Chapter 24

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The last few weeks have been hectic as my styling company has really picked up. I was suddenly thrust into the limelight again and I was reminded of life before the kids where I was touring the world, styling celebrities.

I haven't left the country but I have been travelling to different states, styling celebrities for award shows and video shoots. All while planning my wedding which has become such a big topic to others.

Elgin and I settled on having a small party present but everyone who is everyone wants to attend. Our wedding is already being dubbed the biggest wedding on the year and it hasn't even happened yet.

Apart of me wanted to push it back because I found myself feeling overwhelmed but Elgin reminded me that this day is for us. This is the day where Elgin and I unite as husband and wife, again.

"What are you thinking about?" Marley asks as I set steak down on the table. "Your face is scrunched up."

"Nothing." I pat his back. "Just hoping that the food tastes as good as it looks."

Without waiting on his response, I head back to the kitchen to fetch the potatoes and vegetables before instructing Elgin to bring the chicken for the kids. Once the table is finally prepared, Elgin says a prayer before we begin to dig into our food.

"Only two more weeks to go." Sade wiggles her brows at me. "Then you will finally be a married woman."

"Again." Marley winks at me and I playfully flip with him when the younger kids aren't looking.

"How are you guys feeling for the wedding?" Kamilla asks as she spoons some peas onto her plate. 

"I'll be honest, I'm nervous." I look at Elgin in surprise. "Getting married has always meant a great deal of commitment to me which is why I never proposed to anybody after my divorce to Kim. When you get married, you truly do become one and it can be scary. My problems become our problems, your problems become ours and it can feel invasive at times. You want to be the best partner to your spouse but it's not always easy."


Tonight Elgin and I are doing an interview with Arsenio Hall. When we became a couple, we were the names on everyone's lips. After I gave birth to Marley, Arsenio was the first person that we had an interview with.

He was our first interview as a couple so it's a full circle moment to be here tonight as an engaged couple.

"Welcome to the stage, Ginuwine and Kim Kardashian." The audience let out a cheer as we walk out onto the stage hand in hand.

" The audience let out a cheer as we walk out onto the stage hand in hand

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"Wow, it feels really good to have you guys here again." Arsenio stands up and we both greet him with a hug before taking a seat. "It has been a while."

I nod my head, "It has been a long while but we're happy to be here."

"The last time you guys were here it was to watch TGT reunite a couple of months ago." A few women in the crowd let out a scream and we laugh. "Kim you was in the audience with your family."

I nod my head.

"But the last you both were on my show together was over a decade ago." Arsenio states and I nod again. "This is an exclusive interview so you have given me permission to ask about the marriage since you never publicly discussed it."

"Yeah, we're finally opening up." Elgin squeezes my knee.

"Prior to 2013, you guys were married for twelve years and together for fourteen." Arsenio states. "Your divorce was labelled the divorce of the decade because it was so unexpected. What happened? More specifically, what led to the divorce?"

"I can honestly say that I was the problem." Elgin responds and a few people gasp.

I place my hand on his thigh. "Prior to the divorce, Elgin and I had been having our issues for a number of years. Our issues were based off a number of things but primarily a lack of communication which meant that we had not healed."

Arsenio leans forward, "How far back did the issues begin?"

"When I was pregnant with Sade, Elgin and I were starting to experience some issues due to him constantly being on tour but they escalated after I had our third child together." I clear my throat. "Elgin was constantly on tour and I was stuck at home with three kids under the age of five."

"That must have been tough." Arsenio adds and I nod my head.

"It was so tough because I didn't really have anyone around. I had moved to Atlanta because Elgin bought us a house there but then he left for tour and I had no family around so we were really alone. I couldn't work because it was tough with two toddlers and a newborn so money was tight." I purse my lips. 

"Was Ginuwine not sending you money?" Arsenio looks between us.

"I was sending money but clearly, it was not enough."

"We got evicted." I announce and I hear everyone gasp. "I had to crowd surf with three children, I stayed in a women's shelter and I had to work in a grocery store to make money."

"Wow." Arsenio looks at me in complete surprise. 

"That's where our issues really began because I felt neglected by my husband." Elgin sighs as he rubs my knee. "We were never really able to move forward from that. In 2003 Elgin released The Senior and although it went Gold, his music was just not selling like it used to. After that things just weren't the same and Elgin took everything out on me."

"I was a real asshole while Kim was doing everything possible to make things work. I not only wasn't reaching the same level of success but my income had dropped and I was not the sole provider anymore." Elgin sighs. "Kim became the breadwinner while I was putting all my money on the music with no rewards."

"This is all news to me." Arsenio looks at us in shock. "What was the breaking point?"

"The kids witnessed us getting into a physical fight which led to us both going to jail." I hear multiple people gasp. "I almost lost custody of my children so I filed for divorce."

I look into the audience for the second time that night and pretty much everyone looks shocked. This is something that we didn't publicly discuss with the media as we felt that it was too personal.

"Then you reunited in 2013 for three years and welcomed two new beautiful children." I smile at his words. "What led to the split the second time around."

"There was too much water under the bridge." Elgin answers and I nod my head. "We should have went to therapy but we didn't and we unfortunately couldn't make the relationship last."

"Now you are here engaged to be married."

"Yes and we are happier than ever." I turn to kiss my man on the lips. "Elgin was my first love and he is the only man that I have ever loved beside Marley and Zacharia."

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