Chapter 2 (Living Examples)

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I looked through the window to see some birds in the sky. I couldn't tell what birds there were specifically, only that I admired them. They were so lovely; flying in the sky without worries. I wish my life was like that but on the contrary—I sighed, trying to ignore the thoughts of what happened in the morning.

"...and so, this a wave formed due to the interaction between electric and magnetic field." The physics teacher Mr Thompson continued.

The new physics teacher was becoming boring by the day. Those were my thoughts exactly as I looked away from the window to face him. "I want Mr Eddy back." I said to myself, almost like a whisper.
Mr Eddy, was my one and only physics teacher and the best. That's how I referred to him. Mr Eddy took pleasure in imparting the knowledge of physics to his students. What I loved about him was his manner of teaching.
Apart from using objects to illustrate his points, he would also use his students to illustrate a particular point. As he would say with a smirk on his face, "We are living examples." The class would burst into laughter anytime he made use of this comment.

Though Mr Eddy was a scientist, he believed in God which I thought was rare. Moreover, he also brought me up in the faith when I was struggling and unsure of my salvation. He taught me to be steadfast and never look back at my past. Mr Eddy had also supported my mum financially when she was accused of theft where she worked and was immediately fired and threatened to pay the stolen money or face the consequences. My mum and I always depended on her work for survival ever since the death of my Father. And so, when my mum was sacked, we felt all hope was lost until Mr Eddy helped my mum resolve the case of theft with his lawyer, and my mum was declared not guilty since the perpetrator was caught—a co-worker with my mum in the same office. My mum was therefore requested to come back and resume her work. God had rescued my mum and I through Mr. Eddy. I had other mentors but Mr Eddy in all, was the best.

He had taught our class for six months before he eventually died from cancer. I vividly remember the day he skipped a class. The vice principal came to my class to apologize on Mr Eddy's behalf for not coming due to him being hospitalized at Dr Newman's hospital.
"Oh no!" The class president shouted in shock. "What happened to him?" He asked.

"Nothing to be scared of." That was all the Vice principal said before taking his leave.
Nobody was comforted with the news as I could see fear in everyone's face.

I immediately told my mum about what happened to Mr Eddy when I got home. She was disturbed and decided that the both of us should go visit him.
When we got to Dr Newman's hospital, we found the place crowded with people—people I knew and people I didn't know. Most of them were from my school who had come to see Mr Eddy, I had assumed. When my mum and I finally gained entrance into his room, we met him laying flat on the hospital bed looking pale with eyes barely opened.
We also met some people who I believed were pastors, praying for him. This made my heart melt as I saw how they loved him and didn't want him to die.

"...In Jesus name we pray." Said a man who I believed to be the Head pastor.
"Amen!" the others responded.

"Just know that we'll always be praying for you. You just hang in there, God will surely do a miracle." The head pastor said.

"Pastor, ugh...thank you for coming" Mr Eddy spoke softly.
"But...I think its my time now.
I feel it" Mr Eddy was struggling to speak.

"Don't talk like that" A man retorted from among the others.
Before he could continue further, Mr Eddy turned towards my mum and i, and gave us a calm smile.

"Mrs. Charles and Miss Amanda," He said softly and coughed.
"God bless you for...coming." He continued. This time his eyes were becoming dim.

"Mr Eddy, don't leave me!" I sobbed and ran towards him. Kneeling down and holding his hands, I began to cry with tears running down my cheeks.
"Don't leave me pls, you're like a Father to me. And I love you. Pls hang in there.

"Oh no! Pls...don't cry. You...know I don' tears." Mr Eddy said jokingly.

"I will be...alright God's hands. Don't...don't worry. I have...lived and...I have...conquered. I have...become a living...a living you others. He laughed with a smile.

"So too become a...a living" He barely said these words from his mouth. And then he died right there in my hands. At that time, I was dumbfounded and didn't know what to think as I knelt beside Mr Eddy's bed, still holding his hand, wondering why the monitor suddenly stopped beeping. I heard a nurse who was present in the same room calling for the doctor. The doctor eventually came, checked him and confirmed him dead. I cried and wept uncontrollably. My mum who was also crying tried to console me but all to no avail.

The next day, he was reported dead in my school due to colon cancer.
The news of his demise shook the entire school—Greenfield High School. All students of the school were in attendance at his funeral to mourn the death of a great soul.

"Any questions?" Mr Thompson asked plainly, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"It's six minutes past break time already." The class president pleaded.

"Okay then! Class dismissed. Have a nice day everyone!" Mr Thompson said before leaving the classroom.

A minute after the teacher left, the classroom became empty. I decided not go out during break hours. I picked up my favorite christian novel which was given to me as a gift from Mr Eddy and began to read.

"Umm...excuse me".

I stopped reading and lifted up my head to face the person standing in front of my desk—a tall figure it was.

"Hi! Sorry to disturb you. My name is George and uh...I was transferred to this school today."

"Oh wow!" I said a little surprised. I noticed he was a blonde.

"Yeah!" He continued, still standing.
"And the good news is..."
He paused, pointing his fingers to himself and then to me with the lips opened a bit, about to say something.
"We're going to be classmates." He said finally, with a convincing smile on his face.

"Really?" I commented happily. That's great! You're welcome, hmm...uh...George".

"Yeah!" He said, as he gestured towards an empty seat next to mine.
"Can I seat here?" He asked impatiently.

"Of course! you can". I replied, almost instantly.

"And you are?" George asked, already seated.

"Amanda." I replied with a hand shake.

"That's a lovely name" he replied, looking at the book I was reading.
"Is that the novel by Cherrie Smith---Born to win?".

I glanced at the novel I was reading and then raised up my head to face him again.
"Well yes, it is."

"That awesome! You know that's one of my favorite novel of all time." He spoke convincingly

I now payed more attention to this boy who was sitting next to me.
"Really?" I said, looking at his green eyes.

"Yes. You know this novel is a lesson not just for me alone I believe. This novel has taught me to be persistent on my goal no matter the situation I find myself in. 'And never give up' is my favorite line in the novel." George spoke passionately.

"Hmm..." I replied, trying to reflect on what he had said so far.

"Are you a christian?" George asked.

"Yeah! I replied drily and pointed at him.

"Yes! I see we're gonna get along. It's nice meeting you Amanda" George sounded happy and pleased. At least, that's what I could make out from our conversation.


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