chapter 2: The Bestfriend

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Noah Jones

I hated the fact Nova got a job at that restaurant. I told her not to accept it because I knew about that scum bag manager. If she would have listened to me in the first place.

I have money to pay for her college. I'm the CEO at Jones Holdings Inc. I'm not quite a billionaire but more in the millions. Running a chain of clubs, and hotels.

Yeah I know. Why live in an apartment with someone when you can have a mansion.. I had this apartment for 4 years with Nova before I even made this much money.

Nova wants to be independent on her education and working. Which is why she didn't want to start the company with me. She wouldn't let me get her a job either.

God. I can't live with myself if he did something. I started hitting the steering wheel, "fuck!" I yelled. I know I need to keep my cool but I can't see her get hurt. I've seen it enough.

Finally getting home I shut off the engine, getting out and slammed my door.

Nova Rey

He's home. I heard a door slam, and I'm 500 percent sure it's him. I am sitting on the couch in the corner, knoting my fingers together.

I'm so freaking nervous. He'll be pissed and yell. Throw things and punch walls. I don't even want to tell him honestly.

I heard the door unlock, signaling he's here. I stared at the door. Eyes wide. He stormed in, furious green eyes finding mine.

"Nova," he said holding back the anger.

"I seriously don't want you to get angry. Please. Not tonight." I said looking down. I know this ruined his day. He quickly walked over to the couch, hugging me. "Babe tell me what happened," he whispered.

And I did. "He came in the back and pinned me against the wall and started kissing me and stuff. I told him to stop and started crying. And he um.. he slapped me hard." I can practically see Noah murdering Joshua already. "After that I cried more, and then he took off my shorts. Then he was going to..." I trailed off not wanting to say it.

Noah was fuming. I can see it. "Did he.. ?" Noah asked. "God no one of the costumers I was serving came in the back and stoped him before he could." I said.

Noah looked puzzled. "Why was there a customer in the back? That's for employees only." I Shrugged. "Beats me. He was pissed off when he got there and wanted to kill Joshua too." I said.

Noah leaned back into the couch, sighing. The anger slowly settling. I cuddled up into his side. He slung his arm around me. "It's a good thing you're quitting. I would go up there and kill hi-" i cut him off.

"Who said I was quitting?" I asked.

and that's when the fight started.

"You can't be kidding right? You aren't quitting? Are you Fucking Stupid?" He screamed, standing up. "Noah I need the money for college! You know that. I only have a month left!" I yelled back.

You could feel the anger radiating off of him. "Bullshit! Nova you must be fucking dumb if you think you're going back in there. You know I can pay for that. It's one simple Fucking thing to do, and you want to go back?" His voice raising.

By now I'm sure our neighbors could hear us. "I don't want anyone messing with my education or work. I can do this on my own! I don't need you for that!" I matched his level of loudness.

"You Don't need me huh? Nova doesn't need me. She almost gets raped at work and wants to continue." He yelled. "This is my decision anyway Noah! Not yours! Your not my dad!" I screamed.

"You're asking for a death wish Nova Ann Rey! Don't push this. You know how I feel about that man and you're crossing the fucking line!" He screamed, his voice was cold and hard. His eyes showed hatred.

I was afraid of him when he yelled at me. Right now he has his head against the wall with his hands on his head. I was trying not to cry. I hate pissing him off.

I got up and walked to my room so he can cool off on his own. I got in bed, right when my head hit the pillow. Tears flowed out of my eyes, sobs racking my body.

Atleast I get tomorrow off. I slipped into a light sleep. After a few hours I felt Noah come in my room and lay with me. He kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry babe. I love you."


When I woke up it was 1 pm. Noah was still sleeping which was terrible because he had to get to work, 4 hours ago.

I poked him. "Psssst. Noah. Pssst. Nooooaaah." I Whispered shaking him lightly. He didn't budge. So I pushed him off the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

"Nova what the fu-" he stopped mid-sentence realizing I was "sleeping". He left the room going to get ready I'm assuming. I decided it was time to "wake up."

I greeted him in the kitchen "Good morning my one and only true love Prince Noah," I smiled. He stopped making his cofffee and looked at me, "What do you want?" His eyes narrowed.

I grinned because he knows me so well, "I don't want anything but I guess if you put it that way... take me to work with you." I know it'd make him happy if I atleast thought about working with him.

Everyone already knows me at Jones Holdings Inc. cause I go visit him, but I've never given it a thought to work with him. I've just wanted to be independent.

He smiled, "Yeah of course. I'll be leaving in 30. Be ready." I nodded and went to get ready.


Are the chapters short? Or like medium? Idk how much to write lol.
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