Chapter 2

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Trevor, Rose and I sit around and talk while Elena is still unconscious. They were telling me about their past, about how Kathrine manipulated Trevor and how they had Elijah, an original vampire, on the way to make a deal with them and I only told them about me being a witch. "just remember when you make a deal with him that you mention both of your names and that he says them as well other wise your just giving him a loophole to kill one of you." I tell them just before Elena walks in looking a little dazed. Sighing I get up and walk away leaving them to deal with Elena. I had created a plan with the others, so I would use my magic to turn invisible and only make myself known if things started going south. Walking back into the other room I turn invisible, just as the spell finishes kicking in there is a knock  on the door.  I can faintly hear Trevor freaking out slightly. Taking a deep breath I focus on my vampire side and let in take over a little so I can hear what's going on around the entire house. 

At the moment I can hear Rose talking to Elijah downstairs. "You are a man of your word Elijah. I need you to give me your world that Trevor and I will be pardoned for everything " I can hear Elijah sigh once he sees that Rose's words didn't allow for a loophole. "Very well Rosemarie, I give you my word that you and Trevor are pardoned. Now why did you call me here to this armpit of civilisation?" 

"Follow me" Rose leads Elijah over to where Elena and Trevor are, following them I watch as Elijah runs up to Elena using his speed and sniffs her neck. "human, impossible" looking Elena in the eye "hello there". Elena looks at him terrified "Now we have a long journey ahead up us" Elijah says as he starts to pull a now panicked looking Elena with him. 

"wait, what about the moonstone" Elijah stops and turns back to her "what do you know about the moonstone?" I watch as Elena takes a deep breath and tries to act brave "I know you need it. I know where it is, I can help you get it" Elijah smirks and turns to Rose and smirks adorably "Are you negotiating with me" 

"no this is the first we are hearing about it" Elijah turns back to Elena his smirk dropping "tell me" his tone is demanding turning Elena's emotions back to terrified as she slightly shakes her head "it doesn't work like that" her voice wavers slightly in her fear while Elijah tries hid his amusement "what is this vervain doing around your neck" Elijah says as he ripped the necklace from Elena's neck "tell me" Elijah compels the answer from Elena. 

Everyone gets distracted by the sound of glass shattering, while they all try to figure out who was breaking in I pick up the necklace and place it in my pocket as I walk downstairs in time to see Elena throwing a vervain grenade in Elijah's face. Two other vampires had joined, a blonde and a noirette, they seemed to be brothers. I watch them fight simply enjoying the show until the black haired blue eyed man ran a stake through Elijah heart nailing him to the door.

When the others leave and I hear their car drive away  I remove the spell before walking up to Elijah and remove the stake. Once its free I place one of his arms around my shoulders and use my powers to teleport us to the home I recently brought in mystic falls "Elijah I invite you into my home" I whisper before walking inside with him. Placing Elijah onto the sofa making sure to place a pillow under his head I teleport myself to the Lockwood's to get my car  as I'm driving back I let my mind wonder as I try to figure a few things out. 

I already knew about the original family and the sun and moon curse being fake along with what the real curse was. I also knew about the doppelgänger blood was extremely important so it made sense that Klaus had to kill Elena but what didn't make sense was the original witch giving him everything he needed while she hated what he was it didn't make sense that she would allow him to create more hybrids. Unless he was killing the key. 

"HOLY SHIT!" Slamming the breaks I jolted forward in my seat. "Elena's the key to making hybrids, that sneaky bitch" I exclaim while hitting my palm against the wheel. Putting the car back into drive I get home to see Elijah just waking up. Going to the kitchen I quickly but the coffee pot on and place two mugs along with the sugar pot and cream jug along with a few teaspoons on the coffee tray, before grabbing a blood bag from the fridge I hand it to him and sitting down on the coffee table in front of him. "Morning sunshine" I keep my tone light making sure to tease him a little as I wave to blood bag in front of his face smirking as I did so.  Elijah looks confused as he looks around then at me, obviously not knowing who I was or where he was. "who exactly are you?" giving him the blood bag I wait for him to sit up fully and start drinking before I reply. "My name is Stella St. Claire or as I'm known in this town, Stella Gilbert. I'm the doppelganger's older sister." 

He finished draining the blood bag before speaking. "Why did you bring me here?" sighing I stand up and head for the kitchen motioning for him to join me as I do. Telling him to take a seat at the breakfast island I start pulling out everything I would need to make French toast with bacon.  I can feel him watching me as I do this, but I say anything until that bacon is almost cooked and the French toast is done. It may have seemed rude to others but it was a comfortable silence for the both of us, plus Elijah's mind must be going crazy with all the possible reasons as to why I brought him here. "I simply brought you here so we could talk Elijah Mikaelson" using his full name allowed him to know that I knew who he was. Once everything is done and plated up I hand Elijah his plate along with a knife and fork, placing a glass of orange juice down for the both of us along with the coffee tray I take my seat opposite him.  We both eat in silence. When we were finished he helped me place all of our used dishes into the dishwasher. 

Walking into the living room we both take a seat. "What would you like to know? and please keep in mind that I wont tell you everything about me" I inform him as I get comfortable.

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