Brother! Lloyd: Liar Pt 2

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Green. It was the beautiful colour of the rolling hills of the countryside, the forests, and all of nature. Most importantly, it was the colour of life.


You weren't sure what you were thinking as you wrapped your arms tight around Lloyd and gave him the last of all your savings, your only sweater not worn in with holes, and your backpack. All you could see was the lines of destiny pulling him further and further away from you as you made him promise to stay strong and alive.

The worst part of it wasn't not knowing if he would be alright on his own, or if he'd even be able to scrap by, it was knowing that if you were unsuccessful in defying Destiny that he'd face a fate more terrifying than death. His future relied on you, and you couldn't let him down.

You made your way up the monastery steps. Sweat trickled down your forehead while the world spun until you were dizzy. You forced your way past the burning in your legs and the need for water to knock at the doors. "Uncle!" you called. To your right you caught sight of a doorbell. No, that couldn't be right though. Since when did your uncle install modern technology when he couldn't even operate a television?

You tapped the doorbell and jumped at the crash of a gong. Really? Whose genuis idea was it to use a gong as a doorbell? There was a shout on the otherside of the doorway, but you couldn't even bother to stand. Your knees buckled, and as the doors creaked open, it was lights out.

Awaking to four strangers and an old man made you want to hit the deck and make a run for it. Who were these boys crowded around your bed, and who was that old guy? You squinted at the man, slowly sitting up in your bed. "Uncle...Wu?" He placed a hand on your forehead. "How do you feel?"

"When did you get so...old?" He chuckled and handed you a good 'ol cup of jasmine. "Time has not been kind to me as of late. I see you had quite the journey back home." The three of the boys glanced at each other in confusion. "Uncle?" questioned the blue one.

"That is (Y/n) Garmadon." clarified the white ninja. You turned to the boy and nodded. "Yes, that's me. May I ask who you are?"

"Kai." said the red one. "That idiot's Jay, the smart one's Zane, and the bushy brow is Cole."


You recited the names to yourself before taking a thoughtful sip of your tea. You eyed your Uncle and said, "Are they...?"

"Yes, Elemental Masters. Master of Ice is Zane, Master of Earth, Cole, Lightning, Jay, Fire, Kai." Wu turned to the four boys. "(Y/n) needs her rest. You are all free to take the rest of the day off." The boys scurried out of the room like scared little birds, leaving you and Wu in the room. You surveyed the walls littered with posters, then the old wardrobe sat to the left of the room. A desk sat under a windowsill to your right, and from what you could see, everyrhing had been the same as you left it.

"You didn't change my room." you said. Your uncle smiled warmly. "Of course not. It's still yours after all these years." He shifted in his chair for a moment and set his teacup down on your nightstand. You followed suit.

"Your brother was spotted in Jamanakai village yesterday." You frowned deeply. "At least he's not a street rat in the city." Wu looked like he was about to say something, but you cut him off. "About him...I, uh, I came all this way to ask you something. About the prophecy of the Green Ninja..." You trailed off as Wu's eyes widened. "Who told you?"

"My mother. She said Lloyd was destined to be the Green Ninja, but if it's possible, do you think I could try and see if the Golden Weapons react around me? I don't want Lloyd to be subjected to such a burden. He's only ten, and the way he's living isn' isn't okay."

Wu stroked his beard in deep thought. "And if Lloyd truly is the Green Ninja, what will you do?"

"I will do anything in my power to defy Destiny."

Wu folded his hands together as if he were worried. "How so?"

"I want to be the Green Ninja so Lloyd doesn't have to." There was a moment of silence before Wu stood up to leave. "I suggest you think what you are saying through. Destiny is not so easily defied, and when it is, consequence always follows."


After a nice, long nap in a warm bed that you could call yours again, you awoke and set off to find the other ninja. It didn't matter if what your uncle said was true or not, because you were going to figure out a way to do the impossible.

It wasn't hard to find the four boys gaming in a room or two away from the kitchen. They all sat gathered round a box TV, gaming their way through Fist To Face like it was no-one's business. Their Golden weapons sat either by their side, in the corner of the room, or on their laps as they animatedly spammed buttons on their controls.

"Hello (Y/n)." greeted Zane. "Are you feeling alright?" You nodded. "Yes, thank you. How is your game going?"

"Kai's winning again," answered Jay without looking away from the screen, "and that's saying something for a kid who was only a blacksmith three months ago." Cole let out a laugh as Kai aggressively pounded Jay's avatar to a pulp. "Take that, you loudmouth!" he cried.

You could have stayed like that, watching the game play out and maybe joining in on the fun. It could have been nice, but Destiny said otherwise. There was a divine, greenish glow from all four of the weapons as they hovered off the ground. Wu, who was simply passing by the room paused in his steps to watch.

"Well I'll be."

Jay hurriedly paused the game while Kai awed at you, almost angrily. It was silent before the weapons landed back in their respective resting places.

"You're the Green Ninja?!"

"No way!"

"Seems the bet is off."

"But--I--this isn't--"

Wu turned to you with a sad look in his eyes. You heaved in a shaky breath, running a hand through your hair as the reality of the burden crashed on your shoulders. You were going to be the one to deliver the final blow, to take down your father and bring balance to Ninjago. This was supposed to be an honour. You were supposed to be happy that it would be you instead of Lloyd.


There was nothing great about wearing the colour of life because it made your shoulders feel as heavy as bricks. Wu handed you the green gi, that sad look in his eyes ever evident. "This was what you wanted was it not?" You heaved in a breath that was like a collapsing house of cards.



"I want to be the Green Ninja."

I don't.

"As long as it isn't Lloyd, I'm happy."

You aren't you liar.

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