(Part One) Chapter Four: The Quidditch Pitch

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(Y/n) and Ray became good friends after that day, one of the few Ravenclaws that didn't try to make her feel bad for not being good enough for Illvermorny, but that probably made a lot of sense, they made fun of Ray a lot too. It wasn't usually the first years though, most of the time it was just the older kids, the ones that knew a simple life of black and white, male and female, they were impossible to convince, the first years though, they all seemed more than okay with it, almost... welcomed it.

Other than that (y/n)'s first year at Hogwarts was fairly uneventful, she was no Harry Potter, who had to fight their defense against the dark arts teacher in order to defeat part of the dark lord Voldemort, you know, just normal first year of school stuff, nothing out of the ordinary at all.

Most of the other kids at Hogwarts had a fairly normal and plain year as well, but (y/n) was glad that she had Ray and Luca to hang out with when they would need to study for the occasional potions exam. She wrote so many letters for the gang back home that it almost didn't seem like she was missing anything, Newt still told her about all the new creatures he'd find, and kept her updated on all the ones she was really fond of, Tina still let her know about all the big cases she was investigations and working on, Queenie regularly sent over apple strudel, and Jacob got really into sending her non moving photos of all the new creations he made for his bakery, which was alway a nice change of pace from the talking portraits. (Y/n) also liked reading all the details Jacob would give her about not only each of his baking creations, but also about all the people that he got to interact with throughout the week.

With that (y/n)'s first year at Hogwarts came to an end, by the end of the year almost everyone had gotten used to the fact that she was from America, they pretty much treated her just like all the other muggle born witches and wizards now. By next year everyone would have most likely forgotten about it, especially without the sorting hat reminding them at the beginning of the year like it had for the first year.

The train ride back to platform 9 3/4 was a quiet one, not all of the students seemed to ride the train back, but one of them did, and of course it was the one that she was hoping had already gone home.

"Tsk, you're still here you pathetic mudblood?" Draco spat sitting across from (y/n) in the otherwise empty train car, none of his friends seemed to follow him, "I figured something would have happened to you by now? Sending you back to your pathetic 'No-Maj' family," he sneered, his tone when he said the term "No-Maj," seemed slightly more insulting than the rest of the sentence, which (y/n) figured was meant that way.

"Sadly no Malfoy, as much as I wish I would have never seen your stupid face again, I'm still here," (y/n) snapped back, not even looking up from her notebook as she spoke, "it really is a horrible travesty for both of us," she sighed sarcastically, giving Simba a small pet on top of his head as he quietly meowed at her.

Draco scoffed again, "yeah right, you should be honored to be talking to me, I could be in any other car right now and I'm in yours," he pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in the seat.

With that the train whistle blew and the train car door slid shut, practically locking Draco and (y/n) inside, (y/n) chuckled, "and why is that Draco? Out of all the train cars you could have sat in, why did you pick this one?" She asked, "did you just want to pick on someone for three hours?" She accused, "do you have a crush on me or something?" She raised an eyebrow at him, finally looking up from her notebook.

Draco seemed to choke on his words for a brief moment, "uh, no, don't flatter yourself Mudblood," he readjusted himself so he was practically laying across the train seat, "I just needed a spot to sleep,"


And just like that (y/n)'s second year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and wizardry began just as the first one did, nothing seemed out of place of out of the ordinary, she found her place at the Ravenclaw table just like she had the year before. It seemed like it was going to be another boring year, well... as boring as a school for magic could possibly be I guess.

Amorentia and Cologne: A Draco x reader story (the better one)Where stories live. Discover now