Chapter 8

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It was about seven-fifty in the still gloomy morning when Lisa arrived at university. The temperatures had started falling drastically in the past few days, a clear indication that the freezing winter was on its way again. Lisa made the decision to take her car every morning since she couldn't bear the frigidness while walking any longer and risking her health. Especially when she didn't have her jacket to protect her.

As she walked through the hallways, she noticed colorful pieces of paper sticking to every one of the lockers. She ripped the one that stuck to hers and took a good look at it. It turned out it was a birthday party invitation by some guy named Hyunjun, set for Saturday night. Apparently, he was inviting the whole school.

Who even was this guy? She had no idea, but she also had no plans for the weekend whatsoever and wondered if it was a good idea to visit and distract herself from her dull lonely evenings in her apartment with a few drinks and maybe a piece of cake.

She crumpled the paper and pushed it in her pocket in case she needed it later. Opening her locker, she started putting in and taking out different stacks of books and notebooks, when she felt the strange feeling of someone else's presence behind her.

"Hey, Lisa"

A soft voice spoke from behind her, easing the strong tension that suddenly hit her body. Lisa turned around and was met with Jennie's soft brown eyes. She was fidgeting with her fingers, Lisa noticed. What was with her? Lisa nodded in return.

"Look, I wanted to say thank you for giving me a ride yesterday and saving my butt from getting sick" she laughed awkwardly, looking at her feet.

She lifted her head, now staring at Lisa's eyes, and continued with a serious expression. "And I also wanted to apologize if I ever said anything that made you feel offended or uncomfortable, if you felt like I pushed you too far. It was never my intention to do so. I was just having a very bad day yesterday and I took it all on you, for which I'm really really sorry"

"It's fine" Lisa said and gifted her with a small smile for the first time ever. She really wasn't offended by anything the girl said. She already had too much of a personal experience with people completely losing it around her and talking all possible shit about and to her. She knew that they didn't mean any of it, though. Most of the times, at least, but then they did, it hurt.

"I also think this is yours" Jennie opened her bag and pulled out Lisa's clean jacket, handing it back to her.

"Thanks" Lisa answered and took it from her, incidentally brushing their hands together. They quickly pulled away as awkward silence seeped in between.

Lisa kept looking down at her jacket as she twirled it in her hands, while Jennie's eyes roamed around the whole hallway. Suddenly, she went to her locker and ripped the paper away from it, quietly reading the scribbled down words.

"Birthday party invitation? Do people really do these things in real life?" she read until the end. "Well, I don't know about you but I'm not really the party type so I'll pass" she crumbled the paper and threw it in the nearest trash bin.

"Anyways, I'll see you later in class. Bye" she offered her a small wave and a cute smile before walking away. Lisa followed her retreating form, not realizing she was mirroring the same smile.


Saturday night, that was, party time. Lisa had been waiting impatiently for that day to finally come so she could rip herself out from her repeating lifestyle and endulge herself into the world of loud house music, free alcohol and unlimited amounts of hot collage girls.

It was already about ten-thirty at night and the party, as far as Lisa knew, was supposed to start around ten. She was late but no one was going to really care. During the past few days, she found out that Hyunjun's birthday was actually on Sunday, but the twenty year old big guy wanted people to sing 'Happy Birthday' to him at exactly midnight. How childish.

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