Cole: Crazy Pt. 2

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It is July and I decided to make a pt two due to popular demand! If you guys want to see more one shots or eish to request more pt twos and other, feel free to comment below! I love seeing comments, they make my day ever so wonderfully ♡
Stay safe, and don't forget to wear your masks! (Be like the ninja, good citizens of Ninjago)

When Cole awoke, the first thing he did was tumble out of bed in a heap on the floor. He gasped and panted, grasping at nothing but air in an attempt to free himself from the prison of sheets.

"Oh, are you alright?"

That smooth, silky voice was one he could never forget. It was the voice of (Y/n), Merlin's sister.

So it wasn't a dream. Maybe he had gone crazy instead?

The girl pulled Cole out of his sheets and helped him onto his feet. She offered a smile and said, "I apologise for startling you Cole." He sheepishly shook his head and tried for a smile, but it came out as a grimace. "It's not your fault."

A comfortable silence settled over the duo, only being filled with the gentle lapping of waves and the squaking of seagulls overhead. "I don't mean to sound weird, but why are you here?" Cole nervously shifted from foot to foot. "In Ninjago, I mean. What makes this...connection so special?"

(Y/n) settled against the wall, leaning her back into the wood almost contently. A soft sigh escaped her lips and it was then that Cole took note of how radiant she looked in the midday rays. "It was quite some time ago," she started, "but I believe it was an accident. Merlin fancied being all tricksy about it--poked fun at me too. About a year ago, I wagered that I could learn how to scry within a day."

Cole knitted his brows together. Scry? What was that?

"Scrying is a form of divination, another sub-category of magic, that allows you to see images in objects such as a crystal ball or water. I chose water in this bet." (Y/n) shook her head. "It was an easy task, but I didn't expect to see you in the fountains. Some say the images can tell your fate. I say that it is a path woven with many other destinies that give you a prod down the right lane."

Cole pursed his lips together. "So what you're saying is think this was supposed to happen? That this 'connection' just...exists?" (Y/n) nodded. "Precisely. Quite anti-climactic if you inquire I." Cole flopped down on his bunk and crossed his arms in thought. The whole reason some mage or wizard or whatever showed up in not only his dreams, but his life, was because of some water scrying?

He wasn't sure he could wrap his head around that. The answer was too plain and simple, like him.

'Oh, I made a bet with my brother, won, and somehow caused the both of us to have dreams about each other. Guess it was destiny, whoops'. How was Cole supposed to take that as an answer?

Was this whole thing an accident? Was Cole simply hopeful in finding himself such a wonderful, and gorgeous human being and that blinded him? Maybe he was just going crazy? There had to be more to it. There just had to be.


He met (Y/n)'s sparkling eyes.

"If you believe any of this to be an accident, then you are wrong. If there is anything my old man taught me, it was that nothing is a coincidence. Not even winning a dumb bet with my brother." She pulled away from the wall and made her way over to Cole. "And to answer your previous question, the reason as to why this connection is so special is because it connects two halves and makes them whole."

Cole found himself being swayed ny her words. Maybe she was right, this was meant to happen, not because of an accident, but because they were meant to be.

"We are two in one. Although separate, contain fragments of the same soul."

Cole recalled all the dreams he sat through at night, where he'd watch (Y/n) go about her day with Prince Arthur and her brother. There would be this tugging in his heart that reeled him in like a fish stuck on a line.

A part of him would long to see (Y/n), to get to know her, and be there for her in those times that made her cry all alone by the castle's private wells.

Then Cole felt it, like a little tap on his shoulder. That pulling feeling in his heart came back, forcing his attention on the gem called (Y/n). She looked so out of place, yet so right in the soft rays of the sun. Her hair glimmered, her eyes shone, and her smile warmed his heart like a fire on a cold night. His lips twitched upwards to match (Y/n)'s smile. Cole felt so warm and fluffy inside.

"Yeah," he finally said, "maybe this was meant to be."

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