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The club hits (Y/N)'s face and Joel yells out, lunging forward slightly but his leg causing him significant pain.

"No!" He shouts. "I told you she was fucking pregnant! She has my child and I swear if you -"

"Relax, old man! I'm doing this to kill you!" Abby screams, bringing the club down again on (Y/N)'s leg.

The ex Firefly was relentlessly screaming, her face covered in blood, sweat and tears. She was sobbing her heart out, sounds that broke Joel and he wanted nothing more than to take her place.

Abby breathes heavily, her chest rising and falling in rapid beats to the thrill of the beating. "Joel Miller..." she breathes, holding out the club and examining the blood.

"Please, please, don't do this. Let him go and take me instead." (Y/N) breathes, her voice barely audible.

Joel shakes his head, groaning. "(Y/N), don't."

"Whatever he did - or whatever you think he did - I was there every step. In reality it was probably my fault." She chuckles slightly, the sound turning to a whimper.

Abby laughs, tilting the woman's head up with the weapon. "That baby growing inside of you is better off without him." She sneers.

"Abby..." (Y/N) begins but she had already started to hit Joel, her swings holding more anger and power then before.

(Y/N)'s screams and cries merged with that of Joel's and once Abby takes a breather, his hand reaches across the floor.

"Baby, it's okay." He promises.

Abby scoffs, going back to hitting him and he slumps to the side. His face was a beaten and bloodied mess, barely recognisable.

(Y/N) had stopped crying and now she was silent. Everything in her was gone. Weak herself, there was nothing she could do. She was lying on her front, dragging herself slightly to Joel until her fingertips grasp his. Her ring was splattered with red and his matched. The pair make eye contact and Joel slightly nods, his eyes closing once more.

The door suddenly swings open as the club hits his face yet again.

Ellie was in the doorway, horrified at the sight and she aims her pistol, but Nora tackles her to the floor. The teenager turns, bringing her small knife across her face when another two grab her. They pin her to the floor and a man kicks her stomach.

"You got her! Look you got her, okay!" Another restrains his friend.

"You're gonna fucking die!" Ellie yells, distraught.

"What's going on?" The leader from before had entered the room, confused by the sight of a young girl.

"Let them go!" Ellie grits through her teeth.

"Who is that?" Another woman asks who had come in with the leader.

"Let them go!" She repeats.

"She snuck in..."

"Why aren't you posted up outside?"

"We didn't think anyone was gonna show up!" Nora exclaims.

"The hell did you expect? We gotta get outta here before the whole town's on top of us." The man instructs, stopping in front of Abby. "You're done."

"You want what I want, right?" She counters and he sneers at her.

"End it. Now." He says, his voice dangerously low.

Abby shifts her weight, her grip on the golf club tightening and Ellie's breathing becomes rapid. She watches (Y/N)'s eyes slowly open, spotting the young girl.

"Ellie." She chokes out, her voice hoarse.

"(Y/N)... Joel has to get up. He has to fucking get up." Ellie shouts, her voice strained.

The older woman's mouth, swollen and crushed with dried and and glistening with fresh blood curves into a defeated smile. "It's okay."

Ellie shakes her head, trying to get out of her restraints.  Joel doesn't move and (Y/N) squeezes his cold hand, no longer portraying any emotion as she lies there. Ellie notices how she had given up and she writhes again under the weight of her detainer. She barely recognised the people she looked up to as parents. They had both been beaten to a bloody pulp, but neither had seemed to put up the fight they would of done five years previous.

The Miller couple had been defeated.

"Please stop." The young girl's voice cracks. "Please don't do this. Joel, please get up! (Y/N), come on, make him get up."

Abby's arms come flying down, the weapon she had used to beat the life out of the married couple, hitting his lifeless body.

"No!" Ellie screams, sobbing.

(Y/N) breathes out, her ears ringing and the voices around her muffling. Her eyes close once more, the grip holding her lover's hand relaxing.

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