18: Suspicious Behavior

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The next morning Harry stared down, with a zombified expression, at the plate full of bacon and eggs Hermione had pushed in front of him.

"Eat," she ordered.

Harry didn't move, he hardly had the energy to breathe let alone chew food and swallow it. He was exhausted, physically and mentally.

He'd had a terrible night's sleep. The worst in a while.

It was rather annoying because he had actually fallen asleep quickly for a change but unfortunately it hadn't lasted long.

Draco had woken him up about half an hour in with his thrashing about on the bed like a fish out of water. Harry had been worried at first thinking he was having a fit or something but it turned out that the blond had just gotten himself tangled up in the bedsheets again and was trying - yet failing miserably - to free himself whilst still fast asleep.

After Harry had come to the rescue and freed Draco's legs and neck from the confines of the white linen, the Slytherin had sighed happily, still blissfully in la la land and settled.

Harry on the other hand couldn't drift back off again. He had stared into the dark for an hour or so before finally succumbing to a fitful sleep filled with nightmares about Voldemort coming back from the dead - again - and the snake eyed git turning out to be the one who planted the bonding potion.

In conclusion Harry had woken up feeling like shit with Draco unhelpfully telling him he looked like it too.

He was so tired he couldn't even help Draco with their Potions assignment, which had needed to be stirred clockwise for fifteen minutes at seven o'clock on the dot before requiring powder goats liver and grated dragon scales to be added at seven twenty.

Jeez, he couldn't even remember getting ready and walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

In fact he didn't even know where he was sat right now.

One slow rise of his head and he found he was sat at Gryffindor table. Interesting.

He turned to his left with a wince as an ache bloomed behind his eyes.

He found Draco eating his breakfast with a look of utter disgust etched on his aristocratic face and if Harry had the energy he would've laughed.

"Goodness Harry, what is wrong with you?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night," he mumbled back to her with a yawn.

"Well go to Madam Promfrey and get a pepper-up potion, we have a lot of planning to do and we need you in top form."

"Good idea Granger," Draco stood up eager to get away from the Gryffindor table. "Let's go Potter," he said to Harry, pulling the brunette roughly to his feet.

A few students nearby turned to stare at the bonded pair but soon looked away after one scathing look from Malfoy.

"Wait!" Hermione yelled causing Draco to expel an annoyed rush of air threw his nose as he turned around with a sour expression.

She thrust a bacon and egg sandwich into Harry's hand.

"Okay, you can go now," she patted Harry on the back before sitting back down.

"Why how kind of you," Draco sneered sarcastically before gripping Harry's arm and steering him out of the hall, all the while snapping at anyone who dared to look in their direction.

"Better?" Draco asked after Harry had gulped down the pepper-up Potion with a grimace.

They were stood on the first floor a little way down the corridor from the Hospital Wing.

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