Chapter 1: The News

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July 14, 2019

The phone rang again, I didn't even bother to look at it.  I knew it was her, but being the coward I was, I couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone.  She found out, I knew it!  She knew I didn't think her being involved in that problem was one of her best choices, to be honest it was a stupid mistake.  The more involved she got the more danger she would be in of getting hurt or accidentally hurting another.  None of us wanted that to happen.  It was just easier to stick with the carefree days we were living.  Little did I know that these carefree days would feel like forever ago in mere moments.  

"Aren't you going to pick it up?" my mom asks from the doorway.  I avoid looking her in the eye, "I don't want to really talk to her right now."  Let's just say that was the worst decision I could have made in my life, but then again I didn't know the consequences of anything just yet.  "Well, I'll pick it up for you and tell Irene that you're busy right now and that you'll call when you're free," my mom answers, oblivious to my internal conflict.  "Great thanks!" I exclaim popping my earbud back in and letting the music surround me.  

I get lost into the rhythm of work and the beat of the music and it's nearly an hour later when I get the courage to call Irene back.  "Hello..?" I ask, taking in a shaky breath.  "Hi, Lily...I have some news..."  The words that next poured out of her mouth shook me to the core.  I just sat there, every possible worry escaped from my head like wisps of fog, the only thought that is running through my mind are  the words... "I have cancer."  

"Hello...are you there..?  Lily??"  "Yeah...yeah I'm here..." my voice is just a whisper.  How was she so calm?  How was she not freaking out?  My insides are full on shaking and my eyes start to well up with tears.  "I just don't know how to tell Kathy and Sienna.  Just telling you was hard for me.  Can you let them know please?" her voice pleads.  "Yeah I totally understand.  I'll tell them.  Don't worry," I say into the receiver, my hands typing away a series of sentences to Sienna summarizing exactly what just happened.  

I get off the phone a moment later, my eyes watering and on the verge of having a major breakdown. Sienna gets back to me only a second later, "Tell me this isn't true!".  My hands shake as I type back "...I...can't..."  My head was empty, the only words left were...why her... why does fate have to hit us with the bad fortunes...why her from millions of people... 

I instantly start hating myself, I should've answered her phone calls, but I let one damn insignificant little problem get in my way.  It was then that I realized how much I loved her and the other 2.  It was then I realized that I wouldn't leave them for the world, they were too special.  It was then that I knew that whatever happened we would all stick together and support each other.  

I told myself that Irene was going to make it because she was so damn strong and nothing has ever beaten her.  I haven't found any other soul that has shined as bright as hers.  I told myself that she was going to live for 80 years and that we'll all stay together and complete our stupid and weird dreams no matter how strange they got (one of them being driving to Italy.... we live across the ocean from Italy).  

We were going to get through this together, no matter what happened.  

A/N:  Hey guys!  There you have it the first chapter.  It's not the best, but I'm trying.  If you like it please vote and leave a comment.

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