Beautiful Light!

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Chapter 1: The Journey. Although we may not always see it. Everything needed to pause for the better so, going through any sort of changes in life opens you up & those who wait, it's worth it then more than it could be otherwise. Jassie & Josh you found us - from there we found someone beyond special, transforming all the lives around him for the best! If nobody had patience, I don't think we would be worthy of goodness in our wouldn't be so much of a gift then. It would be a forced perception and we would know deep down that without patience our truths values and endeavors wouldn't hold the value that they do when freedom builds up the wonder to a courageous strength. As far as I see, this is what starts an incredible path & journey of development. Peace has to be found to mean anything significant. What you have achieved here is a great balance which I feel through your video's you created for life! You're making waves with your visions for your future and through your video's/life, goofing around & living from your heart. Living your life, true to being one of a kind. The realisation, the journey towards finding yourself through a wondrous depth is powerful. Having a unique way of lightning up the world with a smile & all round fun, those memories letting you know this is your special talent, your grace to find the light in being yourself. When you feel lost or confused, to forever be who you are always, with confidence in the tranquility of the freedom that follows the trust in the beating of your heart and the empathy of shining eyes bound by the signaling to live your life like someone has left the gate open to your soul, guide you home to see those that gave you the happiness to begin with, sounding crystal clear dancing along the path dusting the edges echoing along this sidewalk, calling your name to turn the hands of time with a touch of hope, golden aurora's resting! Staying strong for the love & care of an angel to touch a switch and turn on the brilliance to light the way gliding on a breath you take when you can't move, determined to discover a way to feel amongst a dark veil, crown a sunset with your light & suddenly there are clear skies, sunlight beaming down across the surface of possibility softly touching your face with a smile that's always been there.
You have dreams that continue to take you to new and unforeseen places in life and guess what? Around every corner there's another reason to smile as a ray of sunshine breaks through the grey barrier to bring to you blue backdrop light up determination to keep going along with this journey, now an adventure beyond your imagination. Looking forward walking with hope in your eyes as the first sound clearing the woods and bouncing around from time & space is that of courageous, trust in yourself. I believe in you all and keep wearing that lovely smile on your face because, you deserve to be happy and in the end everything will be ok, through brotherhood/sisterhood, family here, around the world! I know it in my heart. Tomorrow, will come for so many beautiful people in life such as with all of your amazingly unselfish heart, of gold. This is an incredible, valuable gift to have in the world! You are part of something special as you always have been so, such a truth will remain with you every second because, someone out there can see you for what you're worth and you have a dream so, I'll always believe in you! We all do! Being human really is just, a perception, what you and people alike you are really angels living in a world yet to be transitioned into a kingdom for pure hearts to touch the air and take off in full velocity to where exactly? The beauty of stars, comets dancing and oceans supplying earth's precious life cradled in diverse living, many roads to ripple home making memories lasting hand over heart, purpose hugging the tired swimming at dark depths saving, this race of special souls to call family to take to the gates of harmony, an endless wondrous peace! I'll cross this emptiness face to face today. So I'll make the point to go home to prove that I know what I'm doing! A riot, a quiet plane, a city of mileages to plough through until the brightest green is in sight & there welcomes the journey back home. Heading through months of what history thought the worlds oath would be for generations to pass on through the ages of outcast dramas and culture whereas bearing the enemy over thin borders within and the only shame is shame itself so today, set your sights high and raise your view to smartly create a compass of guiding hands pulling all of the fragments of recognition through to cover histories void of uncertain tyranny fighting in a very real way yet, as you have delved into a dimension that doesn't capture the world now. What felt like, being pulled under is being turned full circle. The complete miracle is that, you are not struggling in a moment which, has been swallowed by power. What you have inherited from what you see is a future of overwhelming peace taking into account heroic possibilities of a new age of life. Where goodness is the sole exacting heir of what will be and all that is yet to be discovered by a family of oneness gifted with a rare, pure belief heralding the heart so great and just. No mere argyle existence in a lone weather beaten state of dark cloaked misguidance could sit atop the world and conquer conquest driven existence. Only the privileged kind hearted have the vision to keep going and see the light touching every cornerstone of life from a clear view of new happiness and freedom. Captured & guarded for all of time to scroll what truly this historic path of found glorification for each other is to marvel at today with kindness being the forerunner to govern all thoughts and feelings. Don't wait to be true to you in every way. You know what's real, only this present moment, the one where dreams become truth in everyday life. A few words to reignite those thoughts that set fire to the encouraging warmth and jubilation each strike of ember could ever burn bright enough as a premise, a mark, a "Young, kind & free adult" coming home to set down a border we each have within us to draw strength in form from who we are. Setting tracks blitzing a future of prosperity, true to form that to be alive, trials and tribulations show up as glistening attractions in the night through to daylight in heartbeats. So, revealing gorgeous, gentle, fierce experiences to express, that which makes us all, us - inspirations. We have honestly come across such a talented, wise, young people just as memorable family to create the best gift that lives in with us. Which puts out such a stunning light which, opens the world to how bright the possibilities can be. All thanks to being yourself. I really believe in who you are with, your amazing story & videos. It's a complete pleasure to consider that my life is more meaningful and blessed by calling you all friend's, we all are. So special, positive & unique in your nature! Thank you so very much for being so kind hearted with your words to us Jassie & Josh! I'll definitely take on board what you have said about positivity. I hope you always continue making video's . You really do make a substantial impact which, puts a smile on my face! You inspire us to keep chasing our dreams and saying we're apart of the best people to make anyone laugh, cry, know what's epic, being loving & have fun, creating the best shows, friendships & more! (All of us friends United together through every moment which means, however we're feeling we can set ourselves free when, there's so much beauty in what we see.) Where we turn to for the greatest reminder to express the essence of who we are are. You're definitely a beacon for this kind of friendship. Freedom. I just get carried away in believing in how much endless hope & joy you give the entire world & I can see the friends you make through the beautiful character you own changes the world through influencing how great today can be. Your message absolutely delivers on every level! Thank you so much for everything. The day you decided to be you, to stand out, bravely whilst, not knowing what would happen was, the day, you started changing lives. You all really brighten our outlook on what We should be doing each day by, taking chances to seize how fortunate a gift like stepping out into the unknown can be when, we have a family like you guys. A smile should always create various possibilities - what better achievement than happiness? Or building a world where together we all recognise our special qualities give the world, it's very own quantity. I know where to look for my own inspiration. Friend's & family alike, is definitely something to keep me going, not to mention be so grateful for! Your smiles makes all of our day the adventure it should be, in creating a life where we gave it our all, however our emotions are because, we live in the moment, from the heart.
Every time you feel like the day, month or year is upsetting in anyway. It's nothing that you and your exceptionally strong heart and your determination can't move past. We all lose our place sometimes yet, every second trust and joy in such a truth that support and care is always close by. You just have to keep believing. I'm just one person yet, I'm here to remind you constantly that the experience of the fall is to learn and get back up, keep flying and never look back. No regrets is what life's all about with patience being the key to unlock the door and see the view from a different window. You're an amazing family and you don't need to change a thing. If anything, I'm the one learning from you to be carefree, honest, true and happy. You have a plan for life to, be positive and hearing it all unfold through your life & video's and the sense that I get of what a kind and fun person You all will always continue to be, talented beyond measure, like all of you! You're going to continue to grow in life and you just keep getting better and better with being exactly the person that encourages dreams to come true. You're our friend/s and always will be. You have seriously amazing friends and equally as amazing support and we'll stick by you on any given day so thanks for being one of a kind. Sometimes we can't see clarity or the light passing through our eyes, darkness stands so boldly in the way but, you have the key to unlock the door it's been there kept in your pocket all of this time, being shaped into a rarity, that will take you on to a life you thought only lived within your dreams. Only your golden, kind heart can unlock that door. Trust in yourself all of the time , you can never give up, otherwise hope wouldn't find you when you least expect it to. Memories from past events will not touch your strong heart, it's already been architecturally designed into a city of gold. Whom you let in sees that same aura of pure, sheer blinding white light. You have every right to be upset and afraid but, please know this: Courage is built from taking the plunge into unknown boundaries, the good news is that this courage inside of you all of this time is forever bound to that heartbeat that has gifted you all of the treasured possessions in the world, you have a real, human heart beat, you've survived probably more than most people could begin to comprehend on your scale of life. Your gorgeous heart beats with hope for every coming new day. Only you most intimately know the path you have walked up until right now. There's no better better than yourself to keep reaching for inner strength and peace because, if anyone else happened to be in your shoes, they would have made different decisions and they would not have handled your inner thoughts with all that we, the friend's you've made by moving forward, we know you're worth. You're the best fit to tell the world that you're going to keep fighting and you aren't going to let it win. The testament of your character in all harmony shines through only to encourage you with the knowledge of knowing and feeling so much emotion, both dabbled in hurt and frustration as well as joy and freedom. What you have yet to discover is going to be massive, you're going to discover all of your strengths, even whilst still feeling weakness, you're going to see life unlike any past perception, you will have true friends grow stronger and stronger alongside you, protecting you from the ledge of despair. It's not a nice place to be but, they/myself have you guarded in care so very much. The past can't comprehend your brightest future for only going on history made and mistakes remade it can't open up to swallow you, a person who lives with an undeniable light in your soul with so much greatness to instill into the whirlwind vortex of complex truth, connection with meeting the certainty in the right place to carve the stone and forge the ground upon which you stand taller and more awe-inspiring with a supportive and kind, foundation of strength under your feet to keep you safe at all times. We're here with you and we're all in this together, friends, family, fans no one gets left behind. That's the way it's written into a new law of gratitude and a world to be changed for what one person so true can achieve. Support is with you. Guys, all of you, thanks for being you. Life's all about perseverance, prosperous and creative living. You can't let a soul say otherwise. Look at life and accept you're beautiful just the way you are. All of our individual tastes and quirks make living an adventure so embrace the knowledge that so many of us are good people in this situation because, what comes after the negativity is nothing but clarity and trust in our own way. You know you're meant to be happy, & free with your choices. You aren't alone and we have to stand tall with the courage in our hearts keeping up with us. Sometimes it's hard & you feel like a fail but, you aren't. I see you for all your incredible characteristics which set you apart (passion, belief, honesty). Live life interestingly and your own way as you absolutely prove over and over again every day. You an inspiration and I aspire to live such an interesting, fun filled and joyful life, you are an inspiration a warm, kindhearted person who makes others smile. On your journey some people always try to stop success, what's sad is that people are too afraid to see the beautiful person isn't sadness, they're amazing & need kindness to make them shine so, others as well as yourself can see how beautiful you are. I wish there where a billion more people to give hope to those of us hurting. You deserve to be seen & you are! Instead of lots of people saying goodbye, we should make living worth it, we all have a place in the world & not everyone has their eyes looking towards how beautifully balanced someone is. Hang on, there's goodness in you, just as there is buried in confusion. Friend's let you see in color & bring out the best & worthwhile strength, you're seen for. Then when, you started YouTube! Making friends with each other & all of us, against the odds, a wonderful, caring family connecting everyone whilst being one of a kind, funny & setting the stage for the best people to come along with you, always. With such trust and belief no amount of hurt can stop you all being the new you. The you, your family always saw & always believe in, we know you, we love you & that will not change because of negative thoughts creeping in. It's your journey, you have what it takes to make it truly beautiful now. You do us proud daily. We're so proud of you & I'm so happy in these times to see your foundation being a star for us all to experience what it's like to know the world cares about you, & us. You help create a place online where we can all reach out to each other and bring happiness through, into today. Exactly, those little thing's always build up but, that's why a friend who cares, builds up better things to, at least know your day was made better, somehow. I know, I used to be shy in school and growing up. Someone being nice is honestly, the most important thing someone can be. I hope more people are nice towards you all. You don't deserve to feel bad. You're beautiful as you are. Jassie & Josh you guys set us all on a path of accepting who we are even if, we have tough days, too.This is for you! To anyone who can be unapologetically them & show us their talent's, live out of love for us & other's, I know they couldn't have lived a more meaningful life! You are without a doubt a huge part of breaking through the confusing parts of life! Anyone who says negative things needs to sort out their priorities bc you carry his soul with you, that's a beautiful strength! If anything, you guys are some of the kinder/more authentic people I know of! This kind of spirit reminds me of how connected we all are, through Jassie & Josh, caring about us all being the one to always be creative with his talent's - having the abilities to smile with you & be the definition of a kind friend, full of life to give to all of you & us! There's always hope, connection's, family everyday always be united in the best of humanity - the laughter bc it meant a lot to have fun & not take life too seriously. Smile bc you're weird & you're you, so is your best friend & their friend's! With this it's the gift keeps giving bc we're here, he's here with us in everything & he'd be missing us, too! Ferdi & you guys how to make us feel like we matter & you'll never stop doing this! A unique gift a true friend has, among many talents as a creator, bringing the best people together & protecting each other through being us, caring & creating the memories we fill with meaning! Never forgotten for any of us. He lives on as a wonderful friend & family for all of us! Chapter 2; In The Now; If you never made Content, lived fearlessly through everything you are, I would have regretted the fact that apart from us all being a little weird, we wouldn't have had such a down to earth band & family who all we can all relate to in many different ways. You have taught us it's completely ok to not really know who we are yet still, know life's pretty awkward & without realising it, then we couldn't figure out, no matter how distant everyday life seems to be on different levels, we have life experiences we cringe from & smile at & so do others. I always found watching your video's & shows we all mutually live with so many questions but, it's important to just go with it & make the most of it because, who else is going to offer the laugher & excitement your past & present video's give us through the fun, friendships messages. You affirm to me no flaws can stop you making something of yourself as, you can do & see so much more than you ever thought because, you really do know it's not too late to appreciate being nerdy, goofy, different is so relatable & you make the best friends this way. So yes, I love where you went with your life. You might as well do what makes you happy! You all have an amazing personality. Don't get burnt out - I'm happy you're still making video's. By being true to your heart & being real, it just comes with a natural positivity of course, I have found out that of all of the most precious gifts in the world, there will never be a better reason to be nice to others and feel the warmth they give to others. Don't change because, you're awesome for being uniquely you. Creating a Memorable time for everyone putting ourselves out to go above & beyond takes courage! Sharing your amazing messages you make the day brighter. It radiates from the soul, to love being close by to show someone they're special no matter what. Everything you do has a positive message, which of course, shows your talent. I can't stand for people wondering if they have a meaning in life, just so you know, your lives are real & you lift people up and open their eyes to the true talent they can also develop by supporting their character's as they grow. I guess, it's like looking after your heart and keeping it strong when we can get through the day having had someone smile. To believe in the fact that everyone has the potential to become whatever they want to be and you have a special way of making people smile, as you bless us, when you do so. You are a shining example of what being individual & loving life is all about. One thing I have seen is, the kindness you have makes a positive difference. In my opinion definitely deserves the respect equally. I appreciate & love your individual touch of something special. Thanks for being you, it doesn't ever, go unnoticed. What's special about it is, a voice, your upbeat soul to communicate to the world who you are and what you stand for, in every aspect, it's a gift to be shared with the world, your video's lets us believe in a way that's almost magical. We can all understand and appreciate that one voice that's united, however diverse that voice is, we know how to think and feel when we hear it because it puts a smile on our faces. Your messages bring people together, it's an incredible gift and in a way that gives this experience of freedom in life, through interpretation, joy, creativeness, inspiration and aspiration to become what we believe feels right in our hearts. Each video is a journey to a world that is created from dreams and heroes, a beautiful place that tells a story of life...just like a present being unravelled at christmas time, each time with a treasured blessing as unique as a snowflake and equally as elegant and bold, where time stands still forever, no matter what the external world is like, it's a passion that is in the hearts of everyone and everyone knows music, you can't force it is natural and courageous in teaching us about communication through art, an art form that just reveals hope and pride and reality in a way that has another view point. It's all that we are and all that we are yet to discover, it's a life's journey, within a journey freedom of expression as a passion for what we love. Your role is a role that can be broken into hundreds of pieces to be proven to fit as one puzzle with so many endings and ways to begin. To me this message means living with confidence and getting your voice out there to bring people together with a sense of freedom, contented and enjoying the way you connect with us, remembering this is a place that anyone can visit at any point in time and share so continually with others. It's videos like yours which makes us excited to see every new one, you make. This is what I call, well worth the wait. this part here has a particular beauty associated with it. At the beginning & looking back to when, you first decided to open up and to create videos," There's the denial & longing of the closeness, the absence of a close relationship where you're searching for one little bit of hope yet, that love never left you, you have always been walking alongside each other, unaware with a connection waiting to be seen again." As we've all been with you and continue to watch you making something amazing, being the person you were always meant to be. We know you, you've grown so much, we can see it and that's beautiful. For every hater, you'll always have 10x's more supporters! The haters grow your determination & the rest of us grow your confidence, as with anything in life. Look how far you have come and how far with, the help of YouTube and social media, shows, united in brotherhood & sisterhood, things have improved thanks to you. The possibilities from this, are endless. Whilst you rest, keep working, having fun, pushing through, all developing your ideas to make yourself and us happy. it's like imagine if you had to constrain that creativity...people grow in life too so of course your videos are going to grow and get better, sure it's a little different but, it's amazing. You know what you're doing, having the ideas, heart and knowledge you do have. Otherwise, it's not your message. It wasn't their creativity input then, we wouldn't benefit like, we all do. Greatness is why we all trust you. You're always going up and growing your music & kindness , as well as the reasons why friend's like us love you, so much. if you like a video or person, then in my opinion you continue supporting them through their growth, especially when it's their own style, & creativity I heard a few too many people only talk about liking older style of videos & it's such an injustice to where you are now. It's what you're making us feel. Taking that journey with the artists, appreciating it for what that journey is, there's something special about it! I just believe in treating you all with respect! With an entirely open approach to seeing video's for what it is. We turn up to watch YouTube because of how it makes you feel, who the individual is, also the other half of why it's so real and your personality's a bonus/so different because, it's an extension of the creativity you love. Who knew YouTube could be such a wonderful thing?! People like you Jassie & Josh, are a few of the many, special, caring and creative people who have great visions for wanting to create a safe and loving community. Through a platform like this, you've just tapped into meeting and being noticed by people like this. You're considered one of the best to us!So, with your genuine message is one which, is powerful in benefiting so many. Positivity and friendship is there to be enjoyed and through the years YouTube has been around, really shows being mindful, respectful & conscious of our choices can impact others. Collectively, being mindful of being good people, carries so far for all of the right reasons. I know life has its ups & downs. Through determination, and something good which, is a window into seeing who you are. Are, the connections we make. Your brotherhood/sisterhood & family, keeps evolving with happiness and openness in mind. Which is beautiful to see happening. To always have an amazing future in being unique with, a great life comes down to dedicating yourself, towards the courage in being respectful in everywhere you go. Then music & life can be enjoyed by everyone. As you put this all into perspective so well.
You're special for being yourself, for being so kind, for putting a smile on our face which in itself guarantees you'll always be the friend we adore so much and love. Your quirkiness makes your video's brilliant. Life can be better because I get to wake up knowing, myself and the world exist with you. You're all valued. I really admire you and I respect you for the fact that, you want to be the best you possible and still have those who love you for, your wonderful personality for your awesome, beautiful self. I have always looked up to you and I still do. I hope you're having a good day and enjoying seeing our thoughts on your tours! Sadly, we learn we can't wish away everything we want and that's pretty much how it feels at times but, where there are wishes there's also a blessing there, the importance of what matters most to you, has a creative way of making an appearance which, I think is always going to be with you like, your video's, & advice in front of us & behind the scenes. You'll find a way to create a wonderful future with your creativity & good heart's, always. You have already & hopefully it won't be so confusingly sad later on but, more fun & happy again. Wishing and hoping are totally different when you keep going and smiling - you surround yourself with the best shot at a great future. It would be a lot easier if some wishes could be 100% the way we hope sometimes but then, the one thing that comes to mind here is not being able to grow as much otherwise. What perception of yourself you put out there, including the posts, contributes to how you feel about the world or yourself at the time. Sharing a positive picture, message, comment or anything that let someone smile is powerful. I think it's easier to focus on the lighter side of life and make things better that way. You have taught us, that although, we might start out with a past, no matter how bad we feel about ourselves at times, we're on this journey for a reason! Chapter 3: Hope; The approach you use in perseverance would have to be one of my most inspiring influences in the world and day to day life. I love how you're completely yourself, so are your family and you just know the truth that's out there. It's all about having fun with your talent, truly living! Through expressing, everything you stand for. It's either going to be loved or hated for being original and you're doing a wonderful job of being the person myself and everyone around the world loves for being so genuine. Which we really trust in that open way of thinking & living, way more than those who hate just because they've lost their way. Being original is always better than being a stereotypical state of mind. Having said that, we all just know that you're going to go so far! This is only the beginning. Unique people are where the magic starts, once you get better known then your story really takes flight and with your talent, before long you'll definitely get to where you want to be the most! I know that you can get there because, I believe in you, you believe in yourself, you believe in us, so, you have to be on the right path and it doesn't matter if it takes a little while to get to your ultimate goal, the risk and dare to be different is so worth it and overwhelming opportunities come along when you least expect it. Dreams design other dreams and one day they meet up in the middle to open up a window that you might have never seen coming in such a way. You have already found your unique place in the world. It's only a matter of time before more people become aware of the impact you made & make! I wish you all of the best of luck with your live's and with your journeys. It's a pretty exciting prospect that the future holds as long as today you keep moving forward. You're already doing that so well and I'm really proud of you for that very reason! I hope you have amazing moments in your lives, still and keep up the awesome positive energy listening to what you have to say your music who you are, instantly makes my day brighter so, thank you so much for believing in your dreams. Never have you let us down. You absolutely do make a huge difference each day, by being true to who you are. You always have my support & all of our support. You're so unique and your personality always shines through every moment, thanks to who you are, you have a lot of courage. There's no stereotyping the artist's you are, So before the world today, as always stands this, beautiful person & people with joy in your heart's, immense courage, the same people who knows your direction in keep on going. That's something that as a human being, friend's, we would all walk many miles each day for. Don't let anything from the past get you down for being yourself. Everyone needs to know that someone can relate and the simple and very effective way in which you can touch souls and make them brighter with a smile wherever you take us with your words and your personality allows diversity to make its way straight through the crowd. To see you for who you are today we get a sense of how far you have come. That speaks volumes about you. You are so talented and we look up to you immensely. Not because of fame or validation but, for putting your best foot forward and trusting what feel right whilst being wonderful people. Nobody can change you...otherwise you wouldn't be Making life rich with the warm qualities that make you so focused and passionate for experiencing the best life has to offer, together & apart as a whole, happiness through the friendships which, is exactly what we all can see ahead of you, endless possibilities. Here you are living life with all your heart and mind. Family one we all see, which is one that the world needs for a different point of view (you will always be successful with these bonds you are all unique, that's what living is also all about, doing what you have to do.) What you do, makes us proud, honestly with loads of excitement for what's yet to come and what you have is just immeasurable. That's pretty special.You are all young adult's with every right to explore where you need to go next in life, take time to feel & In certain dark moments depression can creep in but, keep fighting. Good on you all for doing something great and trying to raise awareness for depression, isolation, loneliness whatever it is we go through. A lot of people can relate...especially to depression (you are making a difference and This is a subject very close to my heart too; Stereotypical is a frame of mind and that's all it will ever be. People see right through the fake, which is boring and repetitive. You don't have to worry because, you're you, you're real. Unique is real and courageous. Inspiration beats the same nothingness of unoriginal Take care, of yourselves. You're a one of a kind beautiful, irreplaceable person & people, as original intertwined truthful in beauty as the love in life itself. You are cherished by, your friends and family - no matter what we know you are a wonderful family. You seriously deserve to smile so much every day. We'll always hold you in high regard with the awesome life you own and well it is only this way it's a strong sense of balance in living through the seemingly unreachable dream which, has always just been a heartbeat of belief away. It's always been right there beside you, with your integrity myself, close friends and family members can see the proof in just how much you achieve whether it's immediate or whether time takes a while to reveal it's worth which of course, only means that your wonderful self is forever changing the world by having a voice, a heart beat, a wonderfully caring mind and the determination to be the best possible version of yourself everyday. Difference is beautiful There's always so much more than meets the eye. Not just in the courage that you carry in the premise of adversity and happiness every day but through those moments that bring the entire day together collectively giving happiness out wonderfully to everybody who knows you as best you possibly can. It's so great you want to help most people too. The majority of people do deserve help but, a few just aren't grateful or willing to see what it's like to be worth something by being helpful. Anyway, I guess you could say I just like to believe in not giving up, there's a sense of freedom that goes along with just being yourself. Everyone appreciates that. You bring people together. There will now, always be people who really see you and believe in you. You're one of the best friend's anyone could ever hope to meet in one lifetime yet, by simply wondering into your world to come across such a person so very precious, well the inspiration is phenomenal and truly brings out the best in others. You bring a dream together perfectly by your courageous insight to have dared to be different from day one just as, no amount of money could tally the valuable property of even one person. Humans on the other hand are special, with thoughts, feelings, hearts and none can ever be replaced. Who honestly wouldn't want to have an asset of vulnerable strength to be there supporting helping hand in hand to build a better civilization with a bearing of such untold rarity. For you being so caring and true, you unleash the truth lasting in history forever so, it's definitely best to make it an unbreakable one set in the gold glow of beating hearts, slipping through the sands of time heading towards the final resting storage of freedom at a depth so deep to everything we know and every thought of bearing of what is in the place of real life's harmony. Etched into the first good thought, until the very last. Forever is the best place to scrawl history ever presently living day to day as joyously as possible, at best! You love to stand out from the crowd which means, you're unique so much so and wherever you go, you don't just dream your create them! You will always have that in your heart and soul bottled in fragments of light shining through crystal gemstones gleaming through beautiful eyes I really trust in you just as much as you trust in your great and meaningfully harmonious and fun lifestyle, as does every friend and family member of yours. I know you already have made myself and the universe proud of you, with, such great prospects, belonging to a good hearted person/people! Myself as with all of your friends & family will always be just as unique as you all are only, in our own way. Inspiration beats the same nothingness of unoriginal. Take care, You're all one of a kind beautiful, irreplaceable people, as original intertwined truthful in beauty as the love in life itself! You deserve love and joy! I honestly would hug you all immediately if I could! You seriously deserve to smile so much every day! Just to brighten your lives &day even more! You live well it is only this way it's a strong sense of balance in living through the seemingly unreachable dream which, has always just been a heartbeat of belief away. It's always been right there beside you, with your integrity myself, every fan, close friends and family members can see the proof in just how much you achieve whether it's immediate or whether time takes a while to reveal it's worth which of course, only means that your wonderful self is forever changing the world by having a voice, a heart beat, a wonderfully caring mind and the determination to be the best possible version of yourself everyday. Difference is beautiful There's always so much more than meets the eye. Not just in the courage that you carry in the premise of adversity, happiness every day but through those moments that bring the entire day together collectively giving happiness out wonderfully to everybody who knows you as best you possibly can. There's no point in simply existing to please what you don't want to begin with when, you're being yourself, who you're meant to be and you can shine with such a stunning personality, so original in every way! you're amazing so keep smiling. We have so much respect for you and we know that you have a beautiful heart and a kind soul. It takes a lot of courage to be completely open with all honesty to one person, let alone all of us, your friends and your family. I commend you so much for staying so true to yourself and honestly at the end of the day anyone who so happens to be mature and honest with themselves will instantly realize that life isn't straight forward, that there's so much more than what initially meets the eye. Doors open all of the time, only if you find the key and hold it within your grasp. Society wants to label a person and be done without a second thought for being human and you absolutely are a seriously amazing one at that! As someone who has been through a lot in life myself...only to never really be heard for who I truly am, I understand exactly where you're coming from. I know that there are times when whatever you do or whatever you say, is misinterpreted by ignorance of someone who doesn't know what it's like to be yourself, to stand out and be different, it feels like you are being pulled in every which direction and enough is enough. You have an incredible voice, both vocally and literal in the world. I will always look up to you and look at far you have come already, so wise, honest, talented, forever changing lives for the better all of the time. Even on an off day you light the way for encouragement on someone's path. You are so real with your kind warm heartedness that smiling because you exist and brighten those true people's hearts with your gorgeous character is something irreplaceable. You get one chance at life and as far as I see it, you're an honorable person with a heart of priceless gold. Society does not want to accept because, they're unwilling to address that goodness exists in a true form and facing their own truths can be daunting and hard. People can judge instead of living harmoniously in mutual respect for their fellow human being. Not you guys! You're real brother's & sister's. Society conforms to what's easy to "accept" The ones without clear thinking or a good heart are hardly worth wasting your precious time or good heart on, unless they want to be a better person, it's best to let whoever they are walk down their own path in life, until the day comes for them to choose who they are going to be every day. You're so much better than anything hurtful or negative. I believe in your voice, I hear what you are saying & I'm not going to be the only one, good things take time to search for and they are well worth the wait. Chapter 4 Family ; We feel like part of one crazy, talented, adverse, fun family, thanks to you! Everyone just gets it ! Nothing matters as long as you're carefree and loving life. So thank-you very much for walking down the dream road, to bring everyone a smile at any given time. Happiness is all around us, we just need to keep an open mind, I think we're on a similar wavelength. Tolerance, understanding, peace and gentleness will always be the grounds upon which we'll all go the furthest and deepest with our journeys. I believe in you and we know you'll be able to keep making waves and making us all smile. Just by being 100% true to yourself. We have learned better than anything that good things really do come to those that wait, because, You're a lovely person and I'm so grateful that we get along on such an understanding and friendly level. What reason would I have not to smile? None at all, happiness is so much stronger than negativity and you just keep moving forward with a lot of integrity. You have a great joyful and kind personality. Our day's wouldn't be gracious not fulfilling if you couldn't put a smile on your face with the simplicity in the truth, which is always so effective...nothing holds more substance than a great heart mirrored with an equally great mind. They go hand in hand helping one another to achieve the brightest life possible. Most people just view society, not the world for what it is. We're the nerds, the wild ones. I guess we're different in that light. Which is pretty special because, we are just going to keep achieving our dreams in every step we take. No matter what, society can't change our natures, someone could spend a lifetime depended upon being something that they aren't yet, we already are content with exactly who we are, mirroring our hearts and souls to the universe. That's seriously pretty special to live in such a way, believe in the memories of who we are and create our dreams out of an unbreakable understanding and good determination. Happiness, is freedom, all of us for being unique! You're all amazing for your positive outlooks. Your talent is nothing short of what happiness is all about, you absolutely amaze me with your kindness & your friendly nature, which will always carry your talent & thanks to you, you have inspired me & touched my life. The Family you created, are so happy that kindness & individuality exists as it does, you started a wonderful family so, it's really nice to be able to let you know that no matter what today or any other day turns out to be, as long as you keep being your wonderful self you are making a difference and you're getting somewhere which is definitely something to be proud of and I believe you have the potential to achieve absolutely anything in life. Best wishes for the future & people who are unique like you, always have a very special place in the world...You're filling it with positivity. Your family, our family, believe in seeing the good in each other and supporting you 100%. This is in you too because, otherwise life would be boring & sad if not for good people like you & more people need to show kindness & be a friend to someone & I hate seeing someone sad so, people don't really have a purpose if they don't care about those of us who feel lost sometimes & I don't want you feeling like that so, we're here for each other to help bring out some happiness for somebody. Your family we just understand each other and life on another level. Which is awesome itself! Being yourself both individually and collectively as Family, means having a different voice in a world of so much nothingness being the same. You're courageous in being heard for who you are. In no way that of someone trying to test your patience. You deserve to be appreciated unconditionally especially as I know what it's like being in a family so epic & unique and just how much it can bring life into perspective in so many ways. Not everyone appreciates it for what is or how you have the freedom to speak your mind in such a way that anyone could relate to in a beautiful, different way. We get it & love you all. Your thoughts & video's do that! I'm more than happy to just leave you reminder of how amazing it is! Personality & heart can't be contained. It makes perfect sense as, such gorgeous people create originality in its purest art form. I'm just one of those lucky people that has had the chance to discover an inspiring group of people. All of my best wishes to you all, moving forward. In my opinion it brings color and a new path to what kindness stands for anyway. Which is freedom, creation, fun and expression...whatever way that happens to be. Being a part of such a special family means that's what friends are for and you're very wise and kind-hearted family. If anyone deserves to take a rest and look at the beautiful view of your path in life and smile with who you are and the tenacity and courage that's spurred you onwards to living a free life in the comfort of standing for your beliefs then by all means, that's you. I really appreciate every single one of friends and I can see their wonderful potential to succeed in each good endeavor ahead of them. Everyone should be in a harmonious state of being with themselves then, the world would have a reason to exist happily ever after. In the meantime, smaller changes to being good people and guiding others to walk with integrity, honesty, joy, peace and a heart and mind, courage & the will to effect the world to grasp change and to care about the fact that we're all connected to the bigger picture. That being, we're all here for one another and to appreciate our very own lives. Jassie & Josh, you mean a lot to us. You'll all be definitely living your best possible life with being people of gratitude with, good hearts. As you are which, are the lessons you keep showing the Family in your videos and post's & who you are at home, being stars. There's really no better way of experiencing life in all of it's beauty if you weren't true to who you are, by having fun, making time for you & us too, To just prioritize between looking after You & helping others. I wish you all the very best of luck and warm wishes for you to fulfill your lovely live's buzzing with love & fun, through the worst & best of times with an unimaginably bright're already working towards that with creating your dreams, instead of waiting for them to come to you. Good people need to keep in mind that we're special because we're different and that's a revolution. We are just going to keep achieving our dreams in every step we take. No matter what, society can't change your natures, someone could spend a lifetime depended upon being something that they aren't yet, we already are content with exactly who we are, mirroring our hearts and souls to the universe. That's seriously pretty special to live in such a way, believe in the memories of who we are and create our dreams out of an unbreakable understanding & good determination! Just a little message to show you our respect for what a beautiful and precious friend you are! Thank-you for being the people that the world needs, courageous, independent, caring, loyal & bright friends that stands out from the crowd with your undeniably unchanged brilliance! You are special & I'm so grateful for that! For having such a blessed life, for being given such a gift as a beautiful friend. It's nothing less than should be said and praised yet, every that should be! It warms my heart to know who Ferdi is & who you guys are! I just know that you give it everything the people with such intellect and such a gentle and kind nature's, fuelled will end up finding a creative place to explore! I believe in your potential. I can see past any stereotype that society sets out, you all have a great future ahead of you every day between now & until then, that will be eternally fantastic for you, with the freedom in your mind. You can achieve anything! Society is fickle, it warps and changes yet, not for the best, you on the other hand with your loyalty that does not yield to a challenge indefinitely shall always be true to yourself, your very own torch of warmth and light to be a wonderful accomplice lying in your every heartbeat, like a hummingbird hovering in a whirlwind vortex of subtle powerfully gentle strokes of wings residing on the currents, drawing it in towards the most beautiful of all creations, a colour vast rainbow glimpse speed at rates so fast, they blur in an instant of sight and all that is left is the best, bright horizon of a golden encompassment hugging the universe in an intrinsic landscape of friends that share the glory for every need they could possibly desire, an answer fell plainly across the wisping lightness in the clear canvas, painting a structure of civil transition amongst the strokes of a quill brushing past the petal collecting golden like treasures to dust a road for weary emotions to become clear and energised. All of you Never change! You taught us, by how you reach out your arm's to anyone, make a joke & fill us up with feeling better about life! Otherwise the world would have lost a gorgeous sou if you guys didn't shine so bright. It may be a small world but it's filled with people whose hearts are massive so the exploring, having fun & being one of a kind is that pattern becoming belief and then we gave hope and happiness to tomorrow to begin its way through the woods and end up opening a curtain call to reality without distorted ripples. EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL IN YOUR FAMILY :) Follow your heart's. It's our lives and it's now or never. Life is a ride get on and never look back. Creating is an expression of the soul. Smile because life is one big adventure. Keep fighting for your beliefs. Be kind to others and your life will be joyful. Family, like you will always have such a true appreciation and following for your incredibly kind nature, talent & determination!!! We know how you all started out, what you went through, how you never gave in. The creativity flowing so deeply inside of them, the fact that you go from strength to strength, You want this and have shown us so many times over, you have gone after something golden and ran away with it. Our hearts have been so connected because they have poured your soul into everything you have achieved and conquered a world with the same tenacity you bring to every day. Now we as they have done grow with them and develop as this story of lovely people achieving so much. With desires to change things for the better with goals of hope within, swept us with a united, true and unbroken heart! As inspiration fell and reclaimed the ground we all stood upon. Intrepid spirits shaped a world with the sound of their voices and heartfelt integrity soaring and tapping on the heart of closure - a beat climbing inside and unlocking the door, Family, the world over is with you (The Empire Of Determination has been built and the days bring a touch of Hope carried on obvious Tides) Your beliefs and videos takes the ink flowing through my veins and rewrites with the pen of feathers taken from the sidewalk of time, a gentle guide the scripted blood pumping my heart in the direction of life, not death, faint sparkling eyes looking forward,not down, because the day we thought we would never get through we could look into your eyes and read your heart saying it's slowly getting colder, holding onto mistaken lies in the past and it's more than you could ever know, these halls of broken windows reflective tinted, dark windows, now I'm picking up the pieces, we are going to get through, open windows taking in the light, lessons learned, You're getting stronger, dark days no longer, just as desire softly spoke, watching over the place that we can take it to, fly through, touch all that time has missed, into a life unwritten, waiting or frozen, take the ice, break it in two, the water only sits gently if only you know, how to ride the wave, the wave of condition, it's not too late, to open our eyes, the wind sweeping past contempt, passing by, a field of happiness opened up, bridges burned to the ground, the day after tomorrow is here, freely gliding as high, as the sun, a golden glowing world down beneath, we're free, all because of you. Ferdi's & all your journeys hold to account every bit of fun & truth. Nobody cares more than you all do. Who says falling has to implicate your day when, we are beautifully strong, just like you. Just like, the beautiful bond you share. I believe in so much more than anything. I believe in what I can see and what I can hear, the simple truth which, turns into something to stand for! I'm such a proud fan of yours for how strong a heart you keep. You have such a humble heart, that is made of gold. Your personality is glimmering bright! I mean absolutely every word that I ever say to you all! You are all some of the most special people and I'm so grateful for that! For having such a blessed life, for being given such a gift as such beautiful friend's. It's nothing less than should be said and praised yet, every that should be. It warms our hearts and I just know that you Can turn your future into an amazing one! Ferdi, all of you carry with strength around you and every day between now and until then, well, that will be eternally fantastic for you in his memory, with the freedom in your mind you can achieve anything! The future is just beginning and how gorgeous the glow of encasing light is! Everything you do has a positive message, which of course, shows your talents. I can't stand for people wondering if they have a meaning in life, just so you know, your life is real & you lift people up & open their eyes to the the true talent they can also develop by supporting their character's as they grow. I guess, it's like looking after your heart and keeping it strong when you can get through the day having had someone smile. To believe in the fact everyone has potential to become whatever they want to be and you have a special way of making people smile. You bless us, when you do so. You are the shining example of what being individual & loving life is all about. One thing I have learned is the kindness you have makes a positive difference. In my opinion definitely deserves the respect equally. We appreciate your individual touch of something special. Your family & friends set out on an uncertain journey, you've created a beautiful community so loving, kind, caring, positive, friendly, talented. All because you have wonderful heart's & vision which, you continue working towards. So, from everything you have done/created what is love to us & can it change the world? So, your ideas of love is perception, how we perceive the world which is why it's balanced so greatly as the best & even craziest emotion, thought or feeling there is. So, going through any sort of exodus in life opens you up & those who wait, it's worth it then more than it could be otherwise & if nobody had patience, I don't think we would be worthy of goodness in our wouldn't be so much of a gift then. It would be a forced perception and we would know deep down that without patience our truths values and endeavors wouldn't hold the value that they do when freedom builds up the wonder to a courageous strength, now as far as I see, this is what starts an incredible path & journey of development. Peace has to be found to mean anything significant. What you have achieved here is a great balance which I feel through your lives you're making waves with your visions for your, content & every part of exploring each day. I really love the direction you choose to create & live. The realization, the journey towards finding yourself through a wondrous depth is powerful. Like a chameleon...however we want to express kindness or to see the best in someone & even, feel that from them too is happiness & freedom in one...hence the love of books, a great place, great company, memories or knowing of incredible people on the internet...the alignment of what we can be proud of whilst, we grow. I know love's universally tough to define but, that's because of our perceptions allowing so much, to make us complex humans with, a sense of freedom. Honoured & proud to call you & us, friend's & family! So Proud he has a group of people around the world who love awesome video's are great friends & family, have fun & are great people! Continuing to be loving & epic plus have great experiences, memories & relationships! What you guys do really shows strength & helps others, achieve smiles & happiness, through your kindness!I know kindness needs to be extended & you guys do that. Chapter 5 Forever a Family: is so special, which is a voice, your upbeat souls to communicate to the world who you are and what you stand for, in every aspect, it's a gift to be shared with the world, your videos allows me and all of us to, believe in a way that's almost magical. We can all understand and appreciate that one voice that's united, however diverse that voice is, we know how to think and feel when we hear it because it puts a smile on our faces. Your songs, your friendship and way of listening to us bring people together, it's an incredible gift & in a way that gives this experience of freedom in life, through interpretation, joy, creativeness, inspiration and aspiration to become what we believe feels right in our hearts. Each video is a journey to a world that is created from dreams & heroes, a beautiful place that tells a story of life...just like a present being unravelled at christmas time, each time with a treasured blessing as unique as a snowflake and equally as elegant & bold, where time stands still forever, no matter what the external world is like, it's a passion that is in the hearts of everyone and everyone knows what it's like to find a true friend like you. You can't force it is natural and courageous in teaching us about communication through art, an art form that just reveals hope in reality a way that has another view point. It's all that we are & all that we are yet to discover, it's a new journey, a journey freedom of expression as a passion for what we love. Your role is a role that can be broken into hundreds of pieces to be proven to fit as one puzzle with so many endings and ways to begin. You share such an insight and knowledge our way. We all learn to stop punishing ourselves. We draw a line for ourselves when we should be crossing them out and moving forward with our focus to experience the simply freedom of being at peace with ourselves. Who we are is a living being and what's at our core potential is kindness and trust which, must start with us. To be aware of our environments is to see the bigger picture. That being, recognising there are no rule books to life, to come a long way from what we thought we knew to being more positive. Through all your video's, going through life, having fun, you have been connecting us in value integrity, to keep on going with purpose to live and reach out to others to let them know, they're understood. Kindness has a great effect, it creates ripples and those courageous, kind souls whom have experienced the importance of being aware of themselves and know how great it feels extending that hand up too. Nobody should have to feel so bad. The hard times are character building and it's truly amazing how strong and kind those souls, people can be.
Today, has begun a special change. The change you wanted to see as, you're more at home now, than ever before. That's why being individual and true to yourself seems to have even more meaning as you grow. The time you do have is precious and thing's happen which, we can't control but, if you have always been honest, standing tall through any & all adversity, strength in numbers, only acquired through touching hearts and souls with your creativity & funniness, loyalty! You're special with a quality that people don't perceive easily because of how rare your gift of generosity and kindness extends. I wouldn't want you feeling any less than you deserve on a daily basis, you're intelligent, bright, but above all, you're all fighter's! You stand up for what you believe in, that's someone that's never going to let society get the best of you. You're too good for that and I know it and you know it. Just sometimes, certain days we feel negative emotions stronger and where you are now is a place of great courage. Miracles happen through the simplest of things such as writing for one. I love stories; they are as equally as challenging to think of what you would like to say sometimes in hard moment's. The world needs people like you to trust themselves. You're going to take the world away with your music & friendship through family and have us all captivated with the masterpieces you continually show us. I know your journey is soaring high now. It's hard but it's another moment that you're 110% going to voice one day with a courageous step in the right direction. It's already happening because I believe in you all. I can see you for the wonderful people you are and I'm happy that you have a true spirit and will to love life and live it to its most complete moment which I understand is the experience of encouraging yourself to new and great things ahead of you and omg you have that immeasurable quality within you! Better days are ahead and honestly I wouldn't say it if I didn't both think and know you're that great a friend and beyond. Just the way you both live with the biggest personalities of love & fun! You'll always have a friend here for you, many because we don't judge & sometimes we can't see clarity or the light passing through our eyes, darkness stands so boldly in the way but, you have the key to unlock the door it's been there kept in your pocket all of this time, being shaped into a rarity, that will take you on to a life you thought only lived within your dreams. Only your golden, kind heart can unlock that door. Trust in yourself all of the time , you can never give up, otherwise hope wouldn't find you when you least expect it to. Memories from the past will not touch your strong heart, it's already been architecturally designed into a city of gold. Whom you let in sees that same aura of pure, sheer blinding white light. You have every right to be upset and afraid but, please know this: Courage is built from taking the plunge into unknown boundaries, the good news is that this courage inside of you all of this time is forever bound to that heartbeat that has gifted you all of the treasured possessions in the world, you have a real, human heart beat, you've survived probably more than most people could begin to comprehend on your scale of life. Your gorgeous heart beats with hope for every coming new day. Only you all most intimately know the world you have walked up until right now. There's no one better than yourself to keep reaching for inner strength and peace because, if anyone else happened to be in your shoes, they would have made different decisions. You're the best fit to tell the world that you're going to keep fighting. The testament of your character in all harmony shines through only to encourage you with the knowledge of knowing and feeling so much emotion, both dabbled in hurt and frustration as well as joy and freedom. What you have yet to discover is going to be massive, you're going to discover all of your strengths, even whilst still feeling weakness, you're going to see life unlike any past perception, you will have true friends grow stronger and stronger alongside you, protecting you from the ledge of despair. It's not a nice place to be but, they/myself have you guarded in care so very much. The past can't comprehend your brightest future for only going on history made and mistakes remade it can't open up to swallow you, a person who lives with an undeniable light in his soul and so much greatness to instill into the whirlwind vortex of complex truth, connection with meeting the certainty in the right place to carve the stone and forge the ground upon which you stand tall, more awe-inspiring with a supportive and kind, foundation of strength under your feet to keep you safe at all times. We're here with you and we're all in this together, no one gets left behind. Thanks for inspiring us, Jasmine & Josh! You're awesome you don't need to change anything - you're amazing for being exactly who you are. Stereotypical is a frame of mind and that's all it will ever be. People see right through the fake, which is boring and repetitive. Unique is real it's courageous! - no matter what we know you are wonderful people! You seriously deserve to smile so much every day! I'll always hold you in high regard with the gorgeous life you own and well it is only this way it's a strong sense of balance in living through the seemingly unreachable dream which, has always just been a heartbeat of belief away. It's always been right there beside you, with your integrity myself, every fan, close friends and family members can see the proof in just how much you achieve whether it's immediate or whether time takes a while to reveal it's worth which of course, only means that your wonderful self is forever changing the world by having a voice, a heart beat, a wonderfully caring mind and the determination to be the best possible version of yourself everyday. Difference is beautiful There's always so much more than meets the eye. Not just in the courage that you carry in the premise of adversity and happiness every day but through those moments that bring the entire day together collectively giving happiness out wonderfully to everybody who knows you as best you possibly can. There's no point in simply existing to please what you don't want to begin with when, you're being yourself, who you're meant to be and you can shine with such a stunning personality, so original in every way. You're amazing. I really hope that the truth in my message lifts you up. Just letting you know, you are appreciated just for being who you. Everyday will be so much more joyful then and you deserve to be happy! You're all loved friend's and you're strong, intelligent and for anyone who is worth a moment of your time, you have a warm and a beautiful, one of a kind personality. Never let anyone get you down. Life is short but, you have friends like to share the world with and that just makes today, tomorrow and wherever any of us go next a life that's worth while to live as best anyone can or could ever hope for. Sometimes life stops us in our tracks and it always happens to the best of us...things happen for a reason and I know that it's really easy to ask yourself why me? Good people like you need the strength to challenge their lovely character to grow with such strength and dignity and compassion for yourself and those around you. When your family and friends are happy, you learn from them and it works the same way when you're selflessness is reflected, you're happy and the world even if for a second, feels like a better place. No amount of money could tally the valuable property of even one person. Humans on the other hand are special, with thoughts, feelings, hearts and none can ever be replaced. Who honestly wouldn't want to have an asset of vulnerable strength to be there supportively helping hand in hand to build a better civilization with a bearing of such untold rarity. For you being so caring and true, you unleash the truth lasting in history forever so, it's definitely best to make it an unbreakable one set in the gold glow of beating hearts, slipping through the sands of time heading towards the final resting storage of freedom at a depth so deep to the everything we know and every thought of bearing of what is in the place of real life's harmony. Etched into the first good thought, until the very last. Forever is the best place to scrawl history ever presently living day to day as joyously as possible, at best! You love to promote happiness so much that wherever you go, you don't just dream your create them! You will always have that in your heart & soul bottled in fragments of light shining through crystal gemstones gleaming through beautiful eyes I really trust in you all, just as much as you trust in your great, meaningfully harmonious, fun lifestyle, as does every true family member & friend of yours. I know you already have made myself and the universe proud of you, with, such great prospects, belonging to good hearted people! Keep being you with a smile on your face forever. We hope that it brings a smile to your face with how far you've come, and bought us on your journey too. You have a wonderful personality so, how could I/we not like that?! That's the amazing prospect with the total freedom & journey! It's a beautiful transformation a place for anybody to come along and not only hear yet watch as well as your story/stories unfold brilliantly that is definitely the turning point for influencing difference. I know you really love what you do because, you give myself & true belief...that can never be proven wrong because, you put a smile on my face. You indefinitely make an impact and hey if you can reach one person and have them inspired to live and breath health & truly living then, you are already changing the world. You're definitely respected for who you are & you always should be really proud that by being you, it's very special and it's worth being unique and standing out rather than blending in. You're already making a positive difference as of this moment you're living proof that dreams are achievable. My support for you is as limitless as your warm characters and all of the strength you have within you to, live a free life that makes you as happy as you should be. I believe you have a different creative outlook on the world, that's something pretty special and great. In my eyes great is what will always be looked back upon as being remembered so, you have made an incredible impact from day one of being a family. I think that speaks volumes within itself so, we're always with you, as you are with us. By going out there and trying your best and just doing it I can see you're truly something talented to begin with it's a real credit to your diversely fun and meaningful videos, that's what draws people in. I have always believed in all of you. I really love how you put amazing videos, out there and you really do keep us happy ~ what makes your videos special is your uniqueness. What's not to love about Jassie & Josh? You are awesome with a special kind of determination which makes me so happy, seriously, your talent is now really soaring high now. The fact that you go from strength to strength, with your songs, with your goofiness, kindness, it shows you want this and are meant to have every success in life & family as you have shown us so many times to have gone after something special and honing in on a beautifully energetic, fun loving tone making me want to hit that repeat button. Here, where the foundation of a golden journey captures today in all it's essence fulfilling new dreams for the talent you have is incredible. This is an amazing bond - Every video or message plus all your brotherhood/sisterhood & family, each kind message, adds a new variety which lights up. We love your video's & all of you so much. That's the amazing prospect with the total freedom and journey with creating it's a beautiful transformation a place for anybody to come along and not only hear yet watch as well as your story/stories unfold brilliantly that is definitely the turning point for influencing difference. I know you really love what you do because, you give myself and true friends belief...that can never be proven wrong feel better- a free spirit with Undeniable Light!

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