Chapter 6

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Lisa spent the whole day at university with her legs up on her desk top and headphones plugged in her ears, carelessly listening to music and chilling during the lessons, not minding a word that was spoken that day. She didn't really have any classes that felt important to her and, at some point, she even was able to take a quick nap between the long and boring sentences.

Around the third period she felt a slight poke on her shoulder. It was actually Jennie, who took her time to go by and remind her about their scheduled project meet up at the library after school.

Honestly, Lisa didn't feel like staying anywhere near that building any longer. All she wanted to do was to go back to her apartment and sleep the rest of the day away tangled between her soft bed sheets. The thought of that perfect heaven stayed glued in her mind for the rest of the classes, making her completely forget about Jennie.

As the last school bell rang, she enthusiastically packed her bags and rushed through the hallways with the thought of diving into peaceful dreamland. Though, her plans were quickly ruined when a soft voice called out her name from behind.

She groaned quietly and turned back, noticing Jennie trying to catch up with her, again, with Jisoo trailing behind her.

"Hey, Lisa!" the brunette said as she reached her. "Are you ready for our study session?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

Then it hit Lisa, the thought that she already had agreed to the meet up with Jennie yesterday and her plans of going home anytime soon would have to go to hell. She signed and nodded weakly, not trying to hide the annoyed and disappointed grimace on her face.

"Great" the brunette said, turned over to look at Jisoo. "You go home now. I'll talk to you later" she gave her a quick kiss in the cheek and dismissed her.

"Okay, shall we go?" Jennie asked, already heading out of the building and towards the neighboring library.

She unexpectedly held Lisa's biceps and pulled her along with herself, as if she was scared that she would run away from her at any second now. Even through the thick cloth barrier Lisa was able to feel the heat radiating from Jennie's small hand. It felt weirdly good, she didn't like it.

As they stepped into the enormous room, Lisa's curious eyes darted around every corner, taking in every single detail, wishing she could bury herself into all of those intriguing books and never be found ever again. They made their way toward the first table in the corner. Lisa sat down on a chair, expecting to see Jennie sit in front of her too, but she was surprised when she felt her presence settle on the chair on her right.

"Let's start and not waste too much time" Jennie started as she pulled out her notebook and laptop from inside her small backpack. How did she fit those stuff inside? Lisa wondered, scared that she has been paired with a witch.

"I brought my computer with me today so it could help us with the search" Jennie lifted the screen as it lit up and showed a cute wallpaper of a small pomeranian dog.

"Now, I will make you a plan which you are going to strictly follow and do your project accordingly, from start until the end, and I promise it would save you so much time and brainpower to finish it"

She learned down and scribbled something in her notebook before ripping the page off and handing it over to Lisa.

"First point for a successful result - we have to make sure you understand what you are going to write about. What comes to your mind first when you first hear the topic?"

Lisa pushed her brain to think. It wasn't like she knew much about any of it.

"Um, gods maybe" she said quietly, staring at the distance.

"Gods, good. Anything else?"

"Ancient history"

"Yeah, you are doing great, Lisa"


"Goo-, wait, superpowers?" she quickly looked down at her notebook, a little surprised and confused, while tapping her pen on the table.

"Okay, let's get to point number two. We need to find the most accurate and reliable sources. Then, we need to sort out the most important yet easiest to understand from the audience you are going to present it to information. You can even read the whole article and then make a short resume using your own words when you already have the idea of it. Maybe being translated into a more teenage language, not in a scientific one, would catch more of the attention. We don't want anyone getting bored while you present, right?"

As much as Lisa hated to admit it, the way Jennie explained things made the whole project idea actually sound intriguing and easy to deal with, she made it make sense. Lisa wondered if a great planning and determination like what she showed just then was at the very base of her always great results.

Jennie suddenly chuckled. "Maybe you can even try to throw a joke or two to break the ice if it becomes too awkward"

Lisa stared at her dead in the eyes, her eyebrows slightly furrowed in question. Did she really look like the type to 'throw a joke or two'? Jennie saw the strange look the girl just gave her and stopped laughing immediately, awkwardly letting out a cough.

"Okay, scratch that. But it definitely needs to be entertaining for the public and we have to make sure of that. We'll have enough time to figure that part out on one of our next meetings, but still, do you have any ideas right now?"

Lisa shook her head in response. They, mostly Jennie, continued talking through the rest of point two and moved on to the third, which was about finding relatable images that were suitable to the topic and completed the verbal explanation presented by Lisa.

Day one was finally over after a couple more hours, after which both of them went on their own ways. Jennie bid her goodbye to Lisa, but it was left completely ignored by the girl.

Day two came faster than expected and they were stuck in the library once again. There wasn't much of a difference from the previous day. They were still trying to decide from where to start, Jennie kept talking as Lisa kept her usual silence.

Day five was the day of a slight progress. Gone was the awkward atmosphere between them and comfortability settled in instead. Lisa finally said her first few words to Jennie.

Day ten was a weird one. Their hands touched accidentally, but none of them made a move to retreat herself. They just stared where their joined skin for a few long seconds, feeling slight chills run down their spine.

Day fourteen was the day when Lisa dropped her pen while she scribbled down ideas in her notebook. Both her and Jennie were quick to bend down and pick it up from the ground and that caused their heads to bump in each other harshly. Needless to say, it were an awkward few minutes afterwards.

Day twenty-one was when Jennie told Lisa about her relationship with Jackson, not that the girl didn't know already, but it felt good to know that she trusted her with such personal information.

Day twenty-seven, Lisa already started to feel more comfortable in Jennie's presence and got used to her constant company. She felt like they were finally becoming friends.

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