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Y/n's POV

  "They're looking at the competition small fry," said Bakugo pushing Mineta back "We are the class that just fought a bunch of villains," Bakugo said now glaring at the mob. "But what could a bunch of extras do to win, huh?" exclaimed Bakugo angering the mob, "You can't call people extras just because you don't know them!" lectured Iida from the back "Whatever," said Bakugo rolling his eyes. 

  You got bored of the conversation as soon as a silver-haired boy that looked a whole lot like Kirishima said he was coming for Bakugo, I mean aren't we all? Anyways you squeezed yourself through the class and made it to the front near Bakugo where the whole class was getting owned by a purple-haired boy who by the way was defying gravity and looked really soft and fluffy . . . anyways you asked if you could go through ever so politely, yet the people just glared at you, so like any normal person or what you assumed a normal person would do, you glared back at them. Surprisingly they let you through with what you assumed was fear written all across their faces . . . in your opinion, they looked weird. 

  You were making your way through the crowd when you realized you had no idea where you had to go eat, so you asked the nearest and nicest looking person there. It was an orange-haired girl with a side ponytail. "Umm.. excuse me miss but do you know where I can go eat?" you asked politely. "Yeah sure, I was going there anyway!" she said with a smile" I'm Itsuka Kendo, who are you?" Kendo asked "I'm Y/n L/n" you answered looking around the big room you were now in. "Do you want to sit with me and my friends? asked Kendo after you both got your food "It's okay you don't have to, you already lead me here" you said hoping she didn't feel like she had to invite you over with her friends. "Nonsense! Besides they would like you, you seem cool!" she exclaimed with a smile and lead you to a table.                                                                      "Hey Kendo! Who's that?" asked a girl with vines for hair "Hey Ibara! This L/n, I met her a few minutes ago" said Kendo exited "Umm . . . you can just call me Y/n" you said a little quietly "Ok Y/n! I'm Ibara Shiozaki, but please call me Ibara" said Ibara with a kind smile "Hey Ibara where are Monoma and Tetsutetsu?" asked Kendo taking a bite of her lunch "Oh, they went towards class 1a to protest or something" answered Ibara "Oh so that's what the angry mob was doing outside the door," you said to no one in particular "You're in class 1a?" asked Ibara "Yeah I just moved in today", "Cool! We're in class 1b" said Kendo "Is that another hero class?" you asked "Yeah, but 1a usually gets the attention, especially after the villain attack, but we don't mind" explained Kendo "Oh, I'm sorry" you said "Don't worry it's not you fault beside none of us really mind" said Ibara "Well except Monoma, but I think he'll like you like I've said before you're cool!" said Kendo, after that, you all chatted a bit until . . . RING!  "Oh looks like lunchtime is over! See you tomorrow?" asked Ibara hopefully "Sure," you said and the three of you parted ways.

Hope you have a  good day everyone!

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