A Final Letter To You

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My Dearest Angel,

This is my final letter to you. I know you've been gone for twenty years but I need to tell you a few things before I (hopefully) join you in the force.

I have wronged so many people in my life.

I abandoned my mother. I could've gone and saved her but instead, I obeyed the corrupted order's rules. I broke them to be with you but somehow, I couldn't make myself break them for her...

I betrayed my best friend. You'll always be my number one but Obi-Wan is a close second. He was a father to me, my mentor and my partner-in-crime; I killed him and just walked away from his robes. I felt nothing then but I feel like I'm in pure guilt and agony now...

I made our son my worst enemy. It wasn't until I heard the name 'Luke Skywalker' that I set out to destroy him. I was so angry that he survived but you didn't. I wanted him to pay for it but in the end, I am just so pissed at myself for not trying to be a father to him. I should've cared for him instead of trying to kill him...

I destroyed our daughter's home. I didn't even know at the time she was my, our, daughter. My little girl, my sweet little Leia, the daughter I've always wanted... I took her home from her and I didn't even know it...

I failed my master. Palpatine is dead. He's dead and I have his blood on my hands, I killed him. His death was necessary but I can't help but wonder. If I had killed him instead of Master Windu all those years ago, would you still be here? Would I still be this monster...

I can take all of this though. I can live with these terrible things that I've done.

There's only one thing I can't live with however; it was hurting you that's killed me.

You were my angel, my light, my love...

It was me who took away your wings.

It was me who put out your light.

It was me who broke your beautiful heart in the end.

I'm so sorry... I'm so very sorry for hurting you. Killing you, killing everything that we had will always be my one and only regret in life. I don't know how I made it this long without you but soon, I hope to be joining you in the force.

I know you're up in the heavens and I'll probably spend eternity in Sith hell but hope that before I go, I get to see you one last time.

Please forgive me, my love.

I love you to infinity and back and all across the stars, Padme Amidala Skywalker.

The Former Anakin Skywalker

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