(Part one) Chapter Three: The Sorting Ceremony

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"Welcome students to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry," an older man stood up on the stage behind a golden podium that had an owl carved into it, most of the students were already seated at their assigned tables, but all of the first years filled the middle of the great hall in line to be sorted into their houses themselves. But first, professor Dumbledore had a speech to deliver.

One speech and introduction later the sorting hat was placed on a wooden stool in the middle of the stage, and each first year was called up to it one by one to be told where they belonged. Draco Malfoy went to Slytherin just as he said he would, Luca ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff, (y/n) would have to remember to tell Newt that her first friend at Hogwarts was a Hufflepuff just like him, that would probably make him happy. A boy named Harry Potter got sorted into Gryffindor, which seemed to make everyone at the Gryffindor table VERY happy,and then it was (y/n)'s turn.

A women called (y/n) up to the stage, using her birth last name to address her, (y/n) guessed she would have to go by that now, but she went up to the stage without too much thought on it, more so focused on which house the battered old hat would tell her she belonged in. Would she be a Slytherin like Draco? She didn't think so, she didn't feel like she really matched his personality well, he seemed to stuck up for her to be in the same house as him. Maybe a Hufflepuff, like Newt and Luca, that would make Newt so proud she was sure of it, or maybe a Gryffindor, although she didn't think she'd get the same reaction as that one boy, or maybe she'd end up as a Ravenclaw, isn't that the house Draco had told her she'd end up in on the train?

Somehow in her ramble of thoughts (y/n) found herself on the wooden stool in the middle of the stage, and the hat was swiftly placed on her head, (y/n)'s whole body tensed as she awaited the hats decision.

"Hmm, " the hat hummed, the sensation was strange, as (Y/n) felt the vibrations of the nonexistent vocal cords vibrate slightly on top of her head, "interesting, I don't think I've met one of you before, what do you call yourselves over there? No-Maj's?" The hat asked curiously, shifting on (y/n)'s head as it spoke.

Well, there went (y/n)'s cover, the whole Slytherin table seemed disgusted by her all of a sudden, all except for Draco, who seemed more intrigued and confused than anything else. (Y/n) swallowed, "yes, but I can still perform magic, Newt's seen me do it," she explained to the hat quietly, hoping the others couldn't hear her, which they didn't seem to from what (Y/n) could tell.

The sorting hat seemed to chuckle at that "oh I know, I can see that you will do great things, a very bright witch indeed, for a No-Maj," he chuckled, "don't worry my child, I know just where to put you, you'll prove them all wrong," he promised before clearing his... throat? Do hats have throats? What was he clearing? "RAVENCLAW!!" The hat bellowed, snapping (y/n) out of her trance and back to the real world once more.

The applause wasn't nearly as good as it had been for Harry or Draco, or any of the other first years for that matter, no one seemed to know how to react to her, should they be happy? Should they be worried, they all seemed to stick to being confused. Yeah they all pretty much decided to be confused. (y/n) made her way to the Ravenclaw's table, making the mistake to glance over at the Slytherin table, where she noticed that Draco had a knowing smirk plastered on his face, he had been right all along.


((AUTHORS NOTE: some things were said on my original version of this story so I would like to really quickly make one thing perfectly clear. I FULLY support all people within the LQBTQ+ community and believe the need and deserve all representation in the stories they read. If that is a problem then I'd suggest finding a different story to read, because hate WILL NOT be tolerated in my comment section. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the story))

The Ravenclaw common room was exactly what (Y/n) had honestly expected every common room to look like, which she soon learned that they weren't, but the Ravenclaw common room was still quiet the sight, with bookshelves that seemed to cover the walls from ceiling to floor, with desks all around and a quaint fire place in the center of it all.

That was where (y/n) met Ray, they were sitting in the corner of the common room, all by themselves, (y/n) approached them slowly, they seemed worried about something, and was examining everyone very closely, as if someone was going to attack them or something.

"Hello," (Y/N) began as she walked up closer to them, their hair was cut short, and it almost looked like they had done it themselves on the train ride to school, "my name is (y/n)," she introduced herself, extending out her hand form them to shake.

They looked up at (Y/n) with confusion, before slowly taking (Y/n)'s hand and shaking it in greeting, "I'm Ray," they stated simply, "you probably shouldn't be talking to me," they admitted, dropping (Y/n)'s hand and glancing down at the ground.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow at them in curiosity, deciding to do the exact opposite of what they wanted them to and sat down next to Ray, "why shouldn't I be talking to you?" She asked, brushing off her robes and glancing around the common room quickly before focusing all of her attention to the person sitting next to her.

Ray cleared their throat, "well, if you're going to sit here," they sighed, "can I ask you a question?" They rubbed the back of their neck, watching all the other Ravenclaws wandering around the common room.

(Y/n) chuckled, "of course you can, what's on your mind?" She asked, welcoming the conversation with open arms.

"Why are the rooms separated by boys and girls?" Ray asked, glancing to the stairs that led to the dorms, they were right, one set of stairs led to the boys dorm rooms, and the other led to the girls dorm rooms, completely segregated, "where are you supposed to go if you... aren't... either of those?" They asked, slowly turning to see (y/n)'s expression.

Then Ray's awkwardness all of a sudden made sense, "oh," (y/n) cleared her throat, "I guess that is a tricky thing to figure out huh," she glanced around the common room in curiosity, "I feel like there's gotta be something we can do about that," she admitted before standing up from her seat, "gimme one second," she mumbled before walking off to look for something.


(Y/n) returned to where Ray was sitting a few minuets later with a book in her hand, she was reading it intently as she walked, stopping right in front of the couch Ray was sitting on without even looking up from her page, "I have an idea," she explained, pulling her wand from her cloak pocket, and walking over to one of the Prefects. She asked them to help her clear the stairwells, which the Prefect did easily, before (y/n) pointed her wand in between the two stair wells, still not looking up from her book, and began to mutter enchantments under her breath.

Another kid tried to interrupt her, but the prefect held him back, probably curious as to what (y/n) was trying to do, which was fair, considering (Y/n) was only half sure of what she was doing herself.

As she finished the enchantments the wall began to expand like it had been turned into a rubber slime, and out of nowhere a third stairwell appeared, leading to a single dorm room. Lowering her wand and her book, (y/n) turned back to Ray with a triumphant smile plastered onto her face. She had done it. She made a genderless dorm room.

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