🌸Part 1🌸

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i am who? i am what? whats the reason for my real existence?...

i woke up in a dim room with 4 strangers stood over me. "who are you? who am i?". why cant i remember who i am? how did i get here? so many questions occupy my head. one of the people finally spoke up and said " i'm Felix, you're y/n.. don't worry we aren't going to hurt you, were going to help you."
i didn't know what to say so i stayed silent, i looked at all of the people around me.. "and who are you three?"
"i'm Chan, this is Hyunjin and that's Jisung". honestly i was still in shock, why am i here? what happened to me? i sat up slowly , trying to think everything over.
"okay so do you want us to leave you and Felix alone? i feel as though we're intimidating you.." Hyunjin said.
"uhh..if you don't mind..."
they all smiled and left the room. there was silence for about 5 minutes until Felix cleared his throat and said "okay so i'm guessing you want to know what happened to you and why you're here right?"
"yeah.. id like to know that heh.."
he then went on to tell me i had got caught up into business i should not have been a part of and i ended up getting knocked out and so him and the others brought me here. suddenly, some of my memories started flooding back. i remember... i was wandering in the woods and i came across some people fighting. i ran up to one of the people and punched them but.. they were much stronger than me and hit me twice as hard.
"wait Felix, i remember something.."
"what is it y/n? what did you remember? i wont keep any secrets from you, its okay to tell me, ill explain"
i then told him about what i remembered. he was clearly quite shocked that i had remembered but he eventually explained. he said he doesn't know how i got where i was because these grounds were hidden and only people in the districts could access them. even more questions filled my head, what the hell are districts? how many more of these people are there? are the good people?
"wait wait wait, what are districts? how many people are actually here right now?" i asked.
" okay so the districts, they're almost like rankings. the districts go from 1-10 and we are currently in district 9, one of the higher ranks. this is basically a place where we learn martial arts, academics and a lot more. you are also welcome to join our school y/n. I've asked the chairman"
okay so i'm currently in a school in the middle of no where, i don't know where I've come from and i still don't know who the person who knocked me out is.
" i mean i have no where to really go so i guess i might as well stay here until i regain all of my memories"
a smile spread across Felix's face, i smile back. *knock* *knock* an unfamiliar face walks into the room.
"i'm Jeongin nice to meet you y/n! I've come to bring you something to eat and drink. enjoy your meal!" he says with a warm grin.
"so i guess everyone knows my name then..."
"yeah news spreads around here fast haha"
this place.. these people.. its all so interesting but for some reason it seems so familiar. i have to find out who i am. i will find out.

(602 words)

A/N: also happy birthday to Hannie!! 🐿💕

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