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The wind dances through the crops, weaving between and brushing against them gently. The sun was starting to rise, the colours spreading across the land in a soft glow.

(Y/N) and Joel Miller stand in front of their house. They had taken Lev to Jackson, palmed him off on someone else. The journey there saw (Y/N) bleed into unconsciousness and Joel managed to get her seen to straight away.

Now they were home. In essence their land looked the same way they had left it. But they were not the same people who had left. (Y/N)'s guilt had been broken but at the cost of scars she would never heal from. Joel had seen a different side to her, but it never stopped him from loving her the way he did when they first met.

She was the light in his life and she had fire that he loved.

Looking next to him, he watches her take a deep breath in, exhaling through the mouth. In reassure, Joel grabs (Y/N)'s hand and the pair walk to the front door.

Twisting the handle, (Y/N) is the first to cross the threshold. The sound of her baby girl's giggles greets her ears and Tommy enters from the kitchen, his worry turning into relief.

"So?" He asks, looking between them.

(Y/N) places her bag down, saying nothing as she plasters on a grin, taking (D/N) from Tommy's arms and heading into the living room.

He turns to his brother instead, who stares at where his wife just was. "She did it, Tommy." He says and Tommy's eyes widen slightly in disbelief.

"Holy shit, I didn't think she'd have it in her when it came down to it." He admits and Joel chuckles half-heartedly. "I don't think any of us did."

In the other room, (Y/N) can hear them talking quietly about her actions. She keeps her baby close to her, her mouth pressing a kiss on her temple.

She rocks her gently, her eyes wandering to the photos on the mantelpiece above the fire. From the brother's, to their wedding, to Sarah and then finally Ellie. Just beside that, (D/N) and (Y/N) trails back to Ellie.

"For you." She whispers.


The night of Dina and Ellie's kiss. Joel had found Ellie, the two making peace and him showing his support. Now she stood with (Y/N) on the front porch, leaning next to each other on the beam.

"You're such an asshole." Ellie breathes and the woman chuckles. "I'm sure that's true but may I inquire as to why?"

"I was supposed to do in that hospital." She says and (Y/N)'s grin fades. "My life would've fucking mattered. But you and Joel - you took that from me."

(Y/N) nods, tapping her nails on the wood and sighing. "If we were given a second chance in that moment, we would do it all over again."

"I don't think I can ever forgive you for that." Ellie breathes and (Y/N) smiles, turning to the girl. She places a hand on her cheek, brushing back her hair like she used to do when Ellie was younger.

"Being part of the Fireflies was a choice I regret, but what I don't is being given the opportunity to be in your life. I wanted out of that group, but I stayed for you...

"...everything I do is for you." She whispers.

Ellie's eyes glaze and she leans against the touch of the ex Firefly, who she viewed as a mother figure. "I - I would like to try."

(Y/N) lets out a shaky breath, smiling as she leans against the beam once more. "I'd like that. And so will Joel."

Ellie smiles, giving her one last look and a curt nod before walking away.

Joel joins his wife stood in the middle of the room. He kisses the top of his daughter's head, wrapping his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

"Tommy's gone." He mumbles and she nods. "You doing okay?"

Humming, she smiles slightly. "I am."

"And so am I."

(Y/N) looks at him, giving him a soft kiss. "I'm gonna put (D/N) down for a nap." She says and he smiles, letting her go upstairs.

Singing a soft lullaby, (Y/N) puts (D/N) down in the crib, stopping her song as her eyes flutter to a close. She watches her peacefully sleeping,

The loss of Sarah to Joel and Ellie to (Y/N) was a heavy burden that had become lighter for Joel to handle over the years. It still weighed on his mind as it did with (Y/N), who was overcome with grief and fearing it was her fault. Her whole world had unravelled at the pull of the thread but the miracle of having (D/N) completed the couple.

Abby had lit the candle of revenge in (Y/N) and avenging Ellie's death was all she needed to blow that flicker of flame out.

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