Monday morning

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(Jake PROV)
I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm and sat up rubbing the crust out of my eyes. Ug another start to the school week. More bulling to be happen. I yawned then got up heading to the bathroom and turning the water on. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror and saw all the scars I have all over my body and pulled my pants off getting into the water. The warm water felt great on my hurting body and for a moment I forgot about what was going on in life till my mom yelled snapping me out of it. "Jake you going to be late if you don't come down" mom yelled. So I got out and dried off getting ready. I put on a grey hoodie and black skinny jeans then did my hair just running the brush through it. When I was done I went down stairs and took a piece of toast for the road and grabbed my backpack walking out the door. Bye mom I yelled walking down the steps. "Bye honey have a nice day" mom said. I walked down the road and over to the dreadful school. I was not looking forward to the beatings I will be getting once I walk into the building. I opened the door and did not see James so I ran for it to my locker but James and his boys were standing there. "Just the guy I was looking for" James said. What do you want James? "It's what Mike wants" James said snapping his finger and Mike's fist came flying into my stomach making me fall over onto the ground in pain. "Fool" Mike said spitting on the ground. "Ha" James laughed smiling at me evilly. "Tanner your up next" James said. This really buff looking guy came over to me and boy was he mad looking. "This is going to hurt" Tanner said. Then he picked me up and threw me against the lockers and my head hit real hard and I screamed out in pain. "Ok boys I think we did enough" James laughed walking away with his boys. It was hard to get up my head and stomach hurt real bad but I managed to get to the bathroom. I pulled out of my backpack a silver shinny blade and started to cut my wrist crying. No one cares about me. They would not care if I went and killed myself. I hate Monday Mornings.

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