20: Harry's First Time

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"Well then," Hermione muttered in disbelief.

The three Gryffindor's and the three Slytherin's were back in the Library. Draco was talking quietly with Pansy and Blaise, while Harry had just finished filling Hermione and Ron in on everything that Snape had said.

"It's good to know that even the smart ones can be incredibly stupid from time to time," Ron laughed looking at Hermione pointedly.

She pursed her lips and tutted.

"Yeah," Harry replied distractedly, missing the disgruntled look his bushy haired friend gave him. "It's strange because I was expecting something... I don't know... I thought maybe Snape's part in it all would have been malicious in a way. I was literally ready to place all blame on him but really the only thing he is guilty of is testing his skills on brewing an illegal potion and I can't even say there was anything sinister behind him wanting to do it; he only did it to prove to himself that he could in fact brew it. He truly feels terrible about the whole thing - I could clearly see how remorseful he was," he looked at Ron and Hermione with a slightly alarmed yet uncertain expression on his handsome face. "I feel -" he broke off with a frown, trying to put into words his feelings towards the Potions Master.

"You're feeling sympathy for him," Draco offered helpfully.

"Merlin, is that what I'm feeling?" he asked wide eyed.

"That's weird," Ron pulled his face.

"Very weird," Harry agreed mirroring the redhead's expression.

"Actually, I was referring to the way Malfoy can read your emotions but yeah it's definitely weird that you feel sympathy towards that over grown bat."

"Oh come off it you two, Professor Snape isn't that bad," Hermione chastised.

"Have you lost your mind?" Ron asked seriously, looking her over in a concerned manner.

When he tried to press the backs of his fingers against her forehead she batted him away. "Don't be ridiculous," she huffed. "I think he's just misunderstood that's all."

"Well you are the only one who thinks that," Ron informed her.

"Actually, Granger is right, he is misunderstood. Although he doesn't exactly help himself by acting the way he does," Draco shook his head. "I've told him on numerous occasions but of course he doesn't listen.

Harry raised his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised at Draco's civil tone and the way he just offered up the information, little though it was. The blond was starting to get more comfortable around their little group.

Hermione looked pleased and smiled at Draco, which he didn't return but really, Rome wasn't built in a day, what did you expect? The rest looked at Draco strangely, probably wondering what was going on with him.

"Anyway," Hermione cleared her throat taking the attention away from the handsome blond who looked to be getting more irate every passing second that Pansy, Blaise and Ron continued to stare at him. "Do you have the note Harry?"

Harry reached into his pants pocket producing the folded up parchment and handing it to her.

"What are you doing?" Pansy asked intrigued.

"Just making sure there are no new messages," Hermione replied unfolding the parchment and laying it out flat on the table. "Revelio," she breathed tapping her wand to the surface.

Her message materialised, showing there were no new messages from the mystery perpetrator.

"Can I see that?" Pansy held out her hand and Hermione offered her the charmed parchment. "Can you see all the previous messages?"

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