Chapter 1: Darkness Overwhelmed By Light

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"Naruto and all of the Characters besides my OC is owned by Masashi Kishimoto"

【Two Weeks Ago】-

Drawing on my room walls wasn't something out of the ordinary. Having a room and walls was however something I was not exactly accustomed to. You see I have been living in a cave a great majority of my life. For about 7 years actually, I have kept count on the cave wall. Day after day leaving small marks with the kunai my mother gave me before dumping here.

There should be 2555 or so marks..

Each counting a day of me sitting alone in the darkness. I sometimes used the dull blade of the kunai to draw pictures in the darkness, never really knowing if anything I drew was anything worthwhile. I being a small child when I was told to live here had to no knowledge of what was going to happen to me. The dark seemed to be a frightening place, only for me to now call it home. I haven't seen light at all in these seven years, at least not real light. I was only told by my mother that being in here was for the better and that I should never come out.

You are probably wondering how I have stayed alive this long. Mother used to bring me food when I was younger. I now at the age of 14, haven't seen my mother in about 2 years. She had told me her visits would end and I would need to find a new way to survive. I missed her daily presence, now I felt I was truly alone.

That was of course until I could hear thoughts that were not my own.

How is this possible you ask.. Well I can tell you one thing I have no clue. It happened about a week after mothers visits had ceased. My body lacking in nutrition, and lucky to find a small underground stream that provided me with water. I heard a small voice in my head saying it wished it could find some bread. Now bread that was something I hadn't eaten in what seemed like years however it had only been a week. "Bread... Where are you delightful bread oh and maybe some rice" The voice whispered. Gulping I called out to the darkness "Who is that would like some bread and rice?" I felt a familiar touch on my lower leg signaling that the little mouse I had befriended was back.

I often gave him a small tidbit of what I was given as a meal that day. Sighing I pick him up and pet his head with my pointer finger. "Im sorry little mouse I dont have any food to give you" I say solemnly. "Thats alright miss, you have always been good to me" The little mouse squeaked back and I almost screamed. "I can.. I can understand you!?" I whisper yell in disbelief. "So it seems miss, so you haven't any food?" The little mouth squeaks his little nose twitching. "Thats right, mother said she wont be bringing me food anymore because its to dangerous." I sigh patting his little head. "I will be back miss, will you please put me down." The mouse squeaked out before I placed him firmly on the ground and he scurried off. What seemed like an eternity when really it had only been about 10 minutes the little mouse came back with other animals telling them what had happened to me.

All of them asking questions of their own. After telling them all what had happened they wanted to know my name which I gave out not that I have spoken it in years.

"M-My name is A-Amaya Amochi" My vocal cords still rough from speaking with the little mouse.

Many of the animals gasped and were set into a flurry of whispers before agreeing to being me food and try and steal me some clothing from the hateful humans that have been abusing the rest of their kind for centuries. I thanked them and watched as the cave seemed to be less dark and my head was burning, everything seemed clear. I could see, the world around me was once dark and depressing now I could see and hear everything around me. The trickling from the stream, the padding of tiny footsteps that my new animal friends made and the breaths they took as the walked near me.

My skin was once a lovely tanned color and was now a dirt covered Ivory, my blue hair was extremely long now. It flowed of my shoulders in what seems like a dreadlock fashion not being able to shower or clean my self has taken its toll. I sigh while looking at clothes, tattered and torn. My dress that once reached my lower calf barley covered my upper thigh. My chest had started to mature along with the rest of me. My breasts had grown and were now constricted to the tight fitting dress, that could have easily passed as lingerie the way if fit now. The once beautiful purple and grey dress was now a musty brown and black piece of fabric that has been soiled to a maximal degree. I silently groan understanding why mother had not wanted to look at me. I immediately forget completely that the stream was my only source of fresh water and scrub my body as well as I could under the current situation.

Throwing a bit of a tantrum realizing all that I had done was turn my dirt covered body into a mud covered one. Stomping my bare foot in the murky water I decided that being pissed wasn't going to solve anything. I crouched down looking at my reflection my eyes were glowing a vibrant green and my face has a light dusting of dirt.

Splashing water on my face causing a disruption with my reflection. I scrubbed my whole body abandoning my prostitutes outfit by the edge of the water. Allowing the mud and gunk to be washed from my filth cover body. Using some of the stones in the bottom of the creek like a loofah I scrubbed at my legs and arms, feeling the cool texture of the stones against my skin was a nice but short lived experience.

I quickly finished washing myself before using my dress as a towel and drying on. I laid the wet material on the ground. Focusing the chakra I had and doing a few hand signs and created a small fire to erupt from my mouth. Not knowing the proper name for the jutsu I had preformed I have just referred to it as "Im a Dragon" Jutsu. The fire extinguished itself and left the rock wall and cold pebble covered ground below it a nice and hot temperature.

I had made sure to pick a cleaner area to sleep in. Feeling my eyelids droop I pull on my still damp dress and curled up in my warm corner. Clutching the kunai incase of anyone who might try and hurt me and let my body drift into a unsettling slumber.

When I woke however things were much different, my eyes burned from the sudden light that flooded through my eyelids, my body ached and was being carried. Doing the first thing that came to mind I screamed and kicked and punched at whatever was holding me. "Shut the f*ck up you little b*tch and spot acting like a complete baka." A male voice yelled and I shut up instantly knowing if I resisted that I would be hit, just like how father did.

"Y-Yes sir" I squeaked out holding still and silencing myself before I was beaten. "Sir.. She called Hidan sir un" Another male voice howled before it erupted with laughter. "Leader-sama surely picked a weird one yeah" He giggled out before the light that was shining that would have probably blinded me if I were to open my eyes was gone. The familiar smell of a cave hit my nostrils like a tidal wave, mixed with a lot of unfamiliar smells.

Some were pleasant others however made me want to vomit. I fought to urge to gag and peeled open my eyes. This was indeed a cave however it was lowly lit with candles and had a hallway that led to many other hallways. This place was a maze.

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