Chapter 1: Trouble on the first day

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"Mallory! Wake up honey!" mom yelled out to me. I groaned and rolled over and held my pillow to my head. I was slowly falling asleep when I heard footsteps pounding up the steps. I shot up in bed and got into a defensive stance.
"Where are you?" I mind-link my parents, who just so happen to be the Alpha and Luna of the biggest,strongest, most feared pack in North America, The Blood Moon Pack.
It had been over 3 minutes and they still hadn't mind-linked me back. My doorknob twists slowly and I brace myself and get ready to fight. The door finally cracks open and I sigh in relief as my mother and father come into my room. "What the hel-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as my mom pulled me into a hug. "Happy birthday baby girl!" She squealed into my ear. I pulled back and gave her a half-hearted smile, today is my 18th birthday and the day I Mallory Anne Michaels will find my mate. I'm horrified at the thought of finding my mate. I don't want the heartache. Being that close to someone is terrifying. You're vulnerable, and your heart is fully open to them, and what if they break you? What do you do then? I also got my wolf to look out for. She's as nervous as me and being one of the most powerful wolves on the planet she needs to keep her strengths up and cannot tell her secret. Only our pack know of her power. "Honey? Is everything okay?" My dad asks slowly, concern lacing his voice. I run up and hug him "everything's fine" I whisper and kiss them both on the cheek before going to take a shower. In the shower I wash myself with my favourite raspberry and honeycomb body wash and conditioner and shampoo, shave my legs and then get out. I grabbed my fluffy white towel and dried myself off before I draped it around my body and stood in front of the mirror. I had blood red hair that reached my waist, deep sea green eyes and olive skin. I examined the freckles under my eyes and dimple in my right cheek. My mother says I'm very lucky because I get my blood red hair from her and my tan from my dad but my green eyes are from...well, me I guess. Today is the day I will find my mate, the day I turn 18, and the day I start at a new school. After I got dressed in my sports bra and leggings I went on a run in my human form and worked out in the gym for a good two hours it was 8:00am and I had to get to school. I mentally groaned at the fact of a starting a new school. I had to leave my old school because of a rogue attack and I was the main target. I ran upstairs to the fourth floor of the pack house. I live in my mansion with my parents and the pack house is out the back and it's got 6 floors, a gym, a swimming pool, a library and a lot of apartments for the people in our pack. We have about 700 people in our pack and 300 stay in the pack house while others live outside the pack house but still on our territory. As I walk past people the elders and young ones bow their heads in respect as the boys stare lustfully at my body. I have a six pack and am very strong. I'm not fat with muscle but I am strong and lean and can take down 15 rogues in my human form if not more. Finally I come across Riley's room. Riley is the packs cutest little pup. He's only about 4 but is the smartest little cookie and shamefully one of my bestest buddies. "Heya mal! Happy birfday!" He cried and ran into my arms. God he's so adorable. "Hey Riles! Thank you. So do you wanna ride to kindy today?" I ask softly. "No fank you, Danny said you wuld most likely hit a burdy" he looked up at me innocently, tears swelling in his eyes " I don wanna kill burdy!" He screamed as I watch his face scrunch up in horror. I couldn't help but laugh at his adorable ness but oh god was Danny gonna get it! I don't care if he's Riles older brother and my best friend, I'm gonna slap that boy silly. "Hey hey don't cry it's okay. You don't have to kill burdy. Don't worry. " I reassured him "oh and I think I saw your mommy making choc chip pancakes !" I whispered and watched his face light up. He ran out of the room and downstairs. I sighed and quickly ran back to my room and took another shower. Once I was done I walked into my walk in closet and picked out my favourite Nirvana tank top, black skinny jeans and my black combat boots. I did light makeup with mascara lip gloss and blush and let my hair fall naturally to my hip in a cascade of curls. I looked in the mirror and nodded my head in approval. I quickly grabbed my tight leather jacket that made me look sexy/badass and put it on and jumped on my beautiful new metallic black MV Agusta F4CC I got as an early birthday present. I think ill name him Pitch. I revved the engine and it purred nicely. I soon took off for school and I felt so free. I pulled up into Kingston high my new school and watched amused at all the curious faces. I took off my helmet and revealed myself only to get envious glares from the girls and lust-full looks from the boys. As I walked towards the administration office I was met with various comments like "ew she must be a whore" "holy shit Jessica is she prettier than me" "she looks like a freaking model! Lucky bitch" from the girls and "holy shit I'd tap that! Damn" "I would bang that for a while. She's hot as fuck" "dayum I could wake up to that sexy ass everymorning". When I finally reached the office I smiled politely at the school administrator and bowed my head in respect as I realised it was the Luna of my neighbouring pack, the Silver Woods Pack. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Luna" I said lifting my head. Truth be told I had seen the Luna of Silver Wood pack but hadn't been introduced formally. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, you know Mallory you're a very special wolf" she bowed her head. What? She said I was special... How does she know? My mother and father are very close with the other packs so I guess they must have informed them of my
wolf and my powers. Need me to elaborate? Well when I was born I was blessed by the moon goddess herself to be an Elemental wolf. This means that not only am I a strong and powerful with authority but me also being of pure alpha blood I have even more strength than other elemental wolves and as if that wasn't enough I was blessed as a white wolf. A white wolf is only born every 1000 years and are extremely rare. I have more power and authority than any other wolf, lycan, siren or any other creature apart from the moon goddess herself.
I hear the bell and look down to my locker number. Hmmm, cool it's right next to my home room. Once I put all my stuff in my locker. I walked into class "ah miss Michaels, glad you could join us" I look around the room and saw glares of jealousy curtesy of the girls and winks from the boys. I look for an empty seat and to my surprise couldn't find one. The whole class was now looking at me in awe and I had to cough a couple time to get their attention. "Oh ah please take a seat next to Mr. Thomson" he smiled warmly as I look around for the spare seat and finally find it I sigh in relief as I quickly take my seat. I look over to my left and see that Mr. Thomson is staring at me What? No. I'm probably just imagining it. Mr.Thomson, I can already tell, is the schools heartbreaker/player. He's super sexy and I bet he gets all the girls. He has golden hair and beautiful blue eyes, wait? Beautiful? What am I saying?! He has strong arms and I can see a nice 8pack from his white V-neck shirt that hugs his muscles perfectly. He has a slight tan and looks gorgeous. After a minute he's still smiling and staring at me. I could tell he was an Alpha, he had that aura of authority but mine is probably way stronger. I go to an all wolf school so it's okay for me to talk about being wolf. I smirked "see something you like" I joked but before Mr.Alpha over here could answer some obnoxious dick cut in with that stupid ass line "yeah I do babe, call me" he winked and slid me his number. I heard a low growl coming from Mr. Alpha but left it alone. Seriously this dick who cut in is making me sick. I smiled sweetly at him and ran my fingers through his hair, he moaned and I pulled his hair and slapped him across the face. "Sit your ass down. Turn around and start listening and then maybe you'd learn something and not be so stupid" I growled using my Alpha tone. I swear this kid almost shit bricks but nonetheless he did as he was told. The class was deathly quiet and Alpha boy was looking at me with admiration, proudness and....lust?
Mr. Dawson the teacher quickly spoke up "Miss Michaels-" he tried but I cut him off "now now Mr.Dawson I wouldn't want to send the most powerful werewolf in the world to the office" I mind-linked him. He smirked "you are not the most powerful " I scoffed at his lack of imagination. "Well if you must have proof, only mates and pack members can mind-link each other" I smiled deviously "it's hardly impressive other wolves can do that too" he said in a matter of fact tone and he was right, others could but very rare few and it may be the only trick they possess it merely mean they have bonded with their wolf strongly. "Fine. I am Mallory Anne Michaels. I am the Daughter of the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. I am also an elemental wolf. My element is fire. I am also a white wolf, born every 1000 years and blessed with more gifts than any other creature by the moon goddess herself." I say proudly smirking back at him. I said it out loud and the whole class stared at me in amazement and then Mr.Dawson laughed coldly "prove it then" he sounded so childish. "Fine. I have already used my alpha tone which proves I am an Alphas daughter so I will use my fire element and I will shift. Because I am a whit wolf and an elemental wolf my red elemental lightning bolt is on my right paw. Does everybody understand" I asked. They all nodded and watched closely. Mr.Alpha was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide and focused. I sighed and felt my hands heat up. Before you knew it I was holding a fireball in my palm but it did not burn me. I yawned and extinguished it. "Very impressive, now shift" I heard Mr.D and I quickly shifted into my wolf . I heard gasps come from all around and smirked to myself. What a bunch of idiots. I lifted my right paw and showed my red lightning mark that was glowing. Everyone bowed their heads in respect and Mr.Dawson ordered a student to give me a spare change of clothes to shift into. I denied and they looked at me shocked. When wolves transform back into humans they are naked but as one of my tricks I can keep my clothes on wen I transform back. When I transformed back into human form I laughed at their awed expressions. Until I heard a cough at the door "Mallory Anne Michaels. What in Gods name are you doing" I heard my fathers voice boom. "Oh shit!!" I whispered.
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