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I didn't mention this in the All about you chapter but you can do in the avatar state if you're in grave danger, but you can also control it enough so you don't kill anyone. Now let's get to the story!

Aizawa's POV

  I walked with L/n to the classroom "Stay out here until you hear me say you can come in, ok?" She nodded. I went into the loud classroom, for nice I walked in some went to their seats or stopped talking. "Everyone quiet down Mr. Aizawa's here!" Said Iida with his weird hand motions. "Everyone quiet down I have a few announcements. As you know the annual Sports festival is coming up so please try your best and train." The class erupted with questions, "Is it really safe to hold the festival after the USJ attack?" asked someone. "We do this every year, and just in case there will be extra security, now everyone be quiet I have another announcement." They quieted down. "We have a new student so please be nice to her, I'm looking at you Bakugo." He scoffed but muttered fine, "Please come in L/n".

Y/n's POV

  After Mr.Aizawa walked in I just waited, listening to see when he would call me in. I was nervous, I mean I haven't had much human contact, since they barely released me from the hospital, and I don't think I can remember how to be sociable, but I'll try. I listened in a bit and heard Mr.Aizawa say something about a sports festival or something like after that there was a bunch of noise, well they sure were loud. "Please come in L/n" I walked in holding my breath, and faced my new classmates.

Third-person POV

  Y/n walked in and faced the class, " Hello everyone" Y/n said nervously, as soon as she spoke the class erupted in noise, Y/n was caught off guard but tried to not show it. "Why a new student so late in the school year?!", "She's a girl!", "She's hot", " Stop it, Mineta!", "She is kind of cute though ...",  "What's her quirk?!" At this point, Aizawa had enough. "Be quiet all of you! You're giving me a headache." said Aizawa quieting the class down, "Now if you have any questions raise your hand, when called on state your name and ask your question, got it?", "Got it," said the class."Now, don't wake me up," said Aizawa getting in his sleeping bag. Y/n faced the class once again ready to answer questions, "Umm... you with the dark blue hair." " Hello my name is Tenya Iida, I'm the class rep, and if you can answer please tell us why are you here so late in the school year?", " Well you see a few pro heroes came and rescued me, and are letting me go here" answered Y/n " Aah ok, thank you for your honesty," said Iida bowing, and a few hands went down afterward. "Ok... you with the green hair and freckles", "H-hi I'm Izuku Midoriya, a-an I wanted to know what your quirk is?", " My quirk is element control, I can control the four elements and sub-elements," said Y/n, a few more hands went down, "You with the brown hair" " Hi! I'm Ochaco Uraraka, and I was wondering if you are going to be competing in the sports festival?" Y/n tilted her head to the side in pure confusion " Umm.. what's a sports festival?" Huh?! The class was in shock " How do you not know what the Sports festival is?!" Well, you see I-.

Hello, dear people who are actually reading this! Sorry, I haven't updated for those who actually like this, but I will try to update more. Goodbye and have a good day!

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