𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝔻𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕔𝕙. 4

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Your POV:

We all hurriedly go back to the beavers house and Mrs. Beaver pack some things, "You'll thank me later" then wolves started to dig from the ceiling of the small house of the beavers.

We all go down a hole and a tunnel underground made by Mr. Beaver with Badger, we all quickly walk through, Lucy in front of me while Susan behind me.

Lucy tripped then, I helped her get up when we all heard the wolves, "They're in the tunnel" Lucy whispers.

I help her got up, "Quick! This way" then we run through, "Hurry!" Mrs. Beaver adds.

We all run and run, "Run!" we all run as fast as we could, "Quick! Quick! Quick!" Susan hurriedly push me a little to fasten my running.

Then we ended up in a dead end, "You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver argues, lThere wasn't room next to the jam" Mr. Beaver then digs up, Susan follows as we were let go first by Peter.

We all follows out the tunnel and once we were outside, Lucy tripped again on a stone as Peter helped Mr. Beaver blocks the opening from the tunnel.

We all look around as saw animals has been turned into a stone, must be the Witch, Mr. Beaver walks towards the badger, "I'm so sorry, dear" Mrs. Beaver said.

"He was my best mate" Mr. Beaver replies, sadly, "What happened here?" Peter ask.

"This is what becomes of those who cross the Witch" said a sudden voice, I look up and saw a fox, "You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr. Beaver tempts then Mrs. Beaver holds him back.

"Relax. I'm one of the good guys" the fox chuckles, "Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones" Mr. Beaver snaps, "An unfortunate family resemblance. But we can argue breeding later. Right now w've got to move" then the wolves barks and scratch their claws on the block.

"What do you have in mind?" Peter ask, the fox said it's plan then we all climb the tree.

We saw the block was being thrown as wolves go out, they circle around the fox, "Greetings, gents. Lost something, have we?" the fox greets.

"Don't patronize me!" the wolf, who I believe the leader, barks, "I know where your allegiance lies. We're looking for some humans" it added.

"Humans? Here in Narnia? That's a valuable bit of information, don't you think?" the fox laughs, then one of the wolves bites the fox beside his body.

"Your reward is your life. It's not much, but still where are the fugitives" the fox whimpers, "North, they ran north" it replies, panting.

"Smell them out" the leader of the pack orders then the ones who bits the fox, throws him aside then they all run north.

The fox whimpers, Peter did a bonfire in the middle of the wintery woods, "They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here before I did" the fox started, "Ow! Oh" it endures it's pain.

"Are you alright?" Peter ask, "Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite. Ow!" it whimpers enduring the pain as Mrs. Beaver to heal his wound, "Stop squirming. You're worse than Beaver on bath day" Mrs. Beaver said.

"Worst day of the year" Mr. Beaver adds, I chuckle, "Thank you for your kindness but that's all the cure I have time for" the fox said.

"You're leaving?" Lucy said, "But it's so soon" I added, "It has been a pleasure. My Queens, and an honor, but time is short, and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops" the fox bowed.

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