Chapter 6

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Red Son looks out at the night sky, his stuffed toy lay on the couch that he calls a bed. For some reason, he's yet to fall asleep. It's been an entire month since the two's first arcade "hang out", and now he can't stop thinking about that day. He knows he needs to take MK, but in a way that would mean that he himself isn't forcing him. He wants it to be equal so he feels safe... he can't have MK be an item to him or else everything that he loves about MK will be locked away for good. This would be so much easier if he was still villainous by default, but MK actually changed him... well, not just MK. Mei, Sandy, Pigsy, and even Tang changed him! They're too good of people... how do people like them exist in this world? Though, he isn't complaining. They tell him he does good, he gets paid for his work, and he has a pretty good life. It's... better than anything he could ever dream. He thinks about his plan and how happy--how proud his father would be if he brought them down, but... that isn't worth it anymore. He's in love and not giving that up. Now. Now he is truly done with that family of his. He won't take MK... MK's already taken him. That thought makes him chuckle, smiling ever so slightly. As the wind goes through his hair, he enjoys the cool breeze. Then, the breeze turns more violent and spirals. He knows what this is. Who this is.

"There you are, my boy. I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Well hello to you too, mother."

Princess Iron Fan, his mother, floating still in front of him.

"Well, I think you've had your fun little vacation for long enough. Come along, we can't keep my husband waiting."

She reaches for him, but he pulls back, avoiding her grasp.

"I'm not going back there."


"I refuse to go back there!"

"I don't think you truly understand, your father wants you back home so you are coming back home and that's the end of it."

"I don't care. I'm happy here and if you think I'll do your bidding or even his then you really don't know who you raised."

"Oh, my stupid little boy, do you really think you can challenge me? You might have fire, but I? Oh, I have the wind."

Within seconds, violent winds wrap around Red Son, trapping him, and the next second he's gone without a trace. If Sun Wukong didn't see it, then he wouldn't have known... but he did. He knew better than to fight Iron Fan right now. After all, his pupil still needs to learn and Red Son still needs to be tested. So, he makes his way over to MK's place of residence. From a bird, to a monkey, to a cat, and back to a bird again, the Monkey King quickly and gracefully navigates the city and find MK peacefully playing a video game on his phone.

"Hey, Kid."

MK jumps, falling out of his bed.

"Monkey King?! Wh-what uh, brings you here?"

"Just thought I'd tell you that, and this may or may not be important, that Red Son has been taken by Iron Fan."

Silence for a moment before Monkey king decides to poke MK, seeing as he's completely shocked.

"What?! Where is he!?"

"Probably with the demon bull king. What are you thinking-"

"I'm thinking I call my friends, beat the snot out of DBK, and save Red Son!"

"I'm sure your boyfriend is thinking about you."

"Well- wait. Boyfriend?! Red isn't my- I don't even think that he likes me like that-not that I like him but- you know???"

He sighs, knowing MK far too well.

"You are extremely obvious, you know that, right?"

"I... you can't blame me for that. He goes on and on about tech, his hair flares when he gets embarrassed, and the way he speaks? I could listen to that all day."

"Please don't start with the paragraph on how great he is, you'll boost his ego from here. Just focus on saving him. I'll be... busy, with something else. You'll be fine as long as you have my staff."

He'll be watching from the shadows.

"Right! Now, it's time to save Red Son!"

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