The crash

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(Josh POV)
I hopped into my car and turned it on. I was going to see Jake again. It has been about 2 weeks and he is still not waking up and the nurses don't know when he will wake up. I drove off after pugging my phone in which was about to die. I was driving down the road hen I was lost in thought thinking about Jake when I went to take the turn I rammed into the telephone pole smashing up my side of the car. My head hit really hard into the steering wheel and my air bag went off and I black out for a sec. I could see glass and blood coming from my hand and my arm was stuck. A lady come over to my door. "You ok in there I called 911" The lady said. It took a lout if breath the speak. A few minutes later the fire department was here with the jaws of life getting my door open. The EMT pulled me out putting me in a stretcher then into their truck. "Can you tell me your name son" The guy asked. I took a deep breath telling the guy my name was Josh. "Ok josh where does it hurt" The guy asked. My arm and chest I said taking another breath. "Ok we are almost to the Hospital then you can get a X-ray" The guy said putting a breathing tube on me. When we got to the hospital they rushed me in right away. A nurse came over to me after the EMT guys talked to her and she wheeled me off to X-ray. They took X-rays of arm and chest then they put me in a room and the doctor came in. "Hello Josh I'm doctor Tay" He said. I looked at him and he sat in a chair. "It looks like your arm is broken and some of your ribs are broken and your hand will need stitches so some nurses will come in and get you all sordid out alright " Dr. Tay said. I just nodded and he walked out and a nurse came in with a little box. "Hello Josh I'm nurse Jay and I will be doing your stitches" She said. She came over to me and put some numbing gel on my hand then got out the needle and thread. "With the numbing gel this won't hurt" Nurse Jay said. She started to do the stitches which did not hurt. When she was done she put some cream on my stitches then cover it was an ace bandage. "All done and now another nurse will come in to do your arm" Nurse Jay said. Ok I said watching her take her things and leave. "Knock knock can I come in" This guy said. Um yah I said and he walled in. "Im Nurse James" He said walking over to me with a cart. "Ok I'm going to put a cast on your arm I only have 3 colors yellow pink and blue" Nurse James said. Um ok I guess then yellow "alright" Nurse James said. He put a a sock like thing on my arm then cut a hole for my hand. He dipped the yellow tape in water then put it on my cast and kept doing it till it was build up big. "All done that's it" Nurse James said . What about my ribs I asked. "There is not much you can do but i do have a pillow you can push against your ribs when you cough it was help a little but they will heal on their own" Nurse James said hading me a pillow. "Anything else" Nurse James asked. Can I go see my boyfriend Jake Smith in ICU I asked. "Well you will have to check with your nurse on this floor but I can go get her" Nurse James said. Ok and he walked out the door and second later a lady came in. "Hello Josh I'm nurse Haley" Hi I said. "What was your question" Nurse Haley asked. Can I go see my boyfriend Jake Smith in ICU ? "You don't need any more care but you must go in a wheel chair" Ok and she walked out to get a wheel chair then came back with it and I got into it with her help. Nurse Haley pushed me up to ICU. When we got out of the elevator I could see Mrs. Smith. "Honey what happen to you" Mrs. Smith asked. I hit a telephone pole with my car. "Oh my does your mom know" Mrs. Smith asked. Yes my nurse told her and she will be here when she get out of work. "Ok so you here to see Jake" Mrs. Smith asked. Um yes if that is ok. "Oh yes you can go see him" Mrs. Smith said. My nurse said bye to me and went back down. Mrs. Smith Wheeled me into the room and over to Jake. "I'll leave you two alone" Mrs. Smith said walking out. Hey Jake it's me Josh I got into a car crash. I'm ok but I wish you would wake up. I took Jake's hand with my good one and started to cry. I still miss you Jake. Please do wake up for me please. I must have fallen asleep cause my mom was there. "Honey time to get you home looks like you had a rough day" Mom said. I wiped my tears and mom took me home. Why did I hand to get in a car crash?

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