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   "Hey, do you have a place in mind already?"

"Place in mind-?"

" Are we going to spend the rest of our time in the library?"

"pftt I guess you know how to tell a joke-"

"I wasn't joking"

"sigh nevermind, anyways I do have a place in mind.."

"Where to?"

"You'll see when we get there! C'mon!"

Shoto's POV

Sometimes I don't really get her you know... I was never telling a joke in the first place, did it sound like a joke? (typical Todoroki hayss) I wonder what place are we going, probably the mall..or the amusement park and.. I can't think of anywhere else, a girl like her would go to.. ah salon? That's the worst out of the 3..

Momo's POV

Gosh I was setting the mood earlier but then he said he wasn't trying to joke! Seriously what type of guy is he?! All I know about him is his name is Shoto Todoroki and he likes books! Starting a relationship before this new years is not going well at all! And that guy seems like he was also pulled in this challenge thing by those employees, he doesn't show any interest at all-! He- HIS A IGNORANT GUY TYPE-

Whatever, I'm going to choose that I would actually like to go~ and that place is!

*Yelling* *noises*

"You chose the Arcade?"

"This is the place I would actually enjoy!"

"I didn't expect for you to pick this.."

"What were you expecting-"

"The mall, or salon, Amusement park?"

"Gosh why didn't I think of that?!?"

"There's no Amusement park open in the holidays"

"Your- never mind, let's start playing!"

Third person's POV

The arcade was full of kids, but there was a fight going on, everyone in the arcade were watching, they don't know who will win and who will lose. Everyone was staring at them, gathering around... It was a scary fight, they didn't know it would end like this

"I- wait.."


"You such a loser, after 234 rounds? Are you serious?"

And so the game match of Hyper duel (Just got it in the internet don't ask me >3) ended with Momo winning 1 time and of course Shoto winning the rest rounds.. Kids were swarming around Momo when she won and was congratulating her with hand shakes, she felt like it was such an honor to win, on the other hand was Shoto was thinking why he isn't recognize for winning 234 times against Momo.

He noticed something about her, she was really good at talking and warming people up, he could see her playing games now with the other kids. As he was unconsciously looking her, she saw him staring.. and that time, the kids started teasing and soon they left because of this. The kids regretted their decision when they saw both of them walking away, they wanted to play more but they needed to leave. The two were walking in the empty streets,the street lights were already open, silence filled the atmosphere, The empty was obviously enough for two people, but they walked close with each other.But it was time to go home one question was in their minds "Will we ever see each other again? Can we see each other in this coming count down?" 

Who will speak up? They both want the same thing.. Momo was leaving and bowed turning her back..and Shoto was standing there, seeing her walk away. Yaoyorozu turned to see Shoto's face, she let out a big sigh and walked to shoto,while rummaging in her bag,She stopped in front of him and took out a ball pen and a paper, and starts writing . She takes Todoroki's hand and place the paper in his hand and says "See you on 31, please call me" She ran, she didn't know if he felt the same way but atleast she tried. Shoto opened the paper and it was her number, he smiled and turned away to go home...

This is ending soon! :)

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