Chapter 7 [ The Trip 2 ]

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No one pov :

Bakugou and kaminari wer sleeping in peace wen Mina walk in crashing the door cuz she didn't find kaminari in his room wen she saw that there cuddling they looked at her and she looked at the surprise "wait it's not what is look like" kaminari tried to explain but Mina just took a picture and close the door leving kaminari and bakugou looking at each other blushing like crazy

Kaminari left the bed bakugou looked down at his blanket blushing "T-thanks for last night although you didn't have to stay but you did so thanks" bakugou said for kaminari, kaminari just smiled at bakugou and said "of course no problem dude" bakugou smiled a little but it dispersed after a while "sorry but I have to go get ready for the trip see yah later" kaminari said as he left the room leaving bakugou in his room alone

"Looks at this" Mina said to Toru

"OMG I can't believe it! " Toru said happily

"I know right there so cute together " Mina said jumping

"Should we do it should we make it sail "Toru said expected

" Oo heck yah we should" Mina said as she started planning

Kaminari walk pass kirishima room as he saw them both leaving the same room kaminari just stood there looking at them he has to tell Mina he have to he saw them smiling and laughing he took a picture of them laughing and smiling and send it to Mina wen they left the hallway he got to his room to get ready

Deku and kirishima were walking down stairs having fun with each other company when they got to the kitchen they saw mina and toru looking at them with glowing eyes deku didn't pay attention to it he got to the kitchen to make some breakfast for both him and kirishima he made some pancakes he looked back at kirishima to see him blushing he was talking with Mina and toru in the living room he was curious of what is going on so he takes his and kirishima pancakes and gave it to him by the time he gave it to him Mina and toru got up stairs to get ready

"What was that about " deku asked eating the pancake he made "it was nothing trust me" kirishima said with a Blush on his faxe"then why are you blushing like crazy "daku asked suspicious" it-it nothing really "deku was still suspicious but he let it go after finishing their food deku set down in the couch in the living room they wer the fist one to get ready kirishima looked at deku and decided to watch TV with him
They watched the TV tell avryone was down and they wer ready to go

"OK get in the buss comeon " aizawa said tired as always the students got in the buss (this is their seat)

Uraraka /tsu

There was alot of noise in the bus bakugou saw looking at the window lost in thoughts he didn't know why but his heart was resting he didn't pay attention to it kaminari on the other hand he was sleeping with earplugs on bakugou just looked at kaminari sleep he was gana Tuch his face but Mina jump her head in the back seat "what are you doing~" Mina asked suspicious "non of your danm business that it" bakugou said as he looked back at the window he Blush at what he was gana do what was I thinking clearly not thinking he dumped his head at the window and draft to sleep

"Shush he is gana wake up " a voice said

" No he is not let's finish already he is waking up" said another voice

"If you keep quiet he won't wake u-"the voice was cut of with another voice "what are you guys doing "kaminari said to Mina and toru" shushhhh he is gana wake up shut it "mina said as she take a picture of someone how is sleeping on kaminari arm kaminari looked at the person he was bakugou sleeping is peace the only person who saw bakugou like this was kaminari when he saw that bakugou saw crying over that slut kaminari shake bakugou as Mina and toru run out the bus "mm~" bakugou respond to kaminari "bakugou wake up where here" bakugou scratches his eyes "mm~ huh oh ok" kaminari grabbed his bag  and bakugou stand up from his seat only to fall because he woke up to fast kaminari giggle a little bakugou did to kaminari help bakugou up and grab his bag as they left the bus

When they left the bus aizawa looked at them and said "we already picked witch one is gana be there roommates and you to are the last so your gana share the same room" bakugou looked at kaminari and they nodded they went to their room ther was only one master bed they look at each other a Blush creeped on bother of their faces oh well there gana stay like this for the rest of the trip they don't have another choice

"Hey bakugou are you coming or what "kaminari asked bakugou" yah yah I'm coming just wait up "bakugou said as he takes of his shirt to swim" hey kaminari can We swim with you guys " kaminari looked back to see kirishima and deku" yah sure why not "kaminari said bakugou got out the bathroom and looked at deku and kirishima" hey you coming with us "bakugou asked deku" yah let's go "bakugou kaminari kirishima and deku went swimming deep in the ocean they were having fun but the fun didn't last as they wer leaving because it was getting late bakugou saw uraraka he still didn't get through the heartbreak he saw her happy he didn't want to admit it he was happy that she was happy not only that but he also saw that kirishima saw carrying for deku he just couldn't handle it any longer "he bakugou are you ok" kaminari asked him but bakugou walk away kaminari just leave deku and kirishima behind and follow bakugou little did they know someone had his eyes on deku from the start...

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