Chapter 23

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The last couple of days seemed so unreal. It is as if the scare at the hospital made everything Valentina did to hurt Michael disappear into thin air. He was treating her better, which made her think that he's trying to forgive her for what happened in his office, or he just doesn't want another ER incident.

"I have to go to New Jersey for a week," Michael said from across her nursing a cup of coffee. They were in the kitchen having breakfast, well Michael and Valentina, Bria thought it would be more fun to have hers on the floor in the living room watching cartoons on Netflix with Adele at her side. She had become obsessed with their little housekeeper, but who hadn't they all adored her.

She nodded at him, as she played with the scrambled eggs on her plate, he looked at her intently.

"I can't shake the thought of something happening to you and the baby when I'm away." He said, and she touched her growing stomach. It had been a week since the incident, and ever since they first felt him kick. The little tyrant had taken over her stomach completely, sometimes at night she barely got to sleep, that is when he practices his summersaults.

"Michael, we will be fine, and judging from last night gymnastics met in my stomach. The baby is okay." He laughed at her comment.

"Kept you up all night, didn't he?" He asked and she nodded, and he got up from his chair and inched closer to her. During the past couple of days, Michael had allowed himself to become free with his movement when it comes to her growing belly. He would touch without any hesitation, Valentina like that, his touch quite their son, it was as if they were connected to each other. Every time Michael was near he would be still, and listen to his father. She sometimes wished Michael would come into bed with her at night, so then maybe she could have a restful sleep.

He stooped down next to her and held on to her stomach, she arched her back slightly and looked down at him.

"I'm going away for a little while sweet boy, and I need you to stop keeping your mom up during the night." He said before kissing her belly, she jerk forward slightly, feeling his soft lips on her hard stomach. He looked up at her with those green eyes, and she felt a chill run up her spine. Valentina wished he was going to kiss her on her lips instead, oh gosh she had been craving him. The hormones, or whatever has been going on in her body was sending her crazy. Her eyes followed him as he walked out of the room, as she felt her heart practically beating out of her chest.


Bria's appointments with the institute had given Valentina ample time to go out. She has been progressing beautifully so well that the doctor commented that she wouldn't need her breathing tube by her next treatment. Michael had left two days ago, and as Valentina walked through one of France maternity boutiques with Bria at her side she heard a familiar voice.

"So you really hadn't taken up my offer to try my award-winning macaroons." she turned to the gentle yet deep voice, and her eyes widen; a smile spreads across her lips.

"Jarius!" she said and he opened his arms for a hug, feeling obligated she hugged him, he smelt like warm cinnamon.

"What are you doing here?" she asked and he turned and pointed to a store across the street from the boutique.

"My bakery is across the street when I saw you come out of the car I thought you were coming to check me out."she laughed slightly, patting his shoulders. He looked at her with his honey brown eyes.

"Well, I guess I should say congratulations." He said his eyes wandering down to her stomach, her pregnancy was now really visible as if it had grown overnight. So big in fact all of her clothes refuse to fit; thus, her being in this store.

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