Ch 2 - Cat Noir

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Lloyd's POV:

     I quickly run across the rooftops of Ninjago City. I see Ash in his rocky fo and I run towards him. I get to the edge of a building and look at him. I don't think I should jump down, I then yell out, "Ash!" He stops and turns to look at me. "I am Obsidian. Ash gone." I look at him in worry. "You don't have to do this!"
     "Hawkmoth help Obsidian. Obsidian help Hawkmoth." I quietly gasp, why would this Hawkmoth do this. I watch as a dark purple butterfly image appears over Ash's face and he is talking to it, sort of. "Give earings. Hawkmoth want." I glare at Ash, why would Hawkmoth want my earings. "No thanks. These are mine." I see Ash pick up a rock and chucks it at me, I jump aside to avoid it. I didn't realize how agile I've become because now I'm further than I intended and hurtling to the ground.
     I feel myself get caught and a voice speaks," Woah, careful there little bug." I blush in embarrassment and look up at who saved me. It's a man with spikey brown hair, a tight black jumpsuit like mine, a belt that acts like a tail, a bell around his neck, and he has a black mask and ears. "Who are you? And I'm not a little bug! My name is L-"I almost say my name and quickly change it," Ladybug."
      The boy sets me down and laughs. "Isn't Ladybug a girly name? Why not Lady Dude." I glare at him," Well 1, ladybugs in real life can be a boy. And 2, Lady Dude is a stupid name. My name is Ladybug. What's yours Black Kitty?" The boy snorts and jumps backwards. I take the hint and jump back as well. "No my name isn't Black Kitty. It's Cat Noir." I roll my eyes.
     "Any idea on what we should do Kitty?" He glares at me and pulls out a small stick with a confused look. "You going to throw that?" He shrugs and hits a button. It extends and hits a rock Ash had thrown at us. Both our eyes widen in shock. "Oh..." Cat says. "That works. I wonder what this does," I mumble while pulling out my yoyo.
     I see Cat Noir give an amused look," You going to walk the bug?" I hear him laugh and I see another bolder thrown. On instinct I throw the yoyo while holding the string, it wraps around the rock and I pull it. It breaks at the tension and the yoyo returns to me. "I think I might Cat Noir." I look over at him and he's in awestruck. I hope we're doing this right. I should have asked Tiki what to do.
     "No love for me, no love for anyone!" We both look at Ash as he storms at us. That's when I notice one of his hands haven't opened. "Kitty get his hand open. There's something in it." He gives me a confused and annoyed look but nods his head. "Of course m'lord." I roll my eyes at the nickname and we charge Ash. Cat ends up activating some power when yelling out 'Cataclysm!' and that caused as to drop a paper.
     I run to it and rip it apart. We watch as a dark purple butterfly flys away and Ash turns to normal. I watch the butterfly in worry and I hold my yoyo close. "Well I'm off M'lord. My rings almost out of little nubs and I think that means I transform back." I nod my head in acknowledgement as he leaves.
     "Can you get back to the school?" I see Ash look at the paper and I pick it up and read it. It's hard because I tore it but I smile. "You wrote a love note. That's so cute. Did you try confessing?" I look at him and he nods his head. "It didn't work. Before I could get any words out Shade walked away. Then Skylor mocked me." I frown and crouch next to him.
     "How about you tape this up and then just hand it to Shade. I'm sure this will speak a thousand words you are trying to tell him. Or at least the most important three." He looks at me in shock before nodding his head. I smile at him. "Well I should get going. Get back to your school safely." I hand him the paper and walk away. I think for a moment and use my yoyo to get up high and far away. I land in an alleyway near school and detransform.
     "That was an amazing first time out! Did you de-evilize the akuma?" I look at her in confusion. "I was supposed to do that!? How do I do that? Also I met this cat hero and he yelled 'cataclysm' and he destroyed stuff. Do I have something like that?" She was taken aback and blinked a few times in confusion. "I forgot to tell you that stuff didn't I?" I give her a 'duh'  look and nod my head. "Well when you free someone from an akuma, the little guy will fly out and you use the yoyo to capture it and purify it. That way the akuma doesn't turn random civilians and the original akumatized victim again. Your power is lucky charm and to use it, one must have a creative mind."
     I nod my head. "And the cat guy, he's another hero like you. Now before you ask, you two can not know each other's identities." I nod my head and sigh before looking worried. "I told Ash to come back here because I didn't think anything else besides freeing him was necessary!" Tiki looks worryingly at me. "What should I do!? I don't want him to go into heartbreak again!" She looks at me and sadly smiles. "I need to regain some strength so until people are being transformed, we can do nothing but encourage Ash with his feelings."
      I look at her in defeat and nod my head. I see her fly off to hide and I walk out of the alley and see Ash. I run to him with worry written all over me. "Ash are you ok? Skylor gloated about what she did to you and I'm really sorry that happened. Is there anything I can do to help?" He looks at me in suprise and blinks. I don't think he expected me to be worried about him. He then nods his head and pulls out his love note. "Is that what you were trying to use to tell Shade?"
     He nods his head and sighs," It was a stupid idea anyways." I look at him in shock and shake my head no. "No it isn't! I think it's sweet. Hey, I think I have tape in my backpack. Want to tape that note back up and give it to Shade?" He looks at the ground before looking at me and nodding his head. "Yeah, I'd like that." I smile at him and we both head inside and back to Ms B's room.

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