Machine Two

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I walked into the forest feeling exhausted. I really was. I just couldn't let them see. I go back to the calm stream I was at before Galaxy Steve found me. I sat down holding my head in pain.

What did that do to me? Did some of the sickness get in me? It can't. It can't hurt me. I wanted to stand, but right now I have a lot to think about right now. I sigh and let my thoughts take over my mind.

"Sabre there you are." I heard someone say. I don't know how long I was even here for. By how the sunlight looks in here a few hours. I look behind me to see the Overseer.

"Oh hey..." I felt a little better than before. Sitting here and doing nothing is almost like sleeping.

"Are you okay? You've been here for a while." The Overseer puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I stand up to make myself look a bit better.

"It doesn't seem like it." He says to me.

"I know. It's just been hard for me since I got here." That was true.

"I'm sorry you had to come at such a bad time." He apologized to me.

"I think I came at the right time. When I could still save you guys." I smile and we start walking back.

"I guess, but you have been fighting for us steves for longer than most Steve know."

"I know, four years of it." It sounds like a lot of time, but I have fought wars that have lasted my entire life. So to me, it's not very long.

"Let's hope that after this you will finally be able to take a break without you leaving us for a few months." I nodded a little and soon we got back to the open area.

"I wouldn't call that a break...." I mumble and he thankfully doesn't hear. We look back at the machines we were making.

"Back to work?" He asked me.

"Yup back to work." Together we started to work on the machines again.

After a long time, we got the next machine done. It was pretty late so we decided to test it in the morning. The pain in my head wouldn't go away. I don't know why though. Overseer looked over at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's do this tomorrow. You don't look well Sabre." He looks at me. I shook my head.

"We only have three days, we can't waste time." I reminded him.

"If you pass out then you will be wasting more time." He continued. I sighed and looked up at the sky. I was getting late and maybe my headache will be gone by morning. I reluctantly agreed.

"Alright, alright..." Overseer smiles a bit with a relieved look on his face. I sit down to breath for a few moments. He leaves and goes into the forest. I looked out at the pond and slowly watched the air become darker and colder. He came back with some wood and started a fire.

"Get some rest Sabre, you need it. Tomorrow we can work more on the machine and double check its progress. Maybe with some sleep you'll find ways to improve it." HE suggests.

"I will... Thank you for being here." I smiled to him. He nods.

"Thank you for helping us. Helping all the steves." I laid down on my side watching the flickering flames burn. With the sound of popping wood and the night's calm breeze I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning the pain in my head was gone thankfully, but still something just didn't feel right. I'll have to worry about that later. Did I oversleep? The sky was already so bright I always wake up before anyone else does. It's weird for me to sleep in. I sit up to see the Overseer already awake and making breakfast.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sleep in," I say to him.

"It's alright. You did do a lot of work yesterday." He didn't seem to mind too much. I just hope he got some sleep himself.

"I still wake up at a sunrise." I looked around and realized it was sunrise. Wait. He wakes up earlier than me? That's a first.

"It is Sunrise. I wake up about an hour before." He gave me some cooked vegetables and herbs. Not surprised that he eats stuff like that. He is an Elder Blue.

"Why is that?" I ask before taking a bite. It was really good. Not sweet in any way, but I still like it.

"Just to have some time to myself." He eats his food and goes quiet.

"Yeah, it must be hard since you are the leader of all the Steves." I finished eating my food before he did. I was about to get up and look at the machine when he asked me a question.

"What about you?" He questions.

"What about me?" I titled my head.

"Look at yourself. You're the hero of the Steves."

"No, I'm not..." It's Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve, not me.

"Yes, you are. You have been with the Steves for longer than most Steves can remember. You have been fighting for them." He looks at me trying to look me in the eyes. He can't because of the blindfold.

"No. I've just been helping the heroes do the right thing. Making sure they can do what I never could." It's true. I come up with the plans, but they do it.

"Why do you do it then? Help them? Help us." I know the answer to that, but it's not one I can say. I fight for them since they are dying. Like how my species is dead. Well dead as in I'm the only one left. I don't want them to end up like me.

"It's just who I am. I just feel like I need to help." Good enough response I hope. He doesn't question it.

"We get to do the machine now correct?" He gestures to the machine.

"Yeah. I just mainly made the connection stronger and made the materials different from before. So the conduction will be stronger too." He nods and goes to the machine. I follow.

"Same part of the machine as last time right?" He asked me.

"Yes. Just go into the same one as before." He goes in and waits for me to lock him in. Again I count down. Not that I need to. I just find it helps Steves to brace themselves for when I turn on the machine.

"Three, two, one!" I say and I pull the lever and he gets locked into place. Lighting strikes around the machine and I jump back.

I soon see the lighting stopped. I went to my part in the machine and locked myself in. I heard thunder but never saw the lighting. I close my eyes.

I opened them to see I was back in the void-like place. I look for the Overseer and find him again. This time he felt more real and now there.

I saw the sickness energy again too. It was the same way. I grabbed a hold of it and so instead of trying to pull it apart I tried twisting it.

Nothing happens. I try pushing it together. Nothing happens. Pull. Same effect as last time. I guess pull is the only way I have.

I continue to pull the energy like a rope. That's when I heard something similar to something snapping. I looked at the energy and it was breaking. It's working.

I kept pulling as I felt my energy drain. I also felt something else. I couldn't quite place it. Like something was coming. Something bad. No... not coming.... entering..... Entering... I looked out to where I was pulling this energy from, only to realize that it was not just coming from the Overseer... but there was something far off. A being who seemed to be made up of this stuff. I stopped what I was doing.

I made my way to the being holding onto their energy that tried to sink into my code. I didn't allow it... It was maybe the first person who had ever got infected. Maybe even the source itself. It was cut off short before I could get to them. Lighting struck around me and I was pulled out. I was greeted by the person who let me out before. The Guardian.

Instead of being mad though, he looked curious and confused. That's new, hopefully, he has something new to say today... maybe even...

He has come to help us this time.

(Words 1441) Sorry for such the long wait guys. I really didn't mean for this to happen, but here is the chapter for today. Maybe I'll do two if I feel like it. Just maybe.

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