Ch 6 - The Blog

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Lloyd's POV (after he went separate ways from Jay):
     I run home after saying bye to Jay. I need to get Tiki something to eat. I run through the streets, dodging and weaving through people. Eventually I end up at the apartment complex entrance and I walk in. I run up to the third floor and to my Uncle's door. I open it and walk in. I look around to see if my Uncle is around, I don't see him. I sigh in relief, closing the door, and walk to the fridge.
      I was looking inside it for something small for Tiki to eat when a cough alerted me to someone behind me. I quickly turn around and there behind me was Uncle Wu. He raised an eyebrow at me and what I was doing. "I'm guessing Tiki is exhausted." I look at him in suprise and I try to come up with an excuse.
     Tiki flys out of my bag and shakily floats in the air. "Hello Master Wu. I did not know you picked a family member to be a miraculous holder." I quickly grab a strawberry from inside the fridge and walk to Tiki. "You know my Uncle Tiki?" I hold out my hand with the strawberry, she flys down to my hand and begins to eat it. "Yes Lloyd. Our family has been protestors of the miraculouses since a very long time ago."
     I look at him wide eyed and he shows me his bracelet. "Wazz, you can come out from behind my nephew." A small turtle came flying out from behind me and my eyes widen. "I always knew you were going to take up the mantle as protecter of the miraculouses but I did not plan on you becoming the owner of the Ladybug Miraculous." I looked at him whide eyed.
     "Uncle...does my dad know?" Uncle Wu sighs and looks at me. "If your father hadn't stolen the butterfly and the peacock miraculouses," I see the sorrow and pain in my Uncle's eyes," we would be guarding it together." I frowned and one arm hugged my Uncle since Tiki was still in my other hand. While we were hugging I asked my Uncle, "Is my father..
Hawkmoth?" I feel him nod his head and I sigh. "I'm so sorry Uncle. Let's have dinner and we can discuss this more."
     We slowly pull back from the hug and he nods his head. I'm guessing he doesn't trust his voice right now and I don't blaim him. We pull away from eachother and begin to prepare dinner. Niether of us spoke, the silence emitting between was comfortable but stiff. I couldn't take it any more. I tentatively ask, "Uncle...who is Cat Noir?"
     He lets out a soft chuckle, "Even I do not know that information nephew." My eyes looked at him in bewilderment. How could he possibly not know. "Your father would eventually find us and interrogate me to find the ladybug and cat miraculouses. I put you in a lot of danger by giving you one of them. I won't let that happen to the other one." Slowly, I nod my head. I don't fully understand but for whatever reason my father wants both miraculouses. The other must not know who I am, and I can't know who he is.
     "If you figure out his identity, that's fine. Just no telling anyone." Uncle Wu says. I nod my head to show I understand him. We then spent the next hour preparing a meal and cooking it. It was starting to get dark by the time qe finished dinner. Then it took an hour and a half to eat it all. Throughout dinner he told me all that I would be learning. I get to learn about the miraculouses, pick people to bear them, and pick someone to watch over the Miraculous box when my Uncle no longer could.
     Once we finished cleaning everything up it was around seven at night. Uncle Wu decided not to train me at the moment since it was late. We went to the livingroom and sat down. Tiki came and cuddled into the crook of my neck. Uncle Wu turns on the tv and we see the news is on. He's about to change it but a scene of the fight today was showing. My eyes widen in shock.
     Someone was close enough to record that! Oh no that isn't good. I look over towards my Uncle and he doesn't react, but he does speak. "You can not control those around the fight so be prepared for bystanders. And expect more videos." I nod my head to that. "Ok Uncle. I'll do my best. I'll let Kitty know next time I see him." I see Wu smile at the nickname I've given Cat Noir.
     My phone went off in suprise. I felt my heart race in suprise. Wu looked at me in confusion. "I made a friend today. It was his first day at school and well, we became friends." Wu nods his head as I continue, "His name is Jay Walker and I don't think he's going to leave me anytime soon." I see Wu smile at that comment. "Well Lloyd, I am glad you finally have a friend." I nod my head in agreement. "I might actually have two more but I don't think they'll be as close as Jay."
     I pull out my phone to see what Jay sent me at this time of day. I see a link and a small message that says 'click it, this isn't anything bad'. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. I click the link and I feel my eyes widen in worry. "Oh no." I see Uncle Wu look at me in concern. I quickly connect my phone to the tv and played the video Jay had sent me.
     As the video played, I could feel myself going white. What is Jay and this 'Samurai X' thinking!? They could get hurt doing this! As the video neared the end I look over at Wu. He has a frown on his face. "I do not think we can stop your friend, but we can help him stay out of trouble." I nod my head. I don't think I'll be able to handle Jay doing this.
      I look back as the video and it's the end of the video. The one thing I'm reassured about it is, Jay and Samurai X aren't going to look for Cat Noir and Ladybug's identities. I hope he knows what they are getting into. Tikki hugs me, it feels weird having something small hug me but it is comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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