Chapter 1 (The Phobia)

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"Aghhhhhh!" it's a new day around 6:00am on a Monday morning.

I was woken up by the sound of my Alarm clock and discovered that the sun's ray had fallen on my skin through a small opening from the curtains on my window. I got out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and walked in. I moved over to where the tap was, turned it on and splashed water with folded hands on my face from the tap.

"Phew!". I glanced at myself in a mirror and tried to recollect yesterday's awful experience.

"Oh gosh!" A thought had flashed to my memory. I remembered how i was called upon in my church by my fellow teenager, in a meeting. I was asked to pray for the commencement of the meeting. I was shocked at the mention of my name, "Amanda". I bowed my head, trying to figure out some words of prayer. "Amanda some words of prayer pls?" Phillip, who was the teenager's president was becoming impatient, as he beckoned on me to pray. I, on the other hand, could feel some chills of sweat run past the sides of my cheeks as i was becoming more nervous.

"Amanda?" Phillip raised up his head to face me, meanwhile, my head was still bowed. He could sense that i was nervous, and therefore decided to pray. While Phillip was praying, i felt sad that as a Christian i couldn't pray. 

I flashed out of my thought and turned the running water from the tap, off.

I picked up a towel and was about to wipe my face dry.
"Amanda!" My mum, Mrs. Charles called.
"Yes Mum!". I responded, wiping my face with the towel in my hands.

"You're gonna be late for school!". My Mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Ahh!" I said silently as I walked towards the bathroom door and hung the towel on it.

"Mum it's just some minutes past 6:00!" I replied confidently.

"Okay! But darling pls get ready on time, so you don't also go late to school today!". My Mum pleaded. "And yes, don't go back to sleep on your bed!"

"Too late" I muttered to myself, as I was already laying on my bed with my eyes shut, ready for sleep to take me at any moment.

For me, sleeping was one of my hobbies. I love to sleep alot. Most times, I'll decide to have a little sleep after the Alarm clock must have woken me up in the morning. Other times, I sleep when I'm less busy.

"Amanda!", a boy called from behind me. I turned to face him, and was surprised to see Phillip.

"Phillip?" What are you doing in my room? I asked.

"You couldn't even pray and you call yourself a Christian. Shame on you!".

On hearing his words, i was pricked in the heart and tears began to roll down my cheeks. I turned away from him to clean my tears, only for me to find out that I was in my church in a gathering of my fellow teenagers, and they began to laugh while pointing at me.

"Amanda! Amanda! Wake up!".
I got up from my bed slowly until I could see my mum with hands akimbo, standing gallantly close to my bed.

"You're late for school once again! It's 8:10am!" Mum shouted.

"What! Oh gosh!" I got up from my bed and i rushed quickly to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my bath.

"Was that a dream? It looked so real". I said to myself in thought.
"And why did I have to dream about that...uh! Why didn't I pray? Why don't I know how to pray?" I muttered silently to myself while i brushed my teeth.


Stay tuned for Chapter 2

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