Hollow [Good ending?]

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This ending was requested I quote, "Different ending" so imma be nice and do a fluffier chapter..so a good ending? Bc Monaca go to space and say "bye-bye" permanently.

I hate this as well.

Anyways, on with the oneshot.

Izuru's POV (I barely do his POV..wow)

Nagito had his hand over his mouth. He looked..shocked. I was confused to his shock, but yet I know why I don't understand. Monaca seemed to disappear, she wasn't anywhere we had searched for, and we were currently where Nagtio said, "was the last place we would find her".

This was not good.. though we had her. It is obvious we can take a little, disabled, girl in a physical fight..but Nagito said she had some sort of..power that gave her the ability to control the monokumas.

We had to make sure we robbed her and the world of this power.. though I am the ultimate hope..I got every ultimate talent imaginable..it shouldn't be a problem..shouldn't it? Damn, Komaeda has me questioning myself..he really is rubbing off on me.

There in the middle of the dim hallway, we saw three podiums standing there aimlessly. They each had a picture of a member of "the warriors of hope". I repulsed at the name. Truly childish of them to be causing so much despair and to have the audacity to call themselves that.

I saw Komaeda lumber towards the podiums out of the corner of my eye. It seemed safe, as this place was abandoned, but my gaurd was not lowered completely. He seemed to compose himself..as if he had gotten over some loss? No..don't tell me..did he actually care about those brats..?

"Komaeda.." I cut myself off, unsure. He once wanted to call himself ultimate hope, it would be pretty pathetic of him now to succumb to despair this easily. Then again, he said he was on both despair and hope's side..

He turned around a little, just glancing behind his shoulder. He gave me a simple look, perhaps a look of acknowledgement.

"..." I was staring at him for a moment and glanced into nothingness.

"Is something the matter, Izuru?" Komaeda asked. He didn't sound bothered, so I guess it was okay. It's crazy how he asked what I wanted to ask.

I looked back at him. "..nothing."

He looked somewhat disappointed and went back to going over to the podiums. He glanced at them for moments and headed back towards me.

"It's a shame we didn't find her. I guess we'll catch her some other day." He said in a hopeful tone. Whenever talking, or trying to get the truth across, he always made it sound hopeful without sugarcoating it..something I could never do.

I looked at him and he smiled back at me. "We better head out."

His smile faltered and his facial expression turned into a confused one. "But why?" He said. "Why would we want to stay here." I said.

"O-h, right." He said awkwardly. He seemed off. "What is it. " I demanded for answer. "What do you mean? Eh heh." He chuckled sheepishly. I just got my answer. I'm not going to argue with him.

I ended up dragging Komaeda with me. We made it back to our current household without any injuries. "Hey Izuuuuu." Komaeda cooed as he beckoned for me to follow him. "..." I kept my usual expression on and followed him. I'll let this nickname slide..

He stopped in his tracks. I continued to walk to his side. He took my arm and dragged me down the long halls.

I do not like physical contact much, Komaeda is pretty much the only person in the world that can touch me. I relaxed my shoulders, I expected some confession from him..about the podiums and his relation to those "deceased" kids. I am rarely wrong. He dragged me into our shared room that I hardly enter. He let go of my arm and threw a blanket onto of my head. He hid behind a unfolded shoji. I stepped inside the room more and put the blanket aside. I took off my jacket and let my tie hang loose. The light outside was fading, if I had to guess it was probably seven in the evening. "Komaeda, why did you bring me here." I asked, there had to be some catch.

He stepped away from the shoji and revealed himself. He was wearing a dark grey colored shorts that went all the way down to his knees, a plain short sleeved shirt that was bleached white. "I just wanted to spend some time with youu..and I thought maybe we could..s..nuggle." He hesitated towards the end in embarrassment. He looked to the side and I saw a soft pink cross his face.

I blinked and walked towards him. He glanced at me nervously and glanced away once our eyes met. As I gotten closer my expression did not change in the least bit.

I had engulfed Komaeda in a hug, my chin resting atop of his head. His arms were folded against my chest, he relaxed after a second and hugged back. "Of course."

"I.." he looked up at me, his eyes seemed to gloss slightly. "I love you Izuru." He said while hugging me tighter.

"I love you as well."


Byakuya Togami had discovered us.

We gotten word that Monaca Towa had left.

The monokumas had vanished mysteriously.

That Towa city has been saved.

All because a kid changed her mind. She still had a grasp on this city..though she had no true power without the monokumas. She displayed great mercy? It was expected. She probably gotten bored or scared.

At least we were safe from that chaos. At least Towa city was safe..probably one of the fewest places safe now. That is until Junko gets word..but until then.

I think we'll be just fine.

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