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Even after months of isolation
It wasn't until school started
When I felt truly alone

Even with a thousand people
Only one talked to me
I didn't think much of it

Till I woke up the next day
Utterly drained
As the familiar feeling of loneliness
Crashed like the tides

Drowning me
Suffocating me
And yet it has the gall to look pleasing

Being alone, at first, doesn't seem bad
It's manageable but still
I want to scream and shout

I don't want to be alone
But that thought was quickly forgotten
And I could feel the chains yet again

Bringing my further and further down as I tried
To reach the surface once again

I will not, could not, let it win
So I swear on all the seas and stars
I will not live like that again

I will not give in to the crushing loneliness that haunts me

Not again. Not this time.

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