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Anna's pov

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Anna's pov

This weeks has been so stressful! I can't even begin to tell you

I haven't been to school in weeks because I've been sick- I hope it ain't COVID but yeah

Y/ns been telling me to go to the doctor but I don't want to because I'm fine, it's probably just the flu or something

"Y/n I'm not going to a fucking doctor! You got me fucked up" I said putting my hands up because I'm about to punch the fuck out of her

"Bitch- get yo ass in the fucking car. Anna I'm fucking playing with you, get yo ass in this fucking car and shut the fuck up" y/n said to me as I rolled
My eyes and got in the car

"Yeah that's what the fuck I thought. Bad attitude havin ass, I'm doing this so you won't die stupid" she said to me as she drove me to the hospital

"iM dOiNg ThIs So YoU wOnT dIe StUpId" I said mocking her as she flicked Me off driving me to the closest doctor

"Anna I'm not-" "y/n I don't want to!" "Anna shunate im being so deadass with you get the fuck out" y/n said dragging me in the building

"I hate you" I said to y/n as I sat down in one of the chairs crossing my legs and arms "well I love you" y/n said to me as she kissed my head And we waited

After 10 minutes of waiting they finally called me back and I went back there and y/n with me obviously

They asked me about how I've been feeling and everything then they asked for a few things then I'd be told what was wrong with me

"Are you pregnant?" "No." "Have you had sex this week?" "Yes." "Have you had a fever?" "Uh...I don't think so" "headaches, body aches or nausea?" "Yeah"

"You think it's cancer?" I asked y/n as I started in question "what? You don't have no damn cancer tf." Y/n said looking me with the most "bitch what" face

We sat there discussing what could be wrong with me and making jokes to calm me down and not freak out until the doctor came in

"Miss shunate we have your results" the doctor said to me as I looked at him and back at y/n

"You're pregnant" "w-what?" "You're pregnant, about a week and a few day" "you're funny.so I have the flu or something ok."

"Anna-" y/n started to say but I caught her off "So you can just give me antibiotics and I'll be on my way" I said hyperventilating a little bit

"Anna- you weren't even taken advantage of a week ago- so tell me how the FUCK you got pregnant AND don't say me because I know for a fact we haven't because You weren't ready and neither was I so tell me how this happened" y/n said as she started to cry

The doctor turned around and left the room closing the door behind us

"I don't know y/n!" I said sobbing "bullshit Anna!" Y/n yelled a little bit making me flinch

I know y/n would never hit me but she's never yelled at me before so I started to cry more Because I'm a sensitive bitch

I heard y/n sigh and she walked infront of me and sat inbetween my legs and she grabbed my arms

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that, were not breaking up but I do need time ok? I'll come over and visit you everyday and make sure you're ok and don't be afraid to call me when ever you need me? Ok?" Y/n said to me softly as I cried on her shoulder Nodding

She picked me up and carried me to the car and drove me home

she kissed my head and I got out and I watched her leave while breaking down

"Anna shumate you just lost the best thing that ever happened to you" i said to myself as I went up to my apartment and I cried. All day.

*flashback to a week ago*

I was vibing to the music with my red solo cup in my hand until this guy came up to me

"Hey." He said "hi." I giggled out "I thought you were cute" he said flashing a smile "you're cute too but I have a girlfriend." I said turning around

"You gay?" He asked "no. Bisexual" I said going back to dancing

I drunk and so was he and we fucked upstairs in one of the rooms and obviously it was unprotected but yeah

I cried for hours. I wasn't ready for a kid I
can't even handle myself! I know y/n isn't ready for one we're only in highschool

Like all y/n has done is love me and support me and I go do this...I know she said that she wasn't going to break up with Me but she deserves better

Y/ns a good girl and I lost her just like that maybe ag and Emmi should've told y/n about me

I hate myself so much...I'll never get her back I have options on what to do with my baby but for now we just have to wait

Not proof read
932 Words

My girlfriend is currently vibing to sweater weather on ft rn 😔

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