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Anna's pov

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Anna's pov

Today 8:34 AM

Emmi I said no how many times to I have to tell You that?

Please it'll be fun


You never go anymore!

just go out to this party with me this ONE time and I'll never drag you to a party with me ever again



...when does this said party start?

Yay!! It starts at 10 but get dressed around 9:30!!

And don't be late! I'll text you the adresss!

ok! . You owe me big time bitch

I know. Love you 😌❤️

Love you 💋
Rᴇᴀᴅ ᴀᴛ 9:00 ᴘᴍ

I really just let this bitch just drag me to party. I swear she better be lucky I fucking love her because I hate parties with a passion. Well it's just 9 I have 30 minutes to spend doing whatever so why not  just start now

I slid my body out my bed dragging myself to my bathroom pulling the hair tie out my hair and brushing it to get all the tangles out of it

I plugged my phone in and connected it to my Bluetooth speaker playing "it's a vibe" by 2 chains and I turned on my LED lights that were in my bathroom

I turned them to blue I stepped in the shower letting the water drip down my body and my hair, I washed and conditioned it

I rubbed the soap all my body while singing the song just vibing actually loving life, something about your favorite song, a warm shower and LED lights really just make you calm

I pulled out my razor and I shaved my legs until they were baby smooth. I then rubbed my legs with a sugar scrub which may have been coconut scented

I changed the water temperature to Luke warm water but a little on the cold side and I finished showering but I also washed my face

Hot water can strip your skin because it's too harsh and cause break outs and redness so to avoid all of that I just finish off my shower In cold water

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