Chapter 2 - Yes Leader-Sama

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【Present Day】

It has been two weeks since I was brought to this place that I was told is a "Hideout" not a cave. Stupid men with their stupid names. The only other female here was Konan. She was nice to me and cleaned me up. She fixed my hair and if now flowed down the small of my back in beautiful spirals. My skin was now its stark white and I wasn't covered in dirt. My ill fitting dress was replaced with a pair of black shorts and a black v neck. A mint coat and Knee socks along with a slash and scarf like thingy. (Pic Above) I learned my eyes only glow the bright green when Im in the dark and it makes me see, hear, and fight better. It drains my chakra however so leader-sama has me train with Itachi to get used to my "Kekkei Genkai". My kunai was sharpened and returned only if I promised not to hurt myself. I complied not getting why they thought I would harm myself. I also was given a weapons pouch with other kunai and chakra blades. Finally a cloak, I was very fond of this article of clothing. I wore it proudly everyone had one here. It was black with drawn red clouds, its reached the ground and dragged slightly if I wasn't wearing my ninja sandals. Konan taught me how to be a "Lady" even though I found everything pointless I at least try and be "Ladylike" when she is around. Whenever Im around anyone else though Im just like one of the guys. My favorite people here are Kisame, and Hidan. Yeah I know weird people to be friends with a Jashin obsessed lunatic and a shark half breed. I pretty sure the only reason Kisame actually likes me is because I didnt call him a fishstick during the introductions. Which came as a surprise to most people because I walked up and hugged him, asking if people made fun of him. Telling him that I would beat the living hell out of anyone that called him a fish. So Kisame and I are on good terms. Now Hidan.. This is a funny story. He carried me here and I called him "Sir" and Deidara who is 14 right now was making fun of me. Hidan is 17 and said that he doesn't want to sacrifice me to Jashin. Im actually quite familiar to Jashin my father was a worshipper and he didn't make the cut. To his displeasure the Lord never made him immortal. I told Hidan that I used to worship Jashin with my father and I killed a boy in his name when I was 3. Im pretty sure they all think on drugs now because Hidan is like my best friend. He often comes to visit me in my room since Im still not familiar with the hideout quite yet. I have learned things about everyone here.

【My Thoughts On Everyone】-

Pein- He is like a hot military man that bosses everyone around.

Konan- She makes sure Im raised from now on as a lady.. She makes me flowers too.

Zetsu (White)- He is the better half of Zetsu, Apparently he wouldn't mind sinking his teeth into me.

ZETSU (Black)- He is a sarcastic asshole who tries to munch on my leg every now and then.

Itachi- He is a really really hot boy that I wanna fornicate with, however he is my Sensei and treats me as his sister.

Kisame- He is like my elder brother, he lets me cuddle with him when Im scared, carries me around the hideout if Im sleepy, and he makes me the best Sushi ever.

Kakuzu- He puts up with me because I dont bother him or "cost him any money" He is eyes are cool.

Hidan- He is the most attractive and amazing bestfriend ever. He can have my babies. Like yummy! He is shirtless all the time and I really wanna touch... Lets move on..

Sasori- He is a cute puppet man who wants to turn me into a puppet because I could he of great use to him and he calls me brat a lot. Sadly he died while extracting the One Tail.

Deidara- He is cute, now that I know he is a guy, I have been calling him a girl for the past week and cried when I found out he was a boy. He is a very pretty boy.. Sadly I have developed a crush on him.

Tobi- He is weird.. Like really weird man child thing.. Using my Kekkei Genkai I can see through his mask and saw his scar covered face. So I hugged him and told him I would love him even if he was covered in scars. I think he is stalking me now.

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