Getting to know you ...

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*Picture of Ella on the side*

I squint as my eyes adjust to the morning light as my mum bangs on my door loudly,"Ella,Ella! Wake up!". I groan,"Mum,it's like eleven o'clock why are you calling me so early? It's a saturdayyy". Suddenly she storms in, ripping the covers off me,"We're meeting the Huntersons for lunch at the Country Club, I want you ready by twelve". I huff. I'm not in the mood to be 'entertained' by Noah today.  

I pad to my en-suite and run myself a hot shower. Cleaning my teeth and washing my face I make my way over to my closet to pick out my outfit. After a lot of clothes tossed on the floor, I finally decide on my backless, white sundress. It contrasted nicely with my skin ( we had gone to our yacht in Miami the week before because my dad had business over there). I slipped on my white converse, waved my hair, applied some lip balm and I was ready to go. 

I could smell our maid Antoinette's  famous French toast wafting out from the kitchen and I rushed downstairs, to be met with the warming scent of fresh fruit and icing sugar. "Ah bon matin! Comment est mon petit pois préférée?" I smile as she wraps me in a powdered sugar embrace. Antoinette had worked for us ever since I could remember. My Mother,Father and I had developed a close bond with her over the years and she was more of a friend than a maid." Your little pea is very good Antoinette but, please may I have some of your extremely delicious french toast now?". She grins and  and gives me a plate laden with the sweet sugary bread and I dive in. 

After my 7th French toast my Mum suddenly rushes into the kitchen. "Ella you've had about 10 of them now come on we have to go!" I look sadly at the last peice of toast before being dragged out to the Range Rover and shouting a quick thankyou to a chuckling Antoinette. Well today's going to be 'fun'. 

*Noah's POV* 

My parents and I just finished checking into the country club when I saw her. Her slender tanned body was covered with a thin white dress and her golden hair flowed down to her hips. Ella was quite literally breath taking. My palms sweated as I greeted her parents and gave her a light kiss on the smooth skin of her cheek. Our hands brushed and I feel that same spark I always feel when in close proximity with her. It's weird really, how I barely even acknowledged her prescence when we were younger and now it's taking me everything not to just grab her and kiss her. It takes restraint to not lean into her and breath in her sweet,sugary scent and I feel almost dizzy just looking at her. Why am I feeling like this? No girl has ever made me so...fixated. The moment is lost when I notice both our parents staring at each other with knowing looks on their faces. Weird.  

We order champagnes and starters and the conversation runs smoothly throughout the table. I can sense Ella getting bored ,so I sent her a quick text. 
*Ella's POV* 

My phone vibrates from my purse and I click to see the message. It was from an unknown number.  

This is getting boring, lets ditch and do something fun ;) 
Noah x 

I felt him nudge my leg and I look up at him. He swivels his eyes towards the door and I nod with a small smile. I might as well go, there's nothing else to do. " I'm going to show Ella around our part of the country club". He flashes a bright white movie star smile and for some reason our parents beam and look at each other. " Of course Noah darling, what a great idea." My mother practically gushes. Noah and I share a confused look before he grabs my hand and leads me out the club. He starts to pull me towards the boating lake and I frown, " I thought we were going to your part of the country club?" He looks at me with and eyebrow raised and laughs. "You don't seriously think that my idea of 'fun' is walking around looking at some grass for half an hour?" I roll my eyes "What are we doing then?". He gestures his hand towards some couples on the rowing boats and grins at me. " Time to get wet Ella bear" Ella bear? He winks and I fake gag but follow him over to the lake anyway. 

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