Chapter 9

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"What are you thinking about?" Sylva asked, bringing Valentina out of her thoughts. She still was not sure if Sylva was happy to have her back, even though at breakfast she hugged her with welcome arms. Sylva was like that, she can play nice to your face but chat behind your back with Michael. She remembered when she was newlywed, Michael had a suspicious way of knowing what she did that day when he was away or how she acted toward the staff, mainly Benito when he pissed her off.

"I just met Kiara," Valentina said, trying to play it off as if it was not a big deal, but knowing that Kiara exists would hinder her plans to make Michael fall in love with her again. Maybe Sylva can give her some insight into how strong their relationship was, she thought.

She furrowed her brows on the topic her soft eyes had now a hint of disgust on the matter.

"I'm not too keen on her." She replied much to her relief, a small smile curled on Valentina's lips

"She is a gold digger. I think she is only with Michael for his money." She continued as her eyes shifted to Bria who was watching  Ladybug on the 50-inch flat-screen on the wall.

"Oh, then why is Michael with her?" she asked her and she turned back to her with a smile.

"Isn't it obvious she reminds him of you? Only in looks, I must say not in temperament."

So she was right Michael was still somewhat in love with her but granted she was his dead wife when he created these shrines. Their room upstairs looked the same as how she left it and now Kiara. He didn't know that she had betrayed him and faked her death so even though he loved her in death she couldn't place his true feelings for her yet.

The way he looked at her made her shiver, his eyes could be so dark and intimidating, yet sometimes when she glanced at him, it would be soft and curious as if he could not believe she was alive. She knew Michael, and how well he held on to resentment, he does not forgive easily. Nate suffered the fate of his resentment, who was at his side since he was a boy.

He, however, has only shown her that he wanted her gone once he got Bria unattached from her.

Valentina was beginning to feel flustered and decided to get some fresh air outside in the garden. Michael hadn't restricted her movement. She wasn't allowed outside the compound but she could still freely roam around the estate, she got up from the sofa catching Bria's attention.

"Where are you going, Mommy?" She asked as she perked her head up at her.

"For some fresh air," she replied to her daughter

"Do you wanna come with me?" She shook her head and said she wanted to continue watching Ladybug.

The garden was something she always loved. Michael made it specifically for her. It was filled with the most exotic flowers and bright red roses and a special black color breed. There was a huge mermaid fountain in the middle and water sprouted from her mouth making the most magical setting when it is night and her colors come on.

Michael and Valentina would often sneak out here at midnight to make love under the mermaid's glow when he wasn't busy running his empire. She remembered it so well and a feeling of dread also came across her mind.

Five Years Ago.

She stood standing admiring the roses, her eyes wet from crying because Michael told her that she would have to go to the secluded house in the country. She hated it and hated that the life she had was about to be rooted to satisfy her husband's need for power. He was powerful even before he wanted to be the bosses of all bosses, and when he left they were fighting, she read online that stress can cause miscarriage, and while gently touching the petal of a white rose, she wished that things can go back to normal.

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