I'll need water for my journey back home . . . hmm, maybe I WON'T go back home! I'll stay HERE!I'll have everything I need, fresh water, food cause I can go fishing (I brought LOTS of spares, and LOTS of spare string) and I can probably find a cave close to the ocean shore and maybe there's lots of TREASURE because the story always told of a sea of riches so I'm going treasure hunting! Treasure Hunting at The Diamond Ocean!

                                                                                     THE END

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