5 P1|| Kairosclerosis

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The next day at school, rumors were going around that Chanhee and I were dating. It wasn't true and it was most likely Chanhee who threw the rumors out there. Every aisle of the library to every corner of the school, people glared at me, especially the girls. I get it, he's popular, but what makes him so popular that everyone in the whole school would give me a glare. I didn't understand why everyone acted that way nor did I understand Chanhee's motive. Out of everyone, I was the one he chose. We've been to school together for about 3 years or so and just now, he decides to make a move, right after I got involved in the Kiss Game. I do find it weird how I never notice him and he never noticed me until I joined the game. I didn't think much. Besides, Chanhee is not part of the game nor is he the creator of the game; that creator is most likely an old grandpa in a wheelchair or even on his own death bed. Maybe I shouldn't jinx that or else karma will strike me. 

"That was fast." Jaemin said as he sat besides me. "You and Chanhee started a relationship a bit too quick. Don't you think so?"

"We're not in a relationship, we're just friends for now. It's just that Chanhee is taking things too far." I sighed.

"Here, drink this." He passed me a banana milk. 

"I like the strawberry one better, but I'll take it anyways." I took the milk from his hands and opened it. 

"So how are you going to win this time? Your victim is a player too..." 

He drank his milk and smiled. "Did you know? Top always wins."

"What do you mean by 'top always wins'?" I asked out of confusion. 

He moved his face closer to mine. "Park Y/N, you're quite naive for a high schooler who's almost an adult." He laughed. I flicked his forehead and pouted. "Don't mock me." I told him. He laughed. "That wasn't mocking."

I sat silently for a moment and brush it off. "Forget it! But tell me. Top always wins?"

He cleared his throat before saying anything. "Top always wins. Say... If I do this to you." He quickly got on top of me, pinning me down on the ground. "You see, you're at the bottom and I'm at the top, so if I kiss you now, I'll win and you'll lose. This is what I meant by 'top always wins'." He got off and sat down again. I sat up and nod my head, understanding what he meant. "So that means if I'm on top and I kiss my victim, I will win. Correct?" 

He nodded and pointed at me. "Correct."

"Wait... Then why is it that top always win?" I asked.

This time, he spits out his milk and looked at me in a disappointed expression. "I know you're naive, but I didn't expect you to be THIS innocent minded." He closed his eyes and sighed. "Forgive me Lord Jesus." He opened his eyes and smiled. "Ok... AHH. How should I explain this? Fuck!" He inhaled and exhaled and opened his mouth to talk again. "Ok forget this, I'm not explaining it in a good way. I'll just summarize it into one sentence. During sex the top person is the controller so yea." He quickly said.

I nodded my head. "That didn't go through my head, but ok." 

"Someone needs to teach you these things." He sighed in frustration. 

- - -

"Hey are you busy this weekend?" Chanhee asked.

"No. Why?"

"Just because. I have a party and I want to invite you." 

"Who and who are going to be there?" I asked.

"Just the seniors. Why? Do you want to bring a friend?"

"Can I?"

"Up to you. You can bring as many friends you like." 

The Kiss Game // Jaemin FFWhere stories live. Discover now